Getting Teeth Pulled Tuesday

So, Monty is getting some teeth pulled on Tuesday. By looking at his teeth, the vet and I are convinced he wasn't taken care of well or on the streets when he was little because he teeth are a mess.

He has two on the top in the front that are dead and a few nubbins on the bottom in the front (we'll never know what really happened to those teeth...).

His bottom canine may get pulled as well; he won't know until X-rays. His canine grew into his top gum and formed a hole there where it could fit to close his mouth. It saddens me b/c that must've hurt so bad at some point...

Anyway, I've never dealt with teeth pulling, any advice?
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My maltese had to get 2 or 4 (forgot) teeth pulled. She had it done while she was spayed to prevent having to put her down twice. She came home drowsy, but other than that... she was fine! it still wasn't for the reason you are having to have it done. Ours was cosmetic.

Good luck to your furbaby!!! Tell us how it goes!!!
When I adopted Simon, he needed a cleaning and a few teeth pulled. After the grogginess wore off, I never noticed any difference in his behavior. I'm sure he actually felt better after the rotten teeth were pulled out. His breath was drastically improved!!!
How about eating afterwards? Should she feed wet food or soak kibble in water before serving while the gums are healing?

Hugs to Monty. Hope he feels better when all the teeth pulling is over and done with. :hearts:
I have not had to have any of my dogs teeth pulled...Just wanted to say good luck and I hope he feels better. He will have a better life now!!
I am concerned about his canine. Those teeth are considerably deeper. Do you think that his dry dog food will be fine since all the teeth are in the front? Or will soft food be better?

Oh I hope that canine stays in... :(
I would think soaking his food for a couple days would be good. That way he still will eat and start healing. Let us know what your vet recommends.
Many, many rescues need dentals, including extractions. I fostered one that needed over 20 teeth removed!

Soft food for a couple days, until the healing starts, then you can gradually firm it up. He may have a sore mouth for a few days, too, so give him lots of alone time if he is miserable...Or he could be a big suck and need some lovins.... :hearts:

Most likely he will be on antibiotics, to prevent infection.....

Poor is hard when they don't understand that all this is for the best...
Thanks to all of you for your advice. I think the pain will be bad if the canine goes, but those dead ones in the front...I don't know.

How long does the pain normally last? Did anyone notice?
Poor Monty! :( I hate the dentist, I feel really bad for him.
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