
when we go to work, truman loves to find at least one thing to wreck. It may be a piece of mail torn to shreds or a box or what ever.
any one have any ideas on how to stop him from doing this.
He has lots of toys to play with and his sister is here with him as well.
he has only been out of the crate for maybe a month or two.
Whats the solution?
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IMHO, he's just not ready to be left to roam free. Yuki is 2 and she is still locked up in a small space. I have been giving her free roam of downstairs if it's just a short period, but that's just a hallway and staircase!

My maltese was locked up until she was almost one, and she did great! Never have to worry about her. Every dog is different,
I really cant say what would be best,, maybe back into the kennel. That or try putting him in a room in your house where is confined to that area only. Obe has just graduated from staying in the kennel while I am gone but he doesn't really destroy anything other than his toys and rugs are everywhere. I "think" most of the time I am gone he sleeps. At least when I get home he is sleeping might be tired from a day of playing who nows.
If Truman is being destructive while you are gone and it has only been a month since he was crated while you are gone I would say he wasn't ready to be out of the crate.
For his safety I would continue to crate him. Up until now luckily he hasn't hurt himself but I personally would not take the chance.
We had a similar thing happen with Barkley (now almost 8 mo.).

He was reliable for 2 weeks in the mudroom (a 9'x9' room with ceramic tile floor), with his crate open, dog bed, kongs and toys. He even spent a couple of full 8-hour days in the mudroom.

Then I came home for lunch one day and found that he had chewed out a patch of drywall!!! This when he had 3 stuffed kongs, toys, etc. and was only home alone for 4 hours! It took all the willpower I could muster to stay calm and not scold him at all. As much as I wanted to scold him (we'd only lived in our brand new house for a month and a half!!!!), he wouldn't understand why I was angry.

We just realized that he wasn't ready to be out of the crate when we're at work. We'll try it again, gradually with a few hours in his room at a time. I hope he'll be ready soon.
i would agree with putting barkley back in the kennel. As long as obe behaves he can stay out but the first slip and it will back in for him as well.
Back to the crate it would be at our house. Chewie is nowhere near ready to be loose in even a room - he still gets into stuff. He's great as far as the potty training part, just not in other behaviors. :lol: :lol:
I also feel that your dog needs to go back in the crate. My dog is 7 months old and when I leave the house to run errands he is crated. If I am just going to visit a neighbor he is allowed to stay in the kitchen and I make sure I do not create opportunities for him to act out. Fred loves to rip up paper too and I make sure he doesn't have supplies for his confetti making activities.

I still cannot believe Laika is still getting into things! Last night I left the room to do something she wasn't alone she was with my boyfriend. (not that matters haha :cry: ) I come in there she was chowing down on matches! They were put away on the shelf next to the fire place! goodness!
Sounds about like Obe. As long as he can't reach anything he is good. But if can get to it then it belongs to him. So when I leave I make sure everything is put away so there are no chances of him getting into trouble. At least with things he can't get to. He may pull a blanket off the bed or couch but he takes it to his bed and lays on it. I think he misses me.
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