Who's the Best Drivers?

Who is the best drivers - Men Or Women.?

A survery has been released here and it says ------ are the better drivers.

I'll let you fill in the blanks and opinions. :lol:

The survery was based on Accidents,Road fatalities, Speed fines, drink driving, etc etc. :wink:

So do men rule the road or Women as far as being better & safer drivers? 8)
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Women rule the road :) I thought everyone knew that 8O
Lisa -- I am going to edit your post to make it a poll so we can tally the votes.
Is this with or without cell phones in their hands? In which case, I think it's a tie.

I'm pretty sure the answer is women but isn't it based on accident statistics and stuff? That doesn't account for people that cause accidents and continue driving, never even realizing what they did, lol.
ButtersStotch wrote:
Is this with or without cell phones in their hands? In which case, I think it's a tie.

Or a lipstick :oops: :oops:

I am one of those you see squinting into the rearview mirror putting make-up on while driving....and driving a stick-shift at that.... :wink:

But I am still a WAAAAAAyyy better driver than my husband..
Ha Ha ha I think men might spell better, just looked at how I spelt Survey, geez was early Sunday morning here when I posted, maybe I was not quite with it. :oops: :oops: :lol: Darn that great Saturday night out. :twisted: :lol:
Do we really need to take a survey for this? Isn't the answer obvious? :lol: :wink:
Around here most male drivers will take the Fifth......and a 12 pack to go.
OK well there is a worldwide agreement then, definately women rule the road for less accidents, not as many drink driving offenses, fatalities etc etc etc :lol:

Male drivers under 25 are the worst according to this survey and the other end of the spectrum, the very elderly.

Keep up the good driving girls and that rear vision mirror is wonderful for hair and lipstick touch ups. Hands free for the mobile phone is wonderful you can keep chatting while driving. :lol:
Here's my take on it.

I've heard that women are better drivers for several years, but I hardly think that is true or that the surveys take into account many things...

While it makes sense that men are more wreckless, drive faster, and maybe drive drunk...

if they were to test who can go through those cones, parallel park in tight spots, get out of snow, make it through ice, get up/down steep hills, back out of places "better" ...I say men win.

I can't count the number of times I've seen women (looking out my window and while in other neighborhoods) call their husbands out of the house or switch seats to get their car out of difficult situations. I've seen them get them into parking spaces, weave them out of difficult spots, get them in their own driveway because it's too steep and layered thick with ice, etc...

While I have NEVER seen a guy have to count on a girl. Or a girl suggest to a guy that her friend Sally should help him. I also can't think of any women that I know of past or present that I would choose over their husbands in driving test.

I do not think all women or most women are bad drivers. ...just that men are better.
Joahaeyo wrote:
I also can't think of any women that I know of past or present that I would choose over their husbands in driving test.

I drove for a living for almost 10 years. I can drive just as fast backwards as I can forward and can parallel park any car in almost any space. I've kicked more than one guy (and a lot of girls) out of the driver's seat to park for them. When we used to do track events, I was the only person to jump up two classes (they run A, B.C and D classes) in one day. I won the Audi autocross challenge a couple of years ago, where they had hundreds of people show up to drive an Audi TT through a timed autocross course. The top times from all the dealerships in the U.S. were entered in a drawing for an Audi TT. I didn't win that. :(

I'm not trying to toot my own horn (or make bad puns), but it does happen that a woman can be an excellent driver. Overall though, I agree for the most part that women are not better drivers, they just get caught less. You know how many speeding tickets I've gotten out of? I know of many women who have whined their way out of DUIs as well, which is ridiculous. I think women just beat statistics better.
I think that women in general are a little more cautious, which might make them 'better' in the sense that they might not get in as many fatalities or traffic stops or that sort of thing than men...but it doesn't mean that have better skills.

In response to Joah, I think that women get out of their cars and have their men do it because they are conditioned to think that the men are better at it. Or that the men have just done it for them their whole lives, so they have more experience in ice and are, therefore, better in those situations.

It drives me crazy; my husband constantly talks about how bad women drivers are and that I'm a woman driver, but I (knock on wood) haven't gotten in an accident, or had a ticket or anything and he has...I might do it the way he does it, but I CAN DO IT! :)
Women and men are different types of drivers. Problems happen on the road when multiple styles of driving try to co-exist.

We all know that an aggressive driver can cause an accident when everyone is expecting passivity. Conversely, if everyone expects everyone else to be aggressive, a timid driver can cause an accident. Drivers going too fast can cause accidents, but slow drivers cause other drivers problems.

I think that if the road had more women drivers, men drivers would be the "bad" ones.

Frequently, I can tell a person's sex and ethnicity by the "stupid moves" they make when merging into traffic from an on ramp. I will turn to Joan and say "Did you see that? That driver must be ______" and many more times than not I guess correctly. It's uncanny.
Ron wrote:

Frequently, I can tell a person's sex and ethnicity by the "stupid moves" they make when merging into traffic from an on ramp. I will turn to Joan and say "Did you see that? That driver must be ______" and many more times than not I guess correctly. It's uncanny.

I didn't want to say that, but I can too...
Political Correctness is my long suit.

Most of the time now, I find myself saying, "$20bucks says they're on a cell phone." Don't remember being wrong yet. :roll:

Well, now I know to choose Jill if we had an OES race off. :D
In response to Joah, I think that women get out of their cars and have their men do it because they are conditioned to think that the men are better at it. Or that the men have just done it for them their whole lives, so they have more experience in ice and are, therefore, better in those situations.

...or it's just easier to let them do it than listen to them telling you what you're doing wrong... (oops! was that out loud?)

Something I realized a while ago is that I think I am not as good a driver as I used to be b/c I just don't drive as much. Since I got married, I drive to work (10 minutes away) and back home and that is basically the extent of it. Anywhere else we go, my husband drives - no reason, really, that's just the way we do it. Before we were married, I drove myself everywhere around town and across the country, and I considered myself a really good driver. Now I would say I'm just average (safe, but average).
I'll take the fifth. 5 accidents in 2 years all caused by the other guy 8O
I drive Dh nuts when he drives, no pun intended. He doesn't pay enough attention to the road and whats going on around him. He once pulled over to the side and let me drive because I was so vocal. I drove for a living(200mi a day) and then school buses when I was younger. I drive fast but not aggresively. Yes I've had speeding tickets but I've never had an accident. He's had accidents but claims not his fault(right!). He's broken MY car doing dumb things like backing out of the garage with the door open(hit the side of the garage with the door). I DO DRIVE BETTER THEN HIM IMO. In my house its the female who drives better but that may not be true in all houses. Pam aka Simon's Mom
Guinness wrote:
I'll take the fifth. 5 accidents in 2 years all caused by the other guy 8O


Where do you live again? (so I can avoid the area :lol: )
I didn't vote because I think more depends on age than sex.
Tasker's Mom wrote:
I didn't vote because I think more depends on age than sex.
Everyone should be equally great in our house then, since we both have plenty of age ....

Oh wait, You said "more depends on age than sex" and not "depends on more age than sex". Never mind.
I know I drive better than my hubby. I'm always white knucked in the seat while he's pulling out in front of a very closely oncoming car or trying to dial on his cell.. the list goes on... :roll:
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