Puppy shots

I'll be getting my puppy at 8-9 weeks of age, and was wondering was shots he should have by that age and what shots or other things (de-worming? I've read something about most puppies having worms, is de-worming something that should be done occasionally or just once?) he'll need in the coming months after that.
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Your breeder should give you the vaccination record for the pup when you pick him/her up. At that age it should have its first set of vaccinations and already gone through some kind of deworming. Once you get the pup home, I would suggest bringing it to the vet for a general wellness exam, including bringing in a stool sample and the vaccination record that your breeder gives you. If they find any worms in the stool, they would give you more deworming meds only then. Good luck with your pup.
Here are two links for information about new vaccination protocols. One is from the American Association of Animal Hospitals and the other is from Dr. Jean Dodds (google her to check out her bio...she's very well-respected). I haven't checked to see how they compare but both come from the standpoint of not over-vaccinating.

http://www.itsfortheanimals.com/DODDS-C ... TOCOLS.HTM :

Good luck and keep asking those excellent questions!

I agree with the theory of not over vaccinating. But, in different parts of the country, there are different risks of different diseases. In my area of the country, Long Island, New York, the Lepto shot is recommended - which can cause a reaction. I got it and did ahve a reaction but there are things a Vet can do beforehand to counter that...My breeder in Montana does not get the Lepto shot because there is little risk in her area..So, my recommendation is to go to a Vet you trust and ask alot of questions...Ask other pet owners too what shots they got, etc...

Good luck with your new puppy!
Lepto is another one of those vaccinations that I don't hold a lot of hope with for even working, like bordatella. However, unlike bordatella, the lepto shots seem to have more adverse reactions. This is an interesting article about lepto that I found while researching whether or not to give the shot. It's from a Scottish Deerhound site but isn't breed specific information.

Interesting article. Thanks for posting it.
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