Ummm, how can I put this....

I have the two cuteist dogs in the world. Sorry folks, but its true. I have a 9yr old Golden, named Taylor. He is just a lover. He's so patient with Simon. He doesn't get too ticked when he's chewed on. He puts Simon in his place when need be. He chases balls and catch's frisbee's. He loves to go for walks and meet new people or old friends. He likes to be cuddled in limited quantaties and LOVES to be brushed. Then I have Simon. Simon is a 6 and 1/2mo old OES. He just gets better every day. Don't get me wrong...he is a puppy and gets in the normal puppy trouble but gosh darn he is so cute you can't stay mad. If you have a dog, you know when you look at them and your heart just melts when they look at you and see the love in your eyes and they get all...its so hard to describe. They get curly.. ears go down, eyes get brighter, and they walk toward you kinda sideways and curl around themselves. You just fall more in love every day.
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HAHAHAHAAH, your boys are the third and fourth cutest in the world because MINE MUST be the FIRST and SECOND!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Just kidding!!

It is amazing isn't it how much you can fall in love with a dog.
There is a reason they make puppies so cute. :wink:
Simon sounds like a sweetie! What a good big brother Taylor is, putting up with the little guy. :D
Simon's Mom wrote:
If you have a dog, you know when you look at them and your heart just melts when they look at you and see the love in your eyes and they get all...its so hard to describe. They get curly.. ears go down, eyes get brighter, and they walk toward you kinda sideways and curl around themselves. You just fall more in love every day.

I think that's a perfect way to describe it. What a better world it would be if all the dogs in the world were loved so much. They sound like really sweet munchkins.
They both sound adorable - and yes, I know exactly what you mean about the look and the sideways walk - you can't describe it as its a HUGE warm lovely feeling :hearts:
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