How long will do Sheepies really stay "puppy like"

Hello everyone. I've been getting some conflicting advice through books I've read and was hoping that someone might have better advice. We have a 2 year old female (Maddie) who we recently rescue 2 months ago. This is the first OES that I've had. I am an experienced dog person and have had Schnauzers and a Cocker Spaniel throughout my life. At 2 years old, these dogs have all pretty much mellowed out. Maddie, on the other hand, I just a big ol' puppy who wants to play constantly when we get home from work. As a note, I do take Maddie for several walks throughout the day w/ a nice long hour walk when I get home. She is home alone during the day w/ her 2 brothers (2 year old kitties) and I do go home at lunch to spend time w/ her and take her for a walk. I've read that the OES will remain "puppylike" up until 8- 10 years old and then suddenly slow down. How true is this? Thanks for any advice ;)
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Hi Maddies mom,

When I was growing up with my sheepie named Harry, he never seemed to slow down and was a puppy for a long time, however we only kept him around 8 years. When my parents divorced, they gave him to another family. :cry: I haven't had the experience yet with Jack and Annabelle.....they aren't old enough yet. I have heard the same as you though that they stay young for a long time and then suddenly slow down. I guess only time will tell. :wink: Stormi
Oh, it is very true! They seem to be puppies and then they hit the 10 year old mark and turn into old timers - in what seems like an instant!

Maddie may need some more "involved" exercise and/or play - to keep her mind active as well as her body. You can also give her some bones - I like the real marrow bones for the market - some give them raw - but I boil them - and they keep my dogs busy for quite a while.

She may get a little calmer at around age 3 or so - but it will be a while before you notice a big difference!

Enjoy this time - it's so difficult when they get to be old-timers and you can see them age right before your eyes! :cry:

They stay puppy-like F O R E V E R....
That is what is so great about them. Enjoy the time with Maddie because the 10-13 short years you have with her will never be enough.
Thanks to everyone for your replies and advice!
LOL! I love this question! Right now I have a rescue boy waiting for his new home this weekend. He's 2-3 and a handful......sounds like he could play all day with your girl. Makes me realize I'd rather not have another puppy! My 6 year old bitch is very mellow except when it comes to running the fence, chasing birds, rounding up shadows, etc. That is she will entertain herself (thankfully.) My 4 year old male is the same way.

Our other sheepies have also quieted down after a few years. I think it's as much home environment as dog characteristic. If your home is constantly in motion, your dog will react the same way. If you are more sedate, you dog will become that as well. If you are gone all day, of course they are wild and crazy to see you.........I can remember that same feeling with my husband, LOL!
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