I have an adventure this weekend. I'm doing my first 48 hour shift as an EMT at the Firehouse. Usually we just do 12's on Friday night but have been asked to do the entire weekend. If it works out we'll do it every 5 weeks.

Because we are staying at the Fire House BOTH Tasker and Ty are coming along. Ty usually comes but this will be Tasker's first experience as a FIRE DOG.

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I just KNOW Tasker will make THE perfect firehouse dog!!! Panda loves all of the attention, but I have to say she's not too keen on the smell.....(the station does have a weird smell to it, if I do say so myself)

What do you do with them, Ginny, when you have to run a call? Does the loud noise scare them? :?
Well, I take Ty's crate and he goes in it. Tasker will most likely have the run of the "community hall and kitchen". That area isn't very noisey. We are going to give it a try!!!

Doug has his laptop so I'll be able to "report in" as the weekend progress' :wink:
Don't forget your camera!! :wink:
I've taken each dog to work with me before and they all did fine. Norman even decided to jump into the front seat of the ambulance and put his paws on the wheel!!
Best of luck to you, Doug and the boys!
I hope it all goes well. Tasker would make a great fire dog. 8)
That sounds like fun...maybe. Do you get to sleep or are you expected to stay awake for 48 hours? I apologize for my ignorance :D
Stacy wrote:
That sounds like fun...maybe. Do you get to sleep or are you expected to stay awake for 48 hours? I apologize for my ignorance :D

HEHHEHEHEH, no we get to sleep. We have an aero bed and sleeping bags. There has been much talk about putting in a "bunk room" and there is money in the budget for a sofa bed but for the moment it's the aero bed on the floor.

We have arrived and settled in. The boys are having a ball. We had one quick call and they were very well behaved. There have been lots of visitors because everyone heard we were bringing them both. One of the drivers brought his golden over and he and Tasker had a great game of rough n tumble in the community room. Ty was a bit of a snot and ketp snarling so I had to keep him on my lap.

We even have a REAL computer (not an old laptop) to paly on, so I won't have to go through computer withdrawal this weekend.
Lol. If you can't sleep for 48 hours, I hope you aren't my EMT during hour 38 or so!
The boys did well last night, Tasker was a bit restless. I had to take him out at 1:30 AM but he seems to be settling in. I've got my knitting to keep me busy and hopefully Doug will find some electrical work to keep him occupied if it's a quiet day.
Is Doug there and an EMT too?
No, he drives the ambulance and is a Fireman :D
Wow Ginny!

Whooo hoooo Tasker (the Cary Grant of dogs) will be smoking hot as the new firedog, expecially if he gives those smouldering looks. :D

Little Ty for a change will be looking up to his big brother, I suspect.

Sorry to hear about that long shift Ginny but can't wait to hear how the boys made out being firedogs!

Marianne and the boys
I bet the aero bed doesn't compare to your new one :) Have fun!
Cool! My husband's B-I-L is retired San Francisco FD. To this day he talks lovingly of a certain house dog. Tasker will surely melt some hearts.
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