Lumps, Bumps, Tumors and Warts

Having lived with several aged dogs I know that it's quite common for older dogs to develope a variety of lumps, bumps, benign cyst fluid tumors and warts. Most often we don't see them on our boys/girls but it's a good idea to often check over their bodies.

Shaggy, my previous OES girl for example, developed quite a few warts and benign tumors on her body as she aged. Her last year of life I kept her in a short clip in order for the vet and myself to keep tabs on them.

Benign tumors are often fluid filled and need to be aspirated at the vets occasionally, whereas they peer at the fluid under a microscope to make sure the tumor is benign and not cancerous. Blue, has had this type for several years but as he's aged I noticed they have been more on his body.

He is now at the advanced age of 18 years and so this Saturday he will have a full senior panel done at the vets office - blood work, aspiration of his bumps and other work associated with his senior age. One recently popped up that is a harder nodule than the other previous ones and of course I'm frantic.

While I never condone self diagnosis as we always need expert advice - here's a site I found helpful to possibly assist those that may wonder about the lump on their dogs body. Remember however, expert opinion is always the best safeguard to catching things early if possible. ... icleid=424

Marianne and Blue
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Hi Again and an update,

Ole Blue and Puff the bunny just returned from the vets office. Puff had her staples removed after her recent spay surgery and Blue had senior blood panel done.

His lumps were not aspirated this time as the vet felt he is too old for surgery but felt them all and believes they are still likely benign cyst as she can move them around. It was a decision based on: if something was found, he is now at the stage of his life where is he far too old for surgery .

Blue is the grand old age of 18 and this past week he's been having a hard time getting up or down from naps. He still rough houses with Merlin twice a day but a few times this week he's yelped. Poor old guy just won't age gracefully and let the younger dogs play. Merlin seems to sense his old pal is slowing down as he's been spending lots of evening laying beside Blue grooming him.

My heart broke when I heard cries of pain while the vet took him in the back for testing. I gasped so loud others in the room looked over and smiled sympathetically when I said I recognize that "voice". No one seemed to mind when Ole Blue limped out to see me and although grumpy as usual he made everyone smile as he rushed over to me, stuck his head under my arm (I was on the floor) and moaned. Mom! You shoulda seen what they did to me!

It appears he's in the early stages of neurological damage to his spine - the vet test this by placing bending his front paw and placing it on the floor, kinda hard to explain. Most dogs immediately lift it up..Blue took a while which is a sign of neurological damage much like a doctor pinches a patients toes to see if they curl up. Once I get the blood test results in a day or so , we can see what meds his body can handle. I am thinking of purchasing the saddle type harness to assist him and hoist him up when he awakens from naps.
Thanks for the site. I'm still not sure what Jack has on his toe, but I'm not as worried since it's the same size now for 6 months. Easy to spot since he licks it extensively.....nice red hair area.
Best wishes for old Blue, and also for a smooth recovery for Puff the bunny.

i hope nothing too serious comes of Blue's blood work. 18 yrs old - that is amazing! :D
Thanks Dawn ! Puff came out like a trooper and I'll be anxiously awaiting the arrival of her new foster hubby" Arthur" in aprox 2 more weeks. I can breathe sighs of relief now that she's spayed of no worries of a gazillion little bunnies to care for in the future :D

Sheepieboss - Hope Jack's foot thingie turns out to be okay. Belly rubs to him!

Marianne and the boys

You have such a big heart, just wanted to give you and Blue a big hug.

:hearts: Thanks Wyn!
I have found that my old animals get alot from the concern of the younger animals. It seems to make it all alot better to have not only mama's love and concern, but also a furry friend that understands. I hope that it will be ok, for all your benifits.

I will think good thought for all of you.
I wanted to chime in & say thanks for this thread which many people contend with the warts & cysts with OES. But I am also sorry to hear that Blue is having problems. I am sure you will keep him comfortable 7 give him lots of hugs.
Thanks very much for your kind thoughts regarding Blue.

I contacted Val and asked about where she purchased Chummie's sling and ordered one for Blue. The vet and I felt that to assist him getting up would be beneficial to him. I'm awaiting the vets call either today or Monday with the test results for medicine too.

Thanks again everyone! :ghug:

Marianne and Blue
Good thoughts coming your way for precious Blue...Wow 18 years...he sure is special...
Marianne, just wanted to say that getting Blue to the advanced age of 18 goes to show what a loving Mom you are...Pam
Kelsey sends Ol blue, lots of Hugs, she knows how he feels in the lumpy bumpy department.

She sends soft sheepie kisses to her favourite Grand old gentleman and she is sorry to hear he is having trouble with his backend too. :(
Thanks again to all of you that sent well wishes to Ole Blue.

Until 4 days ago he was doing pretty good for an old guy and so it breaks my heart to see him limping and struggling to get up. I'm still not sure if he injured himself in play or his senior years are finally catching up to him.
He has been groaning and moaning a lot and he has yelped a few times when trying to get up.

I will have to make a very hard decision in the upcoming week or two if he doesn't get better. I would go to the end of the earth for him but would never continue the battle if I felt it was his time. I love him too much and would not want to be selfish. I hope we don't come to that point.

I appreciate all the good thoughts being sent his way.

Just edited this post as I finally got the call from the vets office. Blue's test results from his blood work came back and although only minutely low in Iron in his blood, his thyroid is okay, and his body can handle Medacam which I'll pick up today.

Being slightly anemic I will also be giving him supplements and hopefully will see a change. If his injury doesn't appear to be due to ole age arthritis which the Medecam should help with - I'll have x-rays done as it may be a disk causing him problems. Anyhow I feel a tad better after speaking to the vet. :)

Marianne and Ole Blue

If it's pain... he'll be like a new dog in 3 or 4 days. Let's hope!!!
Glad to hear Blue's blood panel came back okay and the Puff is recovering well after her surgery. :D
I hope the Medecam works wonders for Blue.
Big hugs to you and Blue!
Thats wonderful news on the tests, Marianne! Hugs to you and Blue, and crossing my paws for success with the pain meds! :ghug:
Marianne Kelsey is on Metacam full time due to a disk problem or a growth causing pressure on her spine. Same thing, she use to lay there and moan and groan, struggle to get up, trip over nothing, new women now with the metacam. Noticed a huge change in her after being on the stuff for 3 days, she is getting up better and so much happier in herself.

I hope the metacam will help blue, I am sure it will. :wink:
:yay: :hearts: Thanks to all of you for your well wishes. I was really concerned and hopefully will see a change in the Old guy in a few days.
I appreciate all your thoughts.

Marianne and Blue
Zak is on metacam as well and he has gone from barely able to go up the stairs to chasing stella around the yard. Hope it works for you.
Thanks so much and I hope best wishes to all those senior sheepies out there as well.

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