Making a decision to end a dog's life.

:( We have an old English Sheepdog who is now twelve years old. He is the love our our lives! He has such bad arthritis now that the Prednazone, Rimidal and other medications have ceased to work. He has also started to urine in the house and now will defecate as well to avoid walking too far to go out. He does whine with pain occasionally. I know this sounds extremely selfish on our part but we just can't part with him. Please advise!!
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I'm so sorry for the difficult position you are in. I Understand exactly what you are going through, and maybe reading about my experience and other's responses will help you in this difficult time:

Be sure to read on, there is more than 1 page until the end of the story.

Please know we are here to lean on. We understand.
Sammy I am so sorry to hear about your sheepie! No you do not sound selfish at all it sounds as if you are being a thoughtful and loving. Even though sheepies tend to be clowns they are wise souls and your sheepie will let you know when he is ready to let go. I send you my most heartfelt wishes!

One of the most kind and selfless acts you can do is to help them at the end. I am going through the same thing as you right now and have been through it in the past as well. It's very difficult - I wish they would all go peacefully in their sleep - but unfortunately that doesn't always happen and we need to put their needs first and let them go.

Noone can make this decision for you - follow your instincts and your heart! Your dog will let you know it's time.

Please know that whatever decision you make - you have my full support! I will keep your dog in my thoughts and prayers!

Oh Sammie,

My heart is breaking for you. Yes, it is selfish, and yes, as OES lovers we are entitled to be selfish, because our love for our dogs runs so very deep.

Grannie Annie (from the OES list) is such a wise woman and once told someone in your situation, look deep into your sheepie's eyes, and they will tell you when its time.

We are all here for you...and we will all hurt for you, and do hurt for you having to go through this.

But we will also celebrate the love and friendship you and your sheepie share. And remember, when the time comes, he will be welcomed by our sheepies who are all playing painfree and waiting for us at the bridge.

Warmest hugs to you.....
Hi Sammy,

I don't think I could say it any better than what has already been said. I am sitting here thinking how lucky I am that my experience with my Jack and Annabelle is just beginning, but that one day I will be in heartbreak just like you. I can't say what would be right or wrong, but like Kristen said I support you all the way. I am sorry that you are going through this. Hugs, Stormi
On August 26, 2003 at 9:30 AM, I looked into my 17 yr. old puppers eyes and told him I loved him & watched him shut his eyes for the last time. It was the least I could do for my best friend. He helped me raise my 2 boys (now in college) and was always by my side. He had been on meds for several years & was such a good sport...kept a great attitude...but I do believe he kept on going for us...his uprights... As the momma & leader of this pack, I had to release him from his pain. I now realize that maybe I should have done this much sooner...I was thinking more about me missing him. Even though there is a huge hole in my heart, I know it was the most loving thing I could do! I encourage you all not to wait too long. I feel his presence around me & every once in a while I feel his soft fur on my leg. gee, if I could turn around & he'd be there...
... As the momma & leader of this pack, I had to release him from his pain. I now realize that maybe I should have done this much sooner...I was thinking more about me missing him. Even though there is a huge hole in my heart, I know it was the most loving thing I could do! I encourage you all not to wait too long.

This says so much. I think back with each of our dogs who we helped end their misery and think, "Did we wait too long?" Was my selfish need keeping the dog in pain and misery? Is that love?

A dog has dignity. Don't let them end their life contrary to the way they lived. I learned this from our first dog, a Siberian Husky who stopped grooming herself...hukies do this daily. It took me awhile but I learned she was telling me she no longer cared.

We never forget our dogs. As long as we can recall their name, they live in our hearts. The tears are expected.....and last.............years.
sammy i am so sorry to hear about your dog.I lost toby 3 months ago he had very bad arthritis in his back legs.Four days before we lost him he started having fits . we got up one morning and he had lost control of his bladder/bowels during the night.I couldn't describe the look on tobys face that morning he hated been mucky and cleaned himself many times a day.we cleaned him down and put him in the front room and i mentioned to my husband that we or toby couldn't go on like this.An hour later we were all sat in the front room and toby wouldn't stop looking at me i went over to him to give him a cuddle and i knew what he was telling me he then pulled himself up and went to see my husband.He stayed with him for about 15 mins .Then with a great struggle he got up and did something he had never done in his life when there was people in the house .He went and sat in a room on his own .i knew then it was time to call a vet .He had said his goodbyes and he had had enough.
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