What does everybody like to read?

Paula O's post got me wondering....what kinds of books do all of you enjoy? :)
I'm a hugely voracious reader, myself, and usually have 2-4 books going at a time :roll:

So...:what are you reading at the momement (be honest...however trashy! :wink: )

what is your favorite type of book?

What is your favorite book, or series, ever?

For me...currently I am reading: "Feast of Souls" by C.S. Friedman (a fantacy), and "The Lost History of the Canine Race (our 15,000 year love affair with dogs)" by Mary Elizabeth Thurston

My favorite types of books are, Sci-Fi. Fantacy, Mystery, scientific non-fiction, and Children's books

My favorite books ever are a fantacy series by Barry Hughart:"TheBridge of Birds", "The Story Of the Stone", and "Eight Skilled Gentlemen",
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I read a lot too and personally like murder/mystery the best.

I do have a funny story to add to this...my twin likes to read a lot as well and instead of continually buying books, we each read several then mail them out to each other....

This go-round Lisa got 14 murder/mystery/intruige books....and she whined...." I dont want to read these....these are boring.."

I got my box, opened it and found 20 historical romance novels....sigh...I called her and whined back....I am now on my 5th one...she for some reason has a ''thing'' for Highlanders....they are all taking place in Scotland with a stolen wench..... 8O sigh
I can't read more than 1 book at a time. I get confused!!!! I admire people who can though because it would have helped me in college.

I'm reading some boring book about the life of a deaf person. Something about train. stop. or something... It's so boring that I've had to start over a gazillon times. ...still have to get through it for a class.

For pleasure: I enjoy reading spiritual true stories (struggles and how they overcame something). I also enjoy tear-jerkers.
My current new favorite books are the Sookie Stackhouse series. they're lighthearted romantic suspense about a telepathic waitress who falls in love with a vampire (and then another vampire, and then a were tiger, not to mention her crushes on a werewolf, and her boss, a were collie!) They're fabulous books, I HIGHLY recommend them to anyone looking for a fun, albeit addictive read!

My sister is also working on a novel, so I've been helping her with that and doing a lot of research reading similar types of books.
I love historical fiction, favorite authors are Diana Gabaldon, W. Michael Gear and Kathleen Gear, Jean Auel etc... but none of them has anything new out for me to read at the moment.
Reading - one of my favorite subjects!
Believe it or not my sons and I just got home from the
bookstore. I have already read so many authors that
now I have really gone to a wide range just to have
something to read inbetween new releases of the ones
I really wait for. I did the standard Grisham, Cornwell,
Deaver, and that sort. Then I went to Evanovich, JD Robb-
in death series -(which faded out quickly for me - I think I read 10)
and then people started mailing me books. Friends and
family who thought I had to like whatever they were reading.
Some of them are seriously trashy, or have become trashy
toward the end of a series - like Laurell Hamilton, Sherrilyn
Kenyon, Christine Feehan. They have some down and dirty
which I like now and again. I also have recently enjoyed
Jim Butcher, LA Banks. Patricia Briggs, I loved Kim Harrison,
Kelly Armstrong, and Charlaine Harris. Most of the good ones
I have read all of, and am only waiting for new ones. I did buy
a couple trashy ones today, I admit it. I am really not the
sappy tear jerker book type, give me blood and guts and gore
and sex any day.
That is a small list of some of my more recent reads. I buy in
bulk - usually no less than $85 a shot, then I donate the good
ones or give them away to friends. I haven't had the nerve to
add up what I spend in a year in books - that would just be
scary. My son is a huge reader too and usually reads whatever
I just finished - if it isn't too trashy. He always has his nose in
a book. I think that comes from me reading chapter books to
the kids from day one. I am so glad he loves to read.
I could go on and on and on about books, can you tell?
I never thought I'd buy a book from the romance section - but
I have :oops: (they really aren't about romance though! :roll: )

I am a voracious reader. I read anything and everything except horror....(I'm a big wuss) My kids and I go to the library at least 2x a week
all my kids are huge readers as well. If I had to buy all the books we read, we'd be in the poorhouse!
Some of my favourite authors are: Elizabeth Berg, Jean Auel, Miriam Toews, Sophie Kinsella.. I also like to read psychology books, decorating books, and of course...dog training books :)
I finished Jodi Pilcoult's book "19 Minutes" 2 weeks ago. After what happened yesterday at VT, this might give some insite as to why the gunman did what he did. I think anyone who has a child in school (no matter what age) should read this. It is an amazing book. And it will happen more.
Me and my youngest son love to read and have a ton of books in the house. I love the JD Robb series and other what they call "chick lit" books. Basically they are modern day romance books. But I will also read mystery, drama, biography and hate sci-fi.
Maeve Binchey is my utmost favorite writer. The books I enjoy reading the most are usually legal mysteries, Scott Turrow, John Grisham, Vince Flynn, J.A. Jance. :D
I like cozy mysteries--no blood, gore or violence. Preferably British, set in the 1920s and 30s. If not mysteries, then gentle fiction where bad things don't happen. My non-fiction tastes are all over the map. I like the history of science, particularly medicine. Historical geography--I recently read an account of Stanley and Livingston in Africa.

I positively do not like science fiction, fantasy, historical romance. I'm not crazy about chick lit.

And absolutely cannot wait for the last Harry Potter to be released this summer!
Very light reading for me. I'm studying half the year for professional exams, so I like to keep it light for the liesure reading.

Harry Potter is my favourite series. Rereading Order of the Phoenix right now... and also can't wait for the last book this summer!

Artemis Fowl is another enjoyable series.... kids/youth fantasy.

I'm also about 3/4 of the way through the Lemony Snicket series.

Also enjoy "chick lit" too. Shopaholic series, Devil Wears Prada, Nanny Diaries, etc.
I used to read so much, tons and tons of biographies and autobiographies!

Now I'm into written soap operas.
Some of my recent reads:

Norwegian Wool
Panda'ing to the Masses
The Mistress of Westminster
As the Stomach Turns / Hope Bloats
Ron are they related to the Young and the Hopeless and
All my Chickens?

I read anything I can get my hands on!! And right now- for the million and one time- I am reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" my all time favorite...
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