I can't think with Mr. J coming soon...

He can get here as early as the end of this weekend to sometime next week. :excited:

I am so excited that I am almost getting irritated by it ...the waiting game sucks! :lol: What is nice is.. the military families get a special pass so we can see them get off the plane ...right at the gate instead of where the rest of the people have to wait to meet arriving passengers. Makes it special!

He'll be here for 2 weeks before he goes back for another 8 months.

The sad thing about him being extended for 3 extra months in Iraq is... he will have missed his son's 1st and 2nd birthday along with another Christmas. I can't imagine missing that myself. I know he will be shocked to how much lil J has grown!!! Last time he saw him, he didn't know how to walk and had no hair. :kiss:
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I am very excited for you!

And I love your current avatar! Lil J looks incredibly cute and so happy!!
I am so excited for you. If you suddenly drop off the radar we will know he has made it home. :clappurple:
BatonRougeSheepies wrote:
If you suddenly drop off the radar we will know he has made it home. :clappurple:

So exciting! ENJOY :wink:
Thinking is NOT required! :wink:
Yay! I'm excited for you! :yay:
I m so happy for you. Yet I feel your pain about the extension. I pray for Mr. J everyday that he return home safely. God Bless.
Wonderful news, just have a great tme you three :D
Great News about the visit! I am so excited for the three of you! You'll have the best time ever. All of you are in my prayers. Enjoy!
:yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited:


:yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited:
:banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer:
:cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana:
:banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer:
:cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana:

We are so happy for your family! Enjoy your time together !!
:D :D
:rimshot: :rimshot: :rimshot: :rimshot: :rimshot: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Enjoy your family time together :)
How exciting!!!! I"m so happy for you and your darling family. Enjoy your time together, and make lots o'memories!!!!!
I'm so happy for you both. :excited: And thinking is absolutely NOT required. I'm surprised you can sleep!
Oh Gosh - how exciting!! :excited:

Thinking, sleeping, eating- all optional at this point. :excited:
I hope all of you have a wonderful time.....how silly, of course you will!! :lol: :lol:
Thanks guys! I laughed while reading some of the replies!! :)

I'm SOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!! I keep cleaning thing 10000 times. I don't know how I'll make it to the weekend. This has GOT to be the cleanest house in alaska right now (sorry liz and ravenmoonart ...it's true!!!!!!!!) ;) :P
I'm so excited for you!
Enjoy your time together :)
:excited: :yay: :go: :high5: :banana: :clappurple: Oh, how exciting!!! Mr. J won't believe his eyes when he sees lil J. How joyous a reunion this will be! Enjoy your two weeks as a full family, and I'll keep Mr. J in my prayers for his safe and final return.
:excited: :yay: HOORAY!!!!!


Even if it is for only a little bit! I suggest going to the library and getting a few books to take your mind off of the waiting, one can only wash the floorboards so many times after all! (or better yet, come to my house and help me clean, I'm too tired to do much of anything...)

Have a wonderful time together! :ghug:
deep breath! Enjoy your time together! :D
8) :excited: :yay: :banana: :high5: :go: :cheer: :ghug:
I am so happy that Mr J will get to spend some time with his family.
Have a great time!!
I'm so excited for you and lil J. I hope you all have a GREAT time!

:cheer: :yay: :cheer: :yay: :cheer: :yay: :cheer: :yay: :cheer: :yay:
Joahaeyo wrote:
Thanks guys! I laughed while reading some of the replies!! :)

I'm SOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!! I keep cleaning thing 10000 times. I don't know how I'll make it to the weekend. This has GOT to be the cleanest house in alaska right now (sorry liz and ravenmoonart ...it's true!!!!!!!!) ;) :P

I'm embarressed to say, that you wouldn't have to have done a whole lot to be cleaner than mine :wink: :roll: :lol:
When you run out of house to clean, and still have excited energy left, how about heading over here?? :twisted:
How many bath have the short ones had? Don't wear yourself out before the weekend.
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Orange you glad I didn't post one more banana?

Yeah I couldn't help myself so happy for you and Lil J!!!!!!

:lol: niice.
How absolutely exciting!!!!! :rimshot:

Lil J will spend some time with his daddy and Luki will be so happy to see him...

Oh, yeah, and you too! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well, Mr. J should have gotten on a plane today to Kuwait. :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited:

From there, it can take 48 hrs to 1 week. Most take 3-4 days.
I'm SO excited for you! It will be SO good to see him again. Have you gone to VS to pick up a lil somethin somethin to wear for Mr J? Does his whole group get to come home on leave now or do they stagger it and keep some and let some go?
They all come home at different times.. there has to be a certain percentage of men that stay to keep things going. What this means is... not everyone gets to go home. Some volunteer and the rest just luck out to even getting a chance to go on leave. Lots of times, people have emergencies (someone dies in their family, wife is in labor, etc) that puts people ahead of others, and the slot meant for someone else gets taken.

We do not have a VS but did in fact order online with a gift certificate his sister got me. :oops:
MONDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :excited:

YAY! :excited: :yay: :cheer: :high5: :clappurple: :banana:

I am so happy for you!!

MONDAY IS SO CLOSE!!!!!!!!!! I keep going to the mirror too as if what I look like tonight matters. :lol: :phew: :yay:


I told lil J... "DADDY IS COMING HOME!!!" he just laughed. :lol: He thinks mom is nuts.

I think a little insane crazy behavior would be normal!
Monday Night!

Monday Night!

Monday Night!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

(That's great news!)
AHHHHHHHHHH...so exciting!!
woooooo hoooooo :yay: :excited: :banana: :yay: :excited: :banana: :yay: :excited: :banana: :yay: :excited: :banana:
:yay: :yay: :cheer: :cheer: :banana: :yay: :yay

Have a great time.....Enjoy

:yay: :yay: :cheer: :cheer: :yay: :yay: :go: :go: :high5: [/b]
Have a great visit with your husband!

We better not see you on this board at all while he's home!!!!! :evil:
:excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited:

YAY! Just a few more hours!!!! Have a wonderful time together! And I sincerely hope he has more energy then Mike did when he came home from duty! (Mike got in the door and promptly fell asleep :roll: :lol: )
:excited: Tonight's the night! I can't even imagine how excited you must be... but hearing about all your cleaning gives me a bit of an idea. Just wonderful! Hope you truly enjoy your time with Mr.J, and make the most of it.
:hearts: :banana: :go: :hearts:

So we'll see you back on the forum in 2 weeks, right? :D

She must already be busy cleaning... poor Yuki....
So there are talk of delays now.. :roll:
Oh my goodness....I'd be upset too. I hope his flight is not delayed. I understand his sister wanting to see him and for him to see the twins, but she should understand that you & Lil J have to come first.
I hope he's not delayed. I can imagine how on edge you are.
Big HUGS!!
I don't even know why he bothers to call me to stress me out!!!!!!! :lol:

He's coming home EARLY!!! LIL J and I HAVE TO SHOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:
Ron wrote:
She must already be busy cleaning... poor Yuki....

BTW, you and Mr. J must be reading each other's mind. He begged me not to clean before he comes home. He SAYS I tend to get crabby, cranky, and downright unpleasant to be around when I start cleaning before a guest comes or big event. I don't know what he's talking about. :oops: :twisted:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Iriskmj wrote:
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Ditto... I also get the same way, crabby, cranky and unpleasant. :lol:
Actually, I was thinking that Yuki had 4 baths and her hair was so squeaky clean that anytime anyone touched her the hair clings to their hands and pulls... lol

But getting crabby is a good reason not to clean too. :oops:
Joahaeyo wrote:
I don't even know why he bothers to call me to stress me out!!!!!!! :lol:

He's coming home EARLY!!! LIL J and I HAVE TO SHOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:
That's to make up for the time you told him you were pregnant on April 1st. :twisted:

Have a blast. Give my and the forum's thanks for his service please.
Crabby when you clean??????????????

Tell me it aint so....cleaning can be fun...you just need to listen to the right music...and have the coolness of the wide variety of cleaning supplies handy....its almost like having your hand in the proverbial candy jar as far as im concerned :D 8O
That makes it official Darce- I'm flying Jo in to babysit the bean when it arrives, and I'm flying you in to do my cleaning!

think he's arrived yet???
Darcy wrote:
Crabby when you clean??????????????

Tell me it aint so....cleaning can be fun...you just need to listen to the right music...and have the coolness of the wide variety of cleaning supplies handy....its almost like having your hand in the proverbial candy jar as far as im concerned :D 8O

I LOVE cleaning. I think it's calming and it helps me unwind. However, I get uptight and stressed when things aren't done in time, to perfection, and when something goes wrong, so I guess my husband says he has to walk on eggshells. 8O I feel I'm so happy when the house is clean, so I really have no idea what he's talking about. :twisted: I'm the happiest person in the world, so he must be crazy. ;) :twisted:

A few more hours....
tick tock :D
((Would someone please give that poor girl a tranquilzer! She's going to be so wound up she will break before the Man gets home. ))

If he has asked you not to clean........greet him at the door stark naked and with clothes strewn thru the house, "Honey, I couldn't decide what to wear........." :wink:

I have yet to figure out what it takes to get me to clean the house....maybe inviting Darcy to visit.
I missed this thread entirely because my son was unexpectedly given leave to come home for Afghanistan. He hadn't expected to get leave until November, so imagine my surprise when I got an email (which he didnt' have access to in his very remote location) saying he'd be home the next week. Actually, it took longer than that, but never mind. He arrived on Good Friday and left again, yesterday.

What Ben wanted to do was to mostly just hang out at home and with his buddies who came by to take him out most nights. A few out of towners made it down for weekends, so we could just pretend he was home on Spring break from college. Not as easy to pretend when we had to put him back on that plane again......

So, I fed him up, and teased him and made him do some yard work, --in other words, treated him as normally as I could, but it is hard to have your kid so far away in such a dangerous place.

As we were watching him go through security, a number of people approached him as he was dressed in uniform, and thanked him for his service. It meant so much to his poor ole mother....

Anyways, please tell Mr. J that we are all happy he's home, too. If you remember to, that is....
Thank your son for me, too.
Is he home yet?
I agree. WHAT A SURPRISE TGIR!!!!! I told my husband NO SURPRISES!!! I LOVE SURPRISES, but NOT when they're for me. :lol: I have to know when, what, how, and why or else I get all nutty. Many of the wives are wondering if their husbands will "pop-in" ...and we've all given fair warning that they will get a beating if they do. :oops: I'm sure "as a mom" ...it's different!!! I bet it was the best Easter for you guys, and so tough to see him go back. Hugs to him from our family. :)
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I am currently watching his flight on a live map. I keep hitting refresh and measuring the distance by what part of of a state line he's touching/not touching or island he's going over... I AM GOING NUTS WAITING! (and sleepy) ...it's only 6:57 here. I will be leaving in 1 hr.

I've re-dusted twice since dinner. :roll: He won't even notice!
I hope you have a wonderful time together!!!!! I know what the year was like when mine was in Nam. I can't imagine him coming home on leave and having to return. You all have great courage and are asked to serve way beyond the call of duty, yet you carry on. God bless you all!

After all the energy and excitement you've had lately, I wonder if the April Fool's joke will be on you? After this much time the storage bin should be pretty full, if you know what I mean. :wink: :lol:

I thank all of your loved ones serving our country, and looking out for the person/s sitting in the foxhole next to them, which could be any of our family or friends. The work they do is costly, yet they do it willingly,, bravely, and with a loving heart. God bless.

I hope you guys have the best time having your family together! I guess that means you will be missing the bachelor tonight. :wink:

Tell your son we appreciate what he is doing as well! Glad you could enjoy your Son!
My, my....

It certainly is quiet around here :twisted:
debcram wrote:
My, my....

It certainly is quiet around here :twisted:

:lol: :lol: :twisted:
debcram wrote:
My, my....

It certainly is quiet around here :twisted:

debcram wrote:
My, my....

It certainly is quiet around here :twisted:

:wink: :twisted:
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