Missing Harley, One year today.

Feb 1st 2006 we had to put down our German Shepherd, Harley.
Harley was diagnosed as having cancer that had metastisized (sp?)
He was in end stage cancer by the time he was diagnosed. :(
It was such a hard decision, but we know it was the best one as he was obviously in pain.
Hubby is having a very hard time with this anniversary. He misses Harley so much. Harley followed him everywhere. When he would work in the garage Harley was always there, hanging with Daddy. He was the first dog hubby had as an adult.

We rescued Harley when he was a year and a half old. He was being starved because his owner's ex-girlfriend that had him was going to put him down because she didn't like him. She kept him outside and barely fed him anything. He had always had health problems due to his lack of care. We quickly fattened him up to a healthy weight and he was so grateful for his new home and the love and attention he received.

When we went away on vacation to NJ in Dec 2005 we came home to find out Harley hadn't eaten the entire time we were gone. I heard him bark when I went to pick him up at the shelter but he didn't bark again. Concerned about his weightloss and him not barking I brought him to the Vet. The next couple of weeks was a blur of tests and Vet visits.
We had had no idea he was sick as he never acted sick until we went away.

He was only 5 1/2 yrs old when we had to put him down. Robbed of his life by cancer. :(

Here he is playing with Pepsi just a few months before his diagnosis

We miss you buddy!
You will always be in our hearts!
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That is so sad. He looks like such a handsome and sweet boy. Thankfully your family gave him the best of life, even though it was so short.

My 1st dog as an adult was also a german shepherd - Jenny. I still miss her too. :(
I can't believe it's been a year already :cry: Harley was such a gorgeous boy, you guys are wonderful for giving him a good life!
Oh Elissa

I'm so so SORRY thinking of you all at this time.

wendy and gismo
8) I love the shot of the two dogs wrestling together. Such energy! :ghug:
He was a majestic dog. I'm glad you have fond memories with him.
He was a beautiful dog Elissa. He was lucky to have you guys even though it was a short time.

Those are great pictures. He was a beautiful guy who died way too young. :(
Harley was a beautiful dog , I'm so sorry for your loss :(
A beautiful boy, and obviously a great buddy to Pepsi. I'm so sorry for his untimely loss. :ghug:
I am so sorry for your loss. my heart goes out to you. :hearts:

Thanks Everyone.

Been thinking about some funny Harley memories.
Shortly after we got him we went away and my friend Jen stayed at our house. She took a shower and put him out back. He did not like to be left out. When she got out of the shower Harley was sitting on the couch in the living room. He jumped threw the screen of the picture window ripping it to pieces. :roll: :lol: I did not find it funny at the time since we had to replace the screen.

Another one of things he did. When we had company over Harley had to sniff them to make sure they were OKAY! Someone could be at our house for hours and he would be fine with them, but when they went to use the bathroom and came out of the bathroom he acted like he had never seen them before. He would start barking his head off. If we didn't tell him to stop he would usually get behind them and nip whomever it was in the backside. Never hard, just to let them know he was not happy. Silly dog!
He never did this with family. Only visitors. We would warn everyone before they used the bathroom and everyone always said the same thing. "It will be fine, Harley knows me." Which was usually followed a few minutes later by, "Your dog just nipped my ass!" lol
I guess he figured guests marking in the house was a no no! :lol:
Hi Elissa,

I often think of Harley as he made that much of an impact on me. Ironically, when I thought of him it was the image of those photos you posted of him playing with Pepsi. What a beautiful boy he was and no doubt he knew he was loved by you.

Marianne and the boys
Ron wrote:
I guess he figured guests marking in the house was a no no! :lol:

You may be right about that Ron. :lol:

Thanks for the hug Ginny, I'll pass it on to Billy as he needs it more than me.

Marianne, thank you for your kind words.
Harley was such a beautiful boy! I can't believe it's been a year already - wow.

I'm so glad you have such happy memories of Harley. They will stay with you forever. :ghug:
A year already, it's hard to believe. That was a funny story about the bathroom...gave me a good chuckle.

Your third picture is my favorite, he looks so perfect. Hugs to the family as the anniversary passes.
Hi what a stunning ,beautiful dog thinking about at this sad time :ghug:
Thanks everyone!
He was a beautiful boy and given so much love. Thank you for sharing the happy memories and fun parts of his personality. I am sorry for your loss.
I can't believe he's been gone for 7 years, today.
He is brought in in conversation at least a few times and week and even more so recently as we rescued a dog, who is not a German Shepherd, but has a very similar personality to Harley. Constantly making us laugh, which is what we needed after losing Pepsi in November.
Harley may be gone, but never forgotten. He was a great dog! Okay, a bit of a trouble maker.... but of course my husband remembers NONE of that! :roll: Probably because I was always cleaning it up.
To this day, Hayley (My 8 year old Daughter), even though she doesn't remember Harley, only from pictures, as he died when she was just 1 year old, has no fear of German Shepherds or any big dogs.
I had a hard recovery from my C-section and Harley was quick. He always made it to her bassinet before me.
I am sure it's because she remembers Mr. Big Face and how he loved her!
Miss you buddy! But I bet you are sure happy that you have your best friend, Pepsi there to play with now.
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Dogs--I know one will miss them forever. :ghug:
I can't believe it has been that long. Wow.
He was a great dog.

He was a big brave ass nipper, too! :D
Aw! We will never forget them! we talk about Annie a lot and Mom regularly talks about all her dogs from the past 30 years too. If we think and talk about them, we know they were LOVED!
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
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