It's someone else's birthday today too!!!!

Ok so we all know that it is Ron's birthday today... But can you guess who else has a birthday today???

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Can't hardly believe it's been a YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Baby!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Pippin!! Can't believe you're already a year old!!
I can't belive it's been a year already.. oh.. yes I can.. cuase...

It's been so long since we've seen pictures of the Pipster!!!!

Oh. well.. Happy Birthday Pip.. Have a great one.. and I hope your Mom posts new pictures of you soon.
Happy Birthday Pippin!! :)
:bdcake: :bdcake: Happy Birthday Pippin! :bdcake: :bdcake:
Pippin! You're a 1 year old now!!!!! Woo hoo! Happy birthday, darlin'!

:bdcake: Happy Birthday Pippin :bdcake:

:cheer: :hearts: :cheer: :hearts: :cheer:
Happy Birthday Pip!!! Now that you're a year old, you have to promise to be LESS TROUBLE!! Well...maybe not THIS year...
WOW, it's been a year?!!?!?!?!??!! :excited:

It's time for MORE PICS!!!!!!!! :D :D

Happy Birthday sweet Pippin'!!!! Hope mommy gives you lots of treats today!
To my darling boy...

I can't beleive that it has already been a year since the day you came into the world!

I wasn't sure which one you were, but I loved you already!

When we went to visit you at the breeder, you stole my heart (and my lap)
how could I resist that sweet face!

I couldn't wait to bring you home

and once you were...
You wrapped me right around your little paw!

From there, what a flurry of activity!

From your first walk with daddy

and your first bath
(where you snuck intot he shower!)

To your favorite napping place

It sure didn't take long for you to find some trouble!

Or to learn to do tricks like the big boys

Or hang with the kitty girls! (without chasing them all over the house)

I wish I could have kept you little forever

But you were growing like a weed!

And now look at you!

You're my Booder Boy

And we couldn't be without you!

Happy Birthday baby boy! Mommy loves you!
Awww, Happy 1st B-day Pippin, you big boy! :bdcake: :banana: :go: :cheer: :yay:

Great pics Karen! It was nice to see his puppy pics again.
Hope you have a very happy first Birthday, Pippin!!!!

Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Pip!
Happy Birthday Pippin!
GREAT look (pics) at the first year!
What a great group of pictures!!

Happy Birthday Pippin, Darling!!

:bdcake: Happy birthday, Pippin!! :kiss:

Loved seeing his first year in pictures. Time really does fly, doesn't it??
8) :bdcake: :hearts: HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY PIPPIN!!!!!!! :bdcake: :hearts:
Happy Birthday Baby-Pippin :kiss: :hearts:
Wow a year already! Happy B-day Pippin. You have turned from a beautiful puppy to a handsome dude!
:bdcake: Happy Birthday, Pippin! :bdcake:

Housebreaking is completed... :phew: the "Terrible Two's" to come! :excited:
WOW - I remember reading all of your puppy posts - I can't BELIEVE it has already been a year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Pipp!

:clappurple: :clappurple:
Happy Birthday Pippin, have a wonderful day. :D
Happy Birthday Pip! Get some extra belly rubs and treats in! And don't forget....double cheeseburgers plain at McD's!! With a cheese stick candle topper. It's tradition at our house...make sure your mom and dad get you one!

Hugs...and sloppy kisses from the Lindon gang
Time flies when you're having fun they say...and by the looks of Pippin I think the year just flew by!

What a great job you did with all the photos...sigh I love that happy look Pip gives when posing for the camera!

Happy Birthday Pippin!!! :bdcake: :cheer: :clappurple:

Marianne and the boys
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