Protein in Watson's urine

Does anyone have any experience or knowledge regarding protein in a dog's urine? Watson has had two tests that show protein in his. He has been treated with an antibiotic. This caused a tiny decrease that might not be significant. The vet wants to test him again in 10-14 days. He has also decided to put him on a blood pressure medicine that might help. If there is no decrease, he wants to refer us for futher tests, possibly a biopsy.

I don't know what to think...............
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Sorry no advice but wanted to offer some sympathy and keep your post at the top of the pile in case someone has some experience with this.

Keep us updated!

I haven't much experience with this so don't want to give you the wrong info but from what I know of protein in the urine it's usually a sign of cystitus. An inflamation of the kidney or liver caused by some form of bacteria..sometimes a tick bite will have caused this. There are also an umpteeth reasons why protein showed up.

One thing I've learned over the years is not to search diseases and their possible cause online (at least not while waiting for results only AFTER) as you will drive yourself crazy of the possible ifs....
Once you know what you're dealing with then read everything you can about it. Remember only after you know exactly what you are dealing with. I believe knowledge is power and the more you know about it, the better equipted you are to ask the right questions and how to deal with it.

Watson sounds as if he's in excellent hands with a caring mom and a vet who is on top of it. I am keeping you both in my thoughts and please give us updates. Watson is so lucky you gave him a second chance and you are an angel for providing such a happy home to this much deserving boy. :hearts:

Hugs to you and belly rubs to Watson,

Marianne and the boys
We were hoping it was a simple infection, but I am thinking that the three weeks of antibiotics should have made a big difference if that was the case. I am trying to be calm and just wait for the next test.
Our minds race and we come up with many possibilities. Personally I'd want to do the web research so I know what may be coming.......and often it isn't any of the ones I've looked at.

All we can do is face each day and diagnosis with calm resolve to do what we can to get our best friend healthy again........and if the battle is too great, to live each day to the fullest (which we should be doing every day anyway!)

Hoping the problem is found quickly and is treatable.

Remember that dogs don't let us know they have a bladder infection as soon as a person would - one of the downsides of the dogs not talking to us. So the infection has a chance to progress more than it usually does in a human. That also means more inflammation. The inflammation allows the larger protein cells to pass in the urine.
Kids often require a longer course of antibiotics to cure the bladder infection, just like our pets. Getting sterile urine on the kids and dogs is equally hard, but a urine culture could identify if the crrect antibiotic is being used. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a huge issue nowdays.

I rarely catch Oprah due to work. However, I saw a few minutes of the show on the Secret. The idea is that you send out energy and it comes back to you. Positive enrgy attracts back positive energy, just as negative enrgy attracts negative energy. Basically, you place an order with the type of enrgy/thoughts you send out. I am placing an order for Watson to be fine after this round of anitbiotics.
Good thoughts for Watson, thanks for all you're doing, you've been through a lot.
Sending positive and good thoughts for your watson, hope all turns out to be OK.
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