Mr. Bear my Bobtail doesn't come when called

I have a well loved Bobtail named Mr. Bear. His father was know for obedience. He is certainly not. I have owned a few Sheepies in my life and I absolutely adore the breed, but Mr. Bear (Oliver) is trying my patience. At night when I call him to come inside he sits outside and waits for me to come get him "Personally". Sometimes he even hides from me. I have never ever hurt him and only show him love. Dinner waits inside. I have tried treats. I have taken him to the vet to make sure he can hear and he can. Once I walked outside (in my pajama's of course) he jumps up and runs inside where my other more behaved Bobtail Nulley sits waiting for him. Every night we go through this. Do you think it's a behavior thing or is my house perhaps too hot for him? Has anyone else gone through this? Any suggestions? :o -Fiona in Ferndale
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You are not alone! It is called selective hearing!!!!!!

It was the sheepie I had growing up - she would actually sink her body into the ground when called to come in and you would have to go out and get her! :x Of course a part of me thought it was cute.

Mopsy, who we lost a year ago, would only come in for treats - and mostly if she heard the sound of the treat jar lid - so if we wanted her to come in we didn't bother calling her we just made noise with the treat jar. :oops:

Harry comes running if you just ask him what he is doing or call his name! He is very agreeable - wild but agreeable!

I think your Mr. Bear is a character! :lol:
It is great to hear I am not the only one! Thanks for your reply & yes my Nulley Girl comes with the sound of the treat jar!
Chummie does too! Whereever she is, whatever she is doing, she instantly materializes at my feet if there's anything that sounds like it could be a treat. :D
Ms.Brie does not come when called either, easily distracted outside, blonde of the family :lol:

Clicker worked wonders, one click on that and she bouncies straight back to me.
Better then screaming my lungs out at night or early in the morning calling her and she just totally ignoring me :roll: .

I think the neighbours prefer the click noise too :wink: :lol:

Sigh think some sheepies are like kids...some are just better at some things than others. :D

Here's a suggestion that is often used in obedience classes. A long leash aprox 12 ft long - in a pinch you can link leashes together or use a rope. Attach to Mr Bear (you may need another person for this to assist you a few times). The setup is Mr Bear is then aprox 10-12 ft away from you - The other person can hold Mr Bear and you kneel down and in a super friendly voice with a treat in your hand...Mr Bear - Come! Mr Bear is released by the friend and with a gentle tug on the leash you lead him to you. Lots of praise..good boy! Repeat this daily and eventually the leash is not needed as Mr Bear come is reinforced with praise and treat. Eventually you can phase out the treat if needed.

I've done this with several dogs and can claim it works very effectively.

Good Luck to you!

Marianne and the boys (Blue, Merlin, and Panda)
Coming on command is probably the most important thing you should teach your dog.

Marianne wrote:
Here's a suggestion that is often used in obedience classes. A long leash aprox 12 ft long - in a pinch you can link leashes together or use a rope. Attach to Mr Bear (you may need another person for this to assist you a few times). The setup is Mr Bear is then aprox 10-12 ft away from you - The other person can hold Mr Bear and you kneel down and in a super friendly voice with a treat in your hand...Mr Bear - Come! Mr Bear is released by the friend and with a gentle tug on the leash you lead him to you. Lots of praise..good boy! Repeat this daily and eventually the leash is not needed as Mr Bear come is reinforced with praise and treat. Eventually you can phase out the treat if needed.)

This technique worked great for us too. When you're practicing, don't give him treats each time, or when you stop using treats he'll think "why bother coming?".
Okay please don't hate me...

I am the proud mama of a sheepy that comes BOLTING at you with the biggest smile when you call her name no matter what she was doing... no treats, no toys just my voice.
:D :D :D

Can I be any luckier?!?!
I'm sorry OP...I'm not helping am I?!?!
I hide from George when he won't come when called or shut the door for a few minutes if he is in the garden and then shout of him again and he comes running!!
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