Upset Stomach

Hi All,
Does anyone else have upset stomachs with there OES............

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Yes, Simone has a tender tummy. Not helping with this dog food scare..........

Even more important, I have a friend who lived in the UK, got a sheepie there and the dog is a constant tender tummy dog. Getting her through puppyhood was a challenge as nearly everything she ate, zoomed through the back end. The dog learned to go outside and squirt, come in doors and stand in the shower waiting for a butt wash. It was every bowel movement. Exhaustive tests, nothing definite except a whole lot of food allergies.
I hope it's not any allergies, I've put Pre-Soluble on her food tonight and again tomorrow morning I hope this will help her.
It could be just a bug as it is coming into spring time there, just keep an eye on her and no improvement better to take her to the vet.

In the meantime, feed her a bland diet to not upset the system, rice and cooked chicken flesh, no skin from the chicken, till things firm up, give her a couple of days and if no improvement then off to the vets. :wink:

Also make sure she is drinking plenty of water to keep her fluid levels up while she is loose.
I put a little bit of Pedylite in the water to keep my puppy hydrated when he has a bout with dirrareah. Pedylite is given to children for the same reason. I use the clear, unflavored and mix it with his water.Keeps the electrolytes in check!
Breena has a sensitive tummy and because of it she won't eat certain foods. Its very human of her (lol) But I noticed when we switched her dog food from a chicken based food to lamb her tummy has been better and she hasn't thrown up on me lately. If your pup is anything like Breena it can also be sticks and leaves from the yard. She likes to eat them and if we don't watch her we end up on tummy meds from the vet. :cry:
Pepsi has a very sensitive tummy.
He can only eat a Lamb and Rice food.
Any tiny change in his diet will cause a bout of Diarhhea or soft stools. :roll:
Wow do you think this could be a breed specific aliment? Laika was doing so well with the home cooking and she started getting runny stools again.
Tummy issues are sooooooo frustrating. I do think sheepdogs suffer from their share of stomach ailments, and might even be prone to them, but the problem is that there are so many medical issues that can cause stomach upset, some digestive, some not. After 10 frustrating months of switching foods, blood tests, fecal samples, etc., Oscar had an endoscopy. It's the definitive test when it comes to digestive problems, and the only real way to rule certain things in or out, when no one can seem to locate a cause.

Oscar's endoscopy showed that he has an extremely inflamed small intestine, and no other problems (ulcers, colitis, diverticulitis, etc.). What they can't tell you is why. :( Then you start the detective work of food elimination, trying to see if it's a food sensitivity that is causing it. With all the switching, Oscar did the best on Natural Balance Venison (now recalled! :evil: ). Now we've switched him to Nature's Recipe Venison and Brown Rice, and he seems to be doing okay on it. He gets no treats, no table food, nothing but the kibble.

Before we discovered the root of Oscar's issues, I used to give him raw fruit and veggies. My holistic vet told me that raw fruit and veggies are complex carbs that are taxing on a dog's digestive system, and could cause stomach upset. Needless to say, no more of those for Oscaroo.

I sympathize with everyone whose dogs suffer from chronic stomach issues, and envy those who can feed their dogs anything without feeling the consequences! :D

Laurie did your Holisitic Vet ever mention to give oscar a Digestive Enzyme supplement to help with his tummy issues?
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