Oyyy the Barking!

Lola has been doing pretty great! I now know when she's in her "demon dog" moods and I play with her to wear her out. We're muddling through dog training. She's still really hyper with the other dogs (only when on the leash). But she knows all the commands and is learning quickly.

But the barking....I leave her out a lot during the day when I'm home and she's usually great about amusing herself or napping. But if she sees someone she'll bark. I don't mind that, but she doesn't seem to stop. Many times I have to go out to quiet her or bring her in.

Do they ever learn the word quiet? Any tips would help save my ears.

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Yes, it is really quite easy to teach them to speak on command and quiet. I also taught them the commands using hand signals. First, get her excited and barking. Every time she barks say, excitedly "Good, speak". Then give a small treat. Keep this up for about a week or until you can say speak and she do it on command. After she has it down, when she is barking say no, speak or quiet. When she complies say "good no speak" or "good, quiet." It took just a few days for us to teach Jack and Annabelle. My husband works nights and it makes me feel better when there is a knock at the door and I can signal to speak and someone knows there are 2 big dogs barking loud at them.
I wish you luck, it does help your and your neighbors ears. :wink: Let me know, how it goes. Stormi and co
I love your new avatar Stormi! Is that Jack or Annabell? Whoever it is, absolutely gorgeous!
AWWWW! :D That is my Jackie-boy! He is 10 months old in that shot. I am going to leave him up for a little and then I want to get Annabelle up there. I think my husband might have figured out how to post pictures so if so I will try to get some up later.
Thanks, Stormi
Pirate is going through this barking thing too (oy vey is right!). Although, I don't know if its a stage or if he's finally found his voice.

When I get home from work, and he hears the garage door go up, I can hear him all the way outside!

Molly, his sister (a JRT) was never a barker until Pirate joined the family. When he barks, she barks! Because she was always so quiet, the first few times it happened, I thought Pirate was barking in two different pitches!!!

Now, I just have a headache :(

I think I have to jump on this band wagon and start teaching him the speak command!
I got a good tip once, when your dog barks excessively, take him/her outside and make them follow commands, they are barking for your attention, and if they learn that barking means they have to work a little, they will only bark when they need to get out.

.....at least thats what a trainer told me.
That sounds like a good idea....
Kind of like when the kids say "I'm boooooorrred!" and I tell them to clean something! :)
Those are great suggestions thanks.
Ed, my only problem with that is she is often barking outside. She rarely barks inside unless the doorbell rings or my husband teases her too much. But I'm going to try the speak command and see if that works.

Ed, your Jack is such a cutie!!!

thanks, for jack i do commands inside and out, so he knows even if there's lots of other stuff to do, he should listen to me. that's not to say that he DOES listen to me.....but what can you do? sheepies will be sheepies :P
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