Help!! Grant for Bark Park

I need help.

Our County Community Foundation, is wanting to apply for "The Access to Recreation Grant". The grant is intended to fund creative ways of providing access to all kinds of recreation enviroments and opportunities. The grant requires that the foundation must work with a public park, be universally accessible and work with individuals with disabilities and their family/advocates.

Here is my chance to push for a Bark Park.

Now my problem.
I have never even been to one. The closest one to us is about 30 miles and charges an annual fee. (I wouldn't mind paying a fee if it was somewhere I could go all the time.) I plan on calling them tomorrow to see if I can go there and meet with someone.

Here is what I need.
What do you totally love about your park?
What do you hate?
Improvements you would make.
Is there a fee?
What features does your park have?
How big?
Is the park handi-capped accessible?
Anything else you can think of that I might need to know.

I have two weeks to put together a presentation.
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I just got back from taking the dogs to the dog park today.

Our park is owned by the city park & recreation department. No fees charged. It has the entrance where you push the gate to let your dog in, take the leash off, and then push the second gate to let the dog enter the dog park. It is not wheelchair accessible. You would need a button that you could push if you were wheelchair bound that would open the first gate. Take the leash off your pet and then push another button for another automated gate to swing open to allow you to enter. And the same for the gates exited the park. Our park is way to small. When you only have a 2 acre dog park and there are 40 dogs in it - it is total chaos. It would need to be at least 10 acres for there to be plenty of room. There are no concrete pathways for someone that is wheelchair bound. The park consists of grassy areas, dirt/sand and a lot of wood chips. It seems to me that it would be hard to get around for a wheelchair in our park. I do like that it has a separate area that is gated off for small or shy dogs. Our park does have a few benches for the owners of dogs to sit but none are shaded in any way and there are definitely not enough of them. Our park provides poop bags for poop pickup, but once again if you are in a wheelchair you can't bend over to pick up the poop - so maybe if they had some long handled poop scooper that you could attach a bag to it would be a good idea.

There are others here that have been to gorgeous dog parks from what I have seen in the pictures.

I have been talking to our parks and recreation folks here and they are going to be doing a major renovation at the park where the dog park is located to enlarge it. They will be including a bathroom pavillion and shaded areas for the owners to sit. They are also going to be enlarging the dog park area to 10 acres. The original 2 acres is going to be turned into an agility and obedience training area that can be rented out and dog shows can be held.

Good luck with your endeavors and let us know how it goes.
You might wnat to join this Yahoo group. It is free, and is very informative.
Our only dog park is just a designated regular park...but in other parks I've heard about, the coolest ideas are: separate areas for small, infirm or shy dogs...a shelter (heated?) for owners to sit in...and "airlock" style gates, so that dogs aren't able to slip out when folks come and go.

The coolest thing about our dog park, is that it is on a lake, so its a great place for retriever dogs to train, and any dog who like to, to swim!
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