To cut or not to cut

My husband, Randy, was talking to Simon the other day and telling him that Mom said that she was going to keep him in a puppy cut cause that was easier. He was telling Simon his hair was getting kinda long and maybe it was time for a haircut.Well, Mom(me), was listening and pointed out to Randy that Simon is changing colors. He is 7mo old and his undercoat is rapidly changing to grey. If I took him in for a cut(neither will let me near the scissors after the last "cut" I gave him) he would be a different color dog. I want him to stay a puppy as long as I can and if he gets cut the black would be mostly gone. I keep the area around the eyes cut so he can see. Yes his hair is getting longer and he looks like a sheepie more every day and its harder and takes more time to brush him out, but he's so darn cute right now I don't want him cut yet. Besides that I'm the one that brushes him. Randy won't brush him, can't brush and will never pick up a brush. Its a guy thing. :roll: So what do I do, cut or not, Simon's Mom aka Pam
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Simon's Mom wrote:
its harder and takes more time to brush him out, but he's so darn cute right now I don't want him cut yet.

Then don't! You can always do the puppy cut later, if that's what you want. I think that since you are the one doing the brushing, you get to decide whether he needs a trim. 8)

Enjoy your puppy!
I agree. If you don't mind the work - keep it up! If it gets too much later, you can always trim. But you can't get that baby coat back.
That's the one thing I hate about their first hair cut, you lose that black baby coat fluff and they never look like that again...

If you can keep up, then don't trim if you don't want to :)
Willowsprite wrote:
That's the one thing I hate about their first hair cut, you lose that black baby coat fluff and they never look like that again...

If you can keep up, then don't trim if you don't want to :)

me too!!!!!! you can do it!!!!!!!! :)
I have exactly the same thing going on with my Fred right now. He just turned seven months this week. His undercoat is greying but the ends of his hair are black. Brushing through the coat change can is frustrating.

Fred's back legs have come in grey rapidly and the texture of the hair is funny. I spent two and half hours brushing him today. He is a messy baby but, he looked great when we were done.

I love the baby coat. Fred's is beautiful and everyone remarks on the soft feel of the hair.
Allie is so pretty right now with her length and color also! But she is soo dang hot all the time. It is chilly in Michigan, and we turn the heat down at night to 62 and she is still panting :?
I am thinking we will puppy cut in March, so she can finally cool off!
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