I'm so bummed

Bella is 9 months old and even though she is going through the dreaded coat change, I've been very proud that I've been able to keep her looking nice and mat free. I didn't want to get her cut because it is so interesting watching the changes in her coat. Then yesterday I tripped and fell at the dog park and broke my elbow! No grooming for at least 3 weeks, so I will have to cut her down to a puppy cut. We have an appointment for Sunday with a groomer I have never used before but I met at the park who says she loves to groom OES......hoping it will go well. She is going to let me stay with her throughout the grooming process....I am nervous about it but feel like I have no choice at this point.
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I'm so sorry for you! Good luck getting healed with your elbow first off! And second, I know a fabulous person who shows OES and he prefers to have them shaved down about when they start the coat change because when it comes back it is all nice adult coat and the major matting stage is missed! Soo I guess there could be a bright side to this. :roll:
Ouch!! That is painful. :cry:

Getting her trimmed down will be a change, but I agree really the only choice you have.
Can we see before and after pictures of Bella?
I can understand why you're bummed! :( I am thinking that I'm going to have to do the same with my 10 month old boy, as well, since he plays in the snow everyday, and NO amount of brushing seems to be enough to keep the matt-monsters at bay. :roll: At least the weather is warming up a little, and he doesn't need all that fur as much for warmth! :lol:
I am so sorry to hear about your elbow. Hopefully a cast for 6 to 8 wks will fix it?

I admit that I am enjoying the break from grooming having all 3 in puppy coat cuts.
I'm sorry to hear what happened. With hair or without there still the same fur kids.

It will be more pratical for you till you heal up and Heck what a good stage to clip off, no major matt monsters will live in her coat. She will grow back real quick. :wink:
Can't you use your other hand? I broke my elbow last year and I found, although they said three weeks, it was usable enough in about a week and a half. I could part hair with the bad hand, and use my good one to do the actual brushing. It probably helped that I didn't break my dominant side. Give it a week and see-- all may not be lost!

If not, everyone's right. When it does grow in, it's beautiful growth and really easy to work with and maintain. She'll look great no matter what. :)
Sorry to hear about your elbow!
Oh you poor thing. That must have and is very painful. Here's hoping for a smooth recovery. As for the dog...I had to do the same thing to Simon. Not because of an injury but he kept getting matts. Just have the groomer cut him down to an inch or two and you will have a new puppy. Just bigger!! Pam aka Simon's Mom
Sorry to hear about your elbow...
I agree with Jill, don't do it if you don't want to. 3 weeks is not too bad, You can probably use your other arm just to keep up with mats, and do as much grooming as you feel able to, and then when your arm feels better start slowly doing a section a day for a week or so to catch up.

My dogs are only fully groomed once a week. If I miss a week I can tell, it means I have to groom longer, but not the end of the world.
YOWZER!!! SO SAD!!! Hope your elbow heals FAST!!!!
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