a new face at home!


We had a new addition to our household over the weekend! My sister adopted a springer spaniel tentatively named "Comet" on Saturday evening! (Gambit the boxer was adopted by a family with children, they were given priority over my sister, so he was a no go :cry: )

Pippin thinks he is in puppy dog heaven, as he now has someone to run around the house with, and has been doing just that the whole weekend! It's so nice to have someone give him a run for his money. The only part he doesn't get is that not everyone is as good at sharing treats as he is 8)

For his part Comet is very sweet, a bit of a talker, in LOVE with balls, and has good house manners. He's a little overly attached to his treats/bones, and we'll have to work with that some (He'll growl when pip or sometimes people come up to inspect his treats), but we haven't had any serious issues. He came from a family with 3 small children, and is trained to hunt and retrieve. His old "dad" joined the military, and could not get any family members to take the dog when the family moved for his deployment :cry:

I did take pics, and when I turned the camera on to upload them at work... NO BATTERIES LEFT! Sorry guys, I'm stranded at work without batteries, but I'll try to get my home computer to upload the pics of him this evening. For now how about a description...

He's on the small side for a springer, about 1/3 Pip's size. Black and white, with a black face and freckled legs, he has a very sweet expression. "Uncle" Mike's not sure about him yet(he doesn't like Comet's propensity to bark/howl when excited), but he's a charmer, and will win him over :D
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Awww....I'm sorry it didn't work out with the Boxer, but I'm glad to know he got a family, too. Springers are great dogs and I'm sure he'll be a great playmate for Pippin.

Congrats to Christina! :D
Someone on this board did suggest a Springer Spaniel. 8) Glad she went and found a dog she fell in love with even if it wasn't what she originally had in mind. It was probably a better fit for her in the end.. Smaller is always better, imho, especially when you are living at someone else's house.

Congrats to her!!!

And HURRY w/the dang pics! I can't wait to see the two of them playing!

I love the name Comet btw. My SIL has a dog named Comet (and Cupid), so I'm used to hearing it.
Springers are great dogs with LOTS and LOTS of energy!!!!!!!

Can't wait to see the pics.
I :hearts: Springer Spaniels!
Yeah! Congrats! I hope Pip and Comet continue to get along. Where does Comet sleep? With your sister? I don't know why I want to know... :roll:
I'm so excited for you guys! How fun...I think! :D
Yea!! Playmate for Pippen!! :D
Congrats.. on the addition.. Pip must be in heaven.

My Murphy is half springer.....
Congratulations to Christina!

Wow, it must be fun for Pippin to have Comet
to play with. It must get really wild in the
front room when Cebvia comes inside to play! :D

We need pictures! :cheer: :cheer:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Cevia doesn't get to come over and play.. Poor Cevs, all the fun she misses out on. It is controlled chaos at my house now. The boys are so excited to be with each other, they just run, run, run, and then crash, they both pass out!

I tried to get christina to call himn "Merry" (As in Meriadoc Brandybuck... Pippin's cohort in crime in "Lord of the Rings") But she was concerned people might think the name was "Mary" instead :( I guess I'll have to wait for the next dog. Becuase, as all LOTR fans know, Pip is nothing without Merry!
Can't wait to see pics!!!!!! I can just imagine the crazed fun everyone is having!
Congrats to your family and Comet! :)

I love springers... so cute, and smart :)

Can't wait to see pics :)
How wonderful! Springers are a lovely breed! Lots of energy to keep Pippin busy!

Can't wait for pics!
Congrats on the new family member.
Can't wait to see pictures!
Here's a couple pics of our new addition. Christina has changed his name to "Watson". I like it... very Sherlock Holmesy. I'll post some more of him and Pip in the photo section. They didn't come out that great, he's fast on his feet, and doesn't sit and pose like my HAM Pippin!




Watson is an even better name!!! Watson looks like he needs some burgers (but could be the blurry pic), but still handsome! Congrats to her ........and I guess I should say to you too ;) He looks like a bundle of fun!
Watson, can you hand me my magnifying glass???

sorry that was the best i could come up with... :oops:
I laughed.

Darcy is the cutest!
He's adorable!
What a cutie! But...I need more Pippen pictures!
I'm posting a few more watson and Pip pics in the picture forum :) Yes, Watson is a little slender, but he had been at the shelter since 1/19, and who knows what they'd been feeding him. Plus he is a VERY active dog so he burns off those calories like nobody's business!

Then again, compared to a big shaggy sheepdog, anything looks skinny :lol:

"It's elementary dear Watson!" How's that, Darce?
Watson looks like a busy boy! I see why he's on the thin side. I bet he and Pip are having a blast :D .
Iriskmj wrote:
"It's elementary dear Watson!" How's that, Darce?

D'oh ...THATS what I was going for! :?

marianne where are you? I need you to slap my forehead!

Here's finally, is a decent picture of him! Isn't he a cutie???

He's also gotta be bound for either flyball or agility... boy can that dog JUMP! As in jump over my baby gates to chase the kitty girls up the steps or into the kitchen... :roll:
He IS cute!!!

Did I mention I :hearts: Springer Spaniels! ???

BTW, what's with the HorseGroomingSupplies.com watermark? :?:
Huh... I have no idea really. My sister visits that website all the time though, for Cevia. Not sure why it would show up on her cellphone pictures though! I didn't really even notice it. Maybe Watson is making a plug for them???
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