She could buy the country!

Okay, so I just have to say this and get it off of my mind. I know what the celebrities are doing for other countries is great. Bringing attention to places that really do need help. I read an article Jolie wrote on behalf of Dufar today, and it was great, yes they need help. But I am so sick of people like her asking everyone to give money and aid, when she could freaking buy the country! If she or Pitt, or Madona would just give the amount of money they make in 1 concert or from 1 movie, think of how much good they could do.

Okay, I just had to vent. Like I said, those places do need help, and I happy someone is able to bring attention to it. I am sure if we all were millionares and didn't have to work a normal job, we would be able to do something about it too. Oh, wait those people are called missionaries, weird, they don't get that much attention do they????
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I remember once seeing Jay Leno comment about the exhorbinate amount that a particular athlete was receiving (a salary of millions) and commented" Ever hear them say...Oh please that's far too much, give me less, I don't need that much".

Then again they become used to a standard of living, and some are more apt to becoming involved in charities. It's the same as the average folks who donate and give their time while others choose to spend their time doing leisure for their own benefit. Or the person who makes 40,000 yearly but gives 5,000 or 10,000 to others. It would be the same with a person of higher means giving 100,000 or 500,000, although easier for them in some ways to part with money.

Celebrities have the ability to bring certain causes to the frontfront due to their popularity and thus have the potential of making change faster and get assistance for that benefit.

There sadly is the "Haves and Haves not" in the world. I once visited Haitii several years ago, when the maximum people made yearly was 200 per year. They probably viewed me as rich in their eyes and probably assumed the same thing about me that we may view of celebrities whom we view as ultra rich.

I admire Angelina for at least trying to make a difference and becoming involved but cringe when I see Paris Hilton as being a role model to young girls because she can afford a 4,000 Louis Vittron purse.

Good post by the way..makes you think!

Marianne and the boys
I'm going to have to disagree. Oh my gosh, She gives MILLIONS. I believe I read she gives a percentage of what she makes in movies which I'm sure has equaled at LEAST a FEW movies. ...and let's not get into Oprah. She has given them HOPE in a form no one has and has brought more aid out there than you or I could fathom.

They go and help villages. If she wants to get the word out, and encourage others to help whether it be by going there to help rebuild villages or by giving money ...awesome. That's more than what I'm doing.

Their celebrity status and work there has brought attn to a country that many people knew VERY LITTLE about until they brought attn to it.

The way I view it... how dare someone mock them when what are they doing wrong? They should give more? Who says...? Because they don't deserve the riches and mansions as well if they want to help the world? Why should they have to feed ALL of Africa and be responsible for running out all the terrorists that live there? Even if they wanted to, they couldn't. They'll need more than fame and their money to change Africa. Awareness is a start, which is what they're doing.
I agree with Joah...

I'm not really a huge Angelina Jolie fan in general...but...People like Angelina Jolie have definitely raised awareness of some smaller countries that are in need of assistance that many people in america would probably never have heard of otherwise. She's a Goodwill Ambassador, she's adopted children from countries in turmoil--but she didn't just take the kid and run--she's made a vested interest in those countries. She says she wants her son Maddox to know his home country of Cambodia and still feel connected there, so she goes back and helps...

Celebrities are just people...some are stingy, some are givers. And some probably have charities and causes that the public doesn't know about.

Yes, it seems unfair that some people make so much money when others make so much less, but I know I'm not going to lessen my salary so that someone with less drive or education or whatever can make the same amount as me...that's why communism doesn't work. Just as I don't expect Oprah or Bill Gates to take their income and make sure everyone has the same amount so it's fair. If people are generous and give to others as they see fit and at least strive to leave the world a better place than they left it, I think that's fine.
I think Brad Pitt has been pretty charitable too, I recall him donating money to Katrina relief. Some of the celebrities are very generous, but others are just self indulgent.
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