Swollen Paws - Help

Our lovely boy Basil aged 7 yrs, is suffering badly with an infection to his front paws. The pads are very red in colour and inflamed with one pad having an open wound to the side. Our Vet (one week ago) has prescribed a course of antibiotics for him to take but does not know yet what the problem is. The Vet has shaved his paws and we are bathing him with salt water several times a day and keeping his feet covered.
We have had many OES dogs but have not had a problem of this type before.
I do hope you will be able help?

Roger UK
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Our oldest is very allergic to grass (not fair for a dog, is it). this time of year, he lives on benadryl several times a day, only resorting to steroids if he can't stop licking or scratching. We have to keep him inside as much as possible and wash his feet off when he comes inside - unless we've remembered the booties. The food allergies are as severe, but also cause the same symptoms.
Welcome to the forum, roger!
Could he have gotten bitten by something? Stepped on glass or something with dirty metal? New fertilizer on the lawn?

Hope he feels better...Its tough to diagnose paws...anything they may have stepped in could be the culprit... I mentioned this before to someone else and don't know what the weather is in the UK this time of year, but the alt they use on pavement when it snows can cause paws alot of problems.
I had this problems before from a cut on a paw, salt water works but I also used peroxide it may sting but works. Swelling goes right down in a day. Also one of my moms dogs got bitten and she did same thing and got the dog to the vets for a shot. He told her it was the right thing to do. Hope this helps.
Hi Roger,

Welcome to you and Basil. I can't offer any advice but just wanted to offer my sympathies to Basil and my boys are sending him sloppy sheepies kisses and get well wishes.

Marianne and the boys
Hi, Everbody, Many thanks for your advise and interest, so kind. The weather here in the UK has been wet for weeks, just starting to dry-out a little now. Basil has been taking his daily walk on the grass as usual (but slowly) and wadding through puddles to cool his feet. Since I posted, the weeping wound has dried at little and the pads seem a little cooler than before. We shall return to the Vet this Friday when the antibiotic treatment is complete. I dont think the problem is a foreign body as Basil has swollen pads on both his front feet. It seems more like a fungal infection, much like athletes foot, with open and weeping wounds between the toes (dont forget to cover your feet in public areas). I shall keep you posted on Basil's progress.

Love Roger. UK.
Hi everbody, Just to let you know Basil is a little better but still has the problem with the paw wound being open. The Vet has now x-rayed the paw but regretably found nothing wrong. He has prescribed a second coarse of antibiotics and will now arrange for Basil to visit a dermatologist have some specialist tests taken. Let's hope this will not be a long-term problem for poor Basil as he is in pain when he stands on his ulcerated paw. I shall keep you posted as we progress.
Sounds like allergies, or yeast.
I hope you can find the root of the problem and that Basil is better soon.
Get better soon, Basil!
London my almost 1 yr old sheepie was chewing on her self and pulling at her hair. They put her on antibiotics for 2 wks and at the same time they put her on allergy medicine twice a day. The chewing has almost completely stopped. If they still can't determine what it is, you may want to get a prescription for the allergy pills. It has made her much more comfortable.
Many thanks, Wynette, I will run this past the Vet and see what he thinks?
I am encouraged that it worked for "London. Once again, many thanks to you all for your kind attention and support at this time. I have made a start and posted a couple of pic's of Basil for you to see, more to follow.

Roger, london UK.
Roger, he is a beautiful sheepie.

Good luck with everything and let us know how it goes.
we had a lab that had a similar situation to yours and it was a fungal/yeast type infection.. had to do with her paws holding water.. you could never get her out of the kiddie pool..

our vet perscribed dipping her paws in hydrogen peroxide to help kill it off and to try to keep her paws as dry as possible.. which for her was a right pain.. but it did seem to help her..

just a thought..
Sounds dreadful.

Hannah had a similar thing with an open wound and it ended up being a sticker. But that was just on one paw only. She had antibiotics and I did warm compresses for several days and the sticker came to a head and I pulled it out and she was fine. The only other times she has excessively licked her paws: one time she had small matts which were cut out and the other time she had a tumor that just arose suddenly and had to be surgically removed.

Good luck, sorry you are going through this.
We have now seen the Dermatologist for a consultation on Basil's problem.
Following some swab tests to Basil's front paws, the results seemed to indicate a fungal/yeast infection. Basil is now on a coarse of; Baytril (antibiotic), Sporanox (yeast) + anti-fungal shampoo (Malaseb) for two weeks. Let's hope this will work for Basil.
However, there now seems to be a more serious problem, the Dermatologist thinks Basil has Systemic Lupus disease (an immune disorder) and wishes to undertake a bio-opsy to establish her theory. The reason behind this thinking is found in Basil's past, about 30 months ago Basil fell ill and a blood test reveled he had a dangerously low blood platelet count (thrombocytopenia). Our Vet prescribed a coarse of Steroids and within weeks Basil's condition had returned to normal and remained so, until now. It appears Thrombocytopenia can be caused by Lupus disease. We shall return to our Vet when Basil's treatment is finished and discuss what to do, as it appears the treatment for Lupus disease does require a high use of drugs which in turn may effect Basil's kidney or spleen in the future. Please see Veterinary Partner.com for further info on this subject. Has anyone had this problem?

I shall keep you posted.
I would also ask the vet to test for thyroid function.
Hi Roger,

Just wondered how Basil is doing?

My previous OES Shaggy, had thrombocytopenia but managed to live to the grand old age of 15 1/2, another 6 years after diagnosis. The horrible thing about this disease is the immune system attacks itself and the dog gets a lot of secondary illnesses much like Aids in humans. Although from your post it's not been confirmed that this is what Basil has.

I tried all the traditional methods - steroids, chemo, anti-biotics but found the steroids made her very bloated, thirsty and as a result had to urinate every 2 hours. Eventually my poor girl just lay larthargically on the floor and I had to question the quality of her life. I decided to try naturapathic medicine instead, with a diet of chicken broth and loaded it it with beta carotene veggies and lots of immune booster vitamins. Her blood platlete count soared, her pep was back and she became my former Shaggy once again. She would occasionally need anti-biotics but not as frequently as before. I kept her on that diet and vitamins until she passed.

I can't advise you what to do, but, as Basils dad you sound as if you will try everything for your boy and I wish you the best of luck. I'll be keeping him in my thoughts and hope that nasty foot infection clears up soon.

Marianne and the boys
I am so hope and pray that the news is good for Basil. Know that you are doing everything you can for him. :ghug:
Hi everbody, and Marianne. Thanks for your support. I don't have much to tell you at the moment. Basil is still in the wars with a weeping pad which won't heal and he finds it difficult to walk very far or stand up for more than a minute or two. He is still taking anti-biotics and painkillers while we await the result from the bio-opsy. We bathe his feet twice a day and make him feel as comfortable as we can. The good news is he still loves his food and wants tit-bits. We hope to hear from the vet this week and i will keep you posted. Marianne, thanks for your post, if it worked for you, it can work for us, it has given us some hope. Many thanks.

Hi everbody,
Basil. 8yrs.
It is sometime since I posted any news on our boy Basil. I do have some good news at last. Basil is better, but only just. Following the results of the bio-opsy Basil was prescribed a coarse of anti-biotics and steroids in high doses to heal the open-sore fungal infection to his front pads. Slowly bit by bit they have now healed, this then left him with blisters to the upper paw which we have been bathing and dressing daily. The anti-biotics stopped some weeks ago and we are now reducing the steriods to four tabs a day and soon hope to cut back to two which our Vet thinks should continue for life. Basil is back to himself again after so long. The steriods have left him feeling hungry so we must watch his weight now. The dermatologist couldn't properly identify the problem other than being a fungal infection.
It's so wonderful to have our boy back again and we pray that we will be able to keep his imune system healthy with the help of steriods, vitamins and regular blood tests. Thanks to everybody that wished Basil better.
Basil is one handsome sheepie :clappurple:
I'm happy to hear he's healing. :D
Glad to hear Basil is doing better. He's such a handsome sheepie!!!
Thanks for the update. So glad to hear that Basil is doing well. :D
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