Fred is a Completely Unsupportive-Undergarment Thief

Everytime I am folding laundry, Fred comes into the laundry room and steals an article of clothing that needs to be washed. He usually runs off with a washcloth and hopes that I will give chase. I have learned that chasing him only encourages the situation and then it turns into a game. Now, I attempt to ignore his theivery. But, last night things went too far. I think Fred and my husband are conspiring against me. Brace yourself, the images you are about to see depict a pet stealing an old overworn undergarment. Should I have put this bra out of it's misery long before Fred stole off into the night with it?....Yes.

"Mom, you weren't actually going to wear this thing again?"


"Dad sent me on a mission to destroy this old bra; we think a trip to Victoria's Secret is in order."


"Now it's been slobbered on and it's broken, you are out of luck."

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Hahahahahaha....yep...he's definitely on a mission. :lol:

You are not alone. Beaureguard used to steal my undies and hide them behind the sofa cushions. I *think* he's finally outgrown this antic. :wink:
Good friend in school's Malmute took her mother's girdle of the clothes line (before dryers) and showed it to the neighborhood! Be grateful this thief kept his find indoors! :lol:
hahahaha..... :D
Yup....washclothes, bras, underwear, socks....all big favorites of Eggbert's too :roll: These dogs are just plain WEIRD 8O :lol:
Good Boy, Fred!
In my house they play tug of war with them. :roll: What a character Fred is. Obviously some relative of London's and Johnnie's. :lol:
Uh oh-- you better get him neutered. :twisted:
Well I think Fred is a good boy as he's at least respecting your privacy. Gasp can you imagine if you have company and he brings out your under garments? LOL

Thanks for the chuckle!

Marianne and the boys
LOL, our GSD used to do that but he would always escape to the backyard with them LOL, thank gosh the yard was fenced :lol:
Too funny! Definitely be glad that stayed indoors! :lol: :lol: :lol:
LMAO! Those are hilarious pictures!
That is hilarious! :lol: That was probably your favorite one, wasn't it? They always seem to know...

I thought Callie had long since outgrown this habit until last week. We went for a walk and when we got home, she had a suspiciously long poop in our front yard. When I went to pick it up, I realized that it was more than just processed dog food. Yep, my favorite pair of underwear!! right there on the front lawn! :oops: They sure know how to embarrass us, don't they?!
Callie's Mom: I wouldn't say that this was my best piece of underwear but, it was a good t-shirt bra. It was a neutral color and therefore it got lots of use. Fred apparently sensed my fashion faux pas and felt the need to point it out to me. Thank heavens I have someone like Fred in my life.

So, Callie pooped out your underwear? These dogs will eat anything.
Ha ha ha thanks for the laugh, hey fred is just looking for a bit of support from his mom. :wink: :lol: :lol:

BRAvo Fred :clappurple: :sidestep:
Those pics are so funny, and your avatar is awesome!
Oh yeah...Laundry time is Simon's favorite time. I'm sorting and so is Simon. It may be a sock, or a shirt or my or dh's underwear. Doesn't matter to him, he just picks it up and walks off with it and then comes back for more.
That's too funny. At least it was a clean one. 8O
When sorting laundry, Maggie and Chewie are my helpers. One was hard enough to watch - but 2! They go in opposite directions with stuff too. 8O
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