Curious Newbie

Hello! I just found this site today and haven't been able to leave!! I "lost" a much loved furry member of our family a few months ago. He was only 5 yrs. old and way too young to suffer illness. Anyway, when we adopted him as a puppy from a local shelter they had listed him as a Sheepdog mix. I always thought it was odd because he really didn't look like any type of sheepdog to me. We loved him regardless and though we were often asked about his breed it was really irrelevent to us. Curiousity led me here and certain things I've read remind me of our Murphy. He was just a big, gentle, loveable, silly, furball who always had a wet chin no matter how we kept him trimmed (and his favorite place to rest that wet messy chin was on our lap...or a poor the lap of an unexpecting visitor).

I'd love to hear your favorite personality trait stories!!
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I'm sorry for your loss.

The wet-chin-on-the-lap-trick suuuure SOUNDS like a sheepie!

Welcome to the forum!!
Murphy was so adorable! I am so sorry Murphy had to leave so soon to walk the Rainbow Bridge. From the pictures, I can tell even Murphy's life was short, it was a GOOD life!
Murphy looks sheepie to me!! Im sorry about your loss, Its very hard.

Pandas most notorious trait is nipping me when we play 8O
Oh, my gosh-- he was gorgeous (and so is your little girl!). I'm so sorry that you lost him so soon. Welcome to the forum. We look forward to hearing stories!
Welcome, I am new here too and LOVE it.

I see you are also in Missouri?
Thanks for all the kind words.

Amber- Yes, Missouri as well. I live in Fulton...about 25 minutes from either Columbia or Jefferson City.

One of Murphy's funniest tricks was his "barrel racing" in the front yard. He would run figure eights at a dead run using a tree at one end of the yard and a bush at the other as his rounding points. I'm not sure how a 90 lb dog could turn on a dime but he figured it out. The funny thing is we have a rather large backyard that he had much more room to run around in...and he did sometimes...but he had more fun with his figure eights in the front yard!
Welcome. Sorry to hear about your loss of Murphy.
He was a beautiful dog.

Pepsi, my male, does not seem to understand about personal space. lol
He is always right up against me when I am on the couch, or on my lap :roll: :lol:
Rags, my female, likes to bulldoze us with her head to get attention.
Welcome to the forum. One of our sheepies from the Dent County Animal Shelter in MO.

I am so sorry about the loss of your sheepie.
Welcome and greetings from Australia, sorry for your loss, murphy was a great big adorable boy & your daughter is a cutie. :D
Welcome from farmcountry southern Minnesota. :D
Your pictures of Murphy are adorable - both dog and child! Murphy definitely looks like an OES mix - very sheepie-ish!
Welcome! Our Copper(sheepie mix) does figure 8's around the palm and evergreen trees in the backyard and when I recently planted some flowers I had to leave his path clear. Sorry for your loss!

There are a lot of beautiful sheepies that are rescues and need a home and can be found through this forum.

Maybe at some point you will want one to fill up your home with fun antics and happiness. Just check the dogs in trouble section. Or the rescue section.

Welcome aboard. Hope you will share some more stories.
What a great big beautiful guy!!!! He was sure looks allot sheepie.
I love his nose! I have a sheepie w/ a constant wet mouth & the drool yellows his front legs.
So sorry you lost your boy way too soon!
He looks like he sure loved your little girl!
Thank you for sharing your Murphy memories & photos with us, keep them coming.
Welcome to the forum! Sue
What a big golden honey bear of a boy! His eyes are gorgeous and soulful. I am so sorry for your loss. He looks so sweet and cuddly.

Sheepie traits -- I was most surprised by Chumley's desire to shove her head between a person's thighs and then bonk her nose up if she isn't getting enough petting. 8O
Ohh - Murphy sounds like he had a ball with life! He looks so big in his picture!

My boy likes to run circles and patterns, too. He'll be calm as anything and then BAM he's up running full-fledge around the room (sheepie-500 anyone) until he decides he's back to normal!!! :lol:
Murphy definitely had some sheepie in him. What a gorgeous boy he was. I am sorry you lost him so soon. Sounds like he was a wonderful companion.

Thanks for joining us and telling us about your boy. :)

There is a big sheepie event being held in St. Louis in a few weeks. You might enjoy it. :)
Murphy was a beautiful boy, and I definitely see a lot of sheepie in him. And from what you've described as his antics, that just comfirmed how much sheepie he was!! Your little girl is just too cute for words!

Welcome from PA!
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of Murphy :( He was absolutely adorable. I'm glad you found the forum! Beautiful little girl too!
He was a beautiful boy......I love his color. Five years is too short, but apparently they were filled with love and there anything better. Glad you are here!!

Sheepie traits -- I was most surprised by Chumley's desire to shove her head between a person's thighs and then bonk her nose up if she isn't getting enough petting.

Oh Chummie, my Fox does that too. Quite a surprise for newcomers to the house :wink:
I'm sorry to hear about your loss of your sheepie mix. He sure is adorable. The wet chin is always a favorite trick of our sheepie and he always goes to my daughter when he gets it wet. I think its because she makes the most noise. LOL he likes to hear her ewwww and yuk!!!!! I hope you adopt another sheepie someday, they are such great fun!!!
Hi' i'm really sorry for your loss,you have to remember the good times,
Murphy had a lot of OES in him, with all the antics of the old english sheepdog super brain.You will miss him for a long time, I know this through personal experience, it does get easier.
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