Moving Heaven and Earth

Well when the going gets tough...the tough get going..or so I've heard.

I'm actually pretty soft spoken and don't carry a big stick but when things are unjust the Libra in me gets motivated.

There was my foster boy, the beraggled stray cat named Dusty who I had to nurse back to health after the Isolation Room at the SPCA was being painted. I gave him his meds, good food, TLC, took him in on behalf of the SPCA and got him neutered. Told to bring him back before kitten season I did this with a heavy heart as all my other fosters were adopted directly from my home after paying the fees to the SPCA and being approved by them and myself. I wrote a glowing report about him and gave them three photos which they placed on Petfinders.

Kept track of him for a few days and then he dissapeared!!! That's not good news as usually means he's been put down as normally would say adopted or transferred. I was devasted as the policy requires all foster parents would know beforehand and have first dibs to adopt at half price.

By some strange fluke Dusty had been transferred to a shelter 70 miles away, the shelter flooded and he was transferred yet again to Petcetra which showcases SPCA animals for a month then returns them to the shelter if they are not adopted.

That shelter is out of the jurisdiction of my shelter whom I volunteer for. heaven and earth..(numerous calls) not only did the both co-ordinators from my shelter get involved but so did the co-ordinator from the other one as well as the Petcetra manager. Promises of 50 dollars worth of kitty litter, free transfer back to my shelter and half price for him, which exceeds the cost of the litter as that shelter charges less than mine.

My unassuming stray foster boy is going to be with me Saturday and have his forever home. After illness and numerous transfers he will get the life he deserves. I am also touched that so many people offered to step up and help. You can't save them all and sadly I know that but I developed a bond with this one. So the story will end happily for Dusty!

Good news too as remember my broken back stairs? Well someone who knew I fostered or cared for numerous animals fixed them free for me as a result of my volunteer work!!! Yeah!!!!

Still using someone else's computer but will post pics when I get it fixed.

Marianne and the furballs :wink:
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Good, good, good!!! I can't wait for pictures!! :D
Marianne - so glad you got your stairs fixed. Must be all that good karma you spread around.

Can't wait to see pictures of the new furbabies.
Thanks to both of you!

Speaking of Karma and "playing it forward" have two sweet events that took place this week while all this was going on with Dusty.

First one: while on the phone regarding Dusty, I found out one previous foster cat, a small black cat (remember black cats and dogs are always last to be adopted from shelters) had been at one Petcetra for almost a year!!! A very unusual situation as that particular store doesn't return animals to the shelter after a month like the one Dusty is in. Now I felt terribly that I was worried about Dusty being there for almost 30 days when I heard about this little cat.

One of my closest friends called me in tears regarding she lost her cat to the recent pet food tainting. Claiming she could never get another pet due to the heartbreak. I said what I often say here..the loss of one means another can be helped, not to replace as each is unique and irreplaceable but to honor the one lost. She called back a hour later and said she wanted that little black cat!!!!!! Finally after a year Mimi has a forever home and is now sitting at the moment curled up on her couch. I wouldn't have known about her if it hadn't been in my search for Dusty and calls to the various stores and shelters.

Story two: I posted an ad for a free trampoline which is sitting in my back yard now neglected and never used. Ten mins later I pick up the newspaper and see a story about a young boy whom gave up his trampoline money to a scholarship fund for a young mother/teacher whom was murdered in our city. I called his parents and offered them the trampoline. Mom burst into tears, principal called me and thanked me - said this was a nice kid that deserved it. Ironically I knew the teacher as I had worked with her years before and always remembered her beautiful smile.

Sorry, didn't mean to write a novel here but sometimes you wonder if Karma is at work and with both stories there was a rainbow after the storm.

Marianne and the boys
Wow, what excellent news for Dusty, Mimi and about your steps and the little boy with the trampoline. :clappurple:
:high5: :go: :cheer:
It's so nice when things happen like that.
Thanks Elissa!!

After such a horrible set of events last month - transmission on my van, hot water tank, dryer and washing machine, back stairs, Vet bills for Blue and Bunny, then Dusty....I was getting a bit :phew: overwhelmed.

This month - :yay:

Guess I was due for a good month!!

Marianne and the boys
Congrats on your new guy!! Hope that shelter feels bad for making all of you jump through so many hoops to get him back. :x
Thanks Maxx! I felt for the two co-ordinators as although they usually have a say as to who gets transferred and this happened without their knowledge . Both really tried to help finding out where the heck he was. So can't fault them and hopefully it doesn't happen often.

Marianne, the world needs more people like you.
Thanks Simons Mom but there are so many people out there that do so much more than me..I just happened to share my story here.

Well I'm back after a long day - thankfully the transmission is fixed as I thought it would be 140 miles round trip when actually it was probably close to 200 miles. LOL I got lost but ended up taking some nice country drives as I kept missing the turn off after the freeway.

Dusty is home!!!

Marianne and the 12 furballs
Glad you made it home with Dusty! Sounds like it was a scenic drive anyway too. :D
Bravo Marianne. :P
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