Bump on Lip???

I'm not sure when I first noticed it but it's been there for at least a week, maybe 2.

Barkley has a pink bump on his lower lip (maybe 2mm in diameter), right in the center. It's noticable because his lower lip is all black, except for that pink bump in the center. It looks like a big zit or a cold sore. He's not scratching it and it doesn't seem to be sore when touched.

I'll be calling the vet to ask about it, but was wondering if anyone else has ever seen this? Any idea what it could be - or is it nothing?
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Sounds like a wart to me, the kind that jsut go on the pips and mouth area. Dixie got a bunch in the summer. We think from sharing drinking water at the dog park. She has a bout 3 or 4, and they got bigger and ugly like a tiny cauliflowere,then disappeared. Took about 4 weeks to go.

If it is warts it is contangious, but not dangerous.

Could it be canine viral papilloma? I've seen those on dogs. They look like a cauliflower and go away on their own.

http://www.marvistavet.com/html/canine_ ... lomas.html
I think that's it, thanks! Although, there is only one (not in groups as it says) and also it really doesn't look cauliflower-ish, it's just a round bump.... but the photos on that link also just look like a round bump too.

I'll still call the vet and talk with them about it, but good to know what it probably is and good to know that it's not a big deal.
Sheepie Heaven wrote:
I think that's it, thanks! Although, there is only one (not in groups as it says) and also it really doesn't look cauliflower-ish, it's just a round bump.... but the photos on that link also just look like a round bump too.

I'll still call the vet and talk with them about it, but good to know what it probably is and good to know that it's not a big deal.

They start like little round pimple-like things, then grow into cauliflower. Check his mouth as he may have more a few inches away. Dixie's were isolated, but she had 5, though inches apart...
Oh, ick. Lovely, thanks. I guess I know where he likely got it from! :(
Sheepie Heaven wrote:
Oh, ick. Lovely, thanks. I guess I know where he likely got it from! :(

Dixie had hers in June,and were gone before I really noticed. And Bosley never got them from her.

I think the incubation period is 2/3 weeks, so you can backtrack where he has been where a dog might have actively had them you can warn them.

Poor Barkley...

Merlin got one about 2 years ago from drinking at the doggie water fountain at the offleash park. Although the water flows from the tap, he usually drank from the bowl which probably was filled with other doggie germs. I think the vet gave me lotion but it dissapeared rather quickly.

Marianne and the boys
We saw the vet yesterday and thankfully, it is not contagious.

It is a bacterial infection caused by a bacteria that every dog has in their mouth. The vet says that a weakened immune system caused his body to not be dealing with the bacteria properly. The vet said that it can be triggered by stress - my guess is it would be the stress of our moving to a new house at the end of November.

So, thankfully it isn't contagious - since all dogs have this bacteria in their mouths, and Barkley should be fine by the time he's done his round of antibiotics. We're also being extra careful to keep his beard dry as it can be a breeding ground for bacteria.

I was pretty convinced from pictures that it was those warts, so I'm glad we did get it checked out at the vet after all.

Thanks for the help and advice!
I'm glad it wasn't anything serious! YAY!
Great news, glad it was not a warty thingy. :D
Sheepie Heaven wrote:
I was pretty convinced from pictures that it was those warts, so I'm glad we did get it checked out at the vet after all.

Thanks for the help and advice!

I am glad it was nothing serious. It is helpful to share ideas and experience but it is never a substitute for actual medical care.

In case anyone comes along whose sheepie does have the warts, they are no big deal either and go away on their own too. (But again, that is not medical advice -- just friendly chit chat).
Has Barkley been making out with some "questionable" ladies? :twisted:
:excited: Perhaps she was a witch?

ButtersStotch you made me laugh!

Marianne and the boys
My dog has a bump on her body. Like on the side of her body. It's pink and when i touch it, she seems to try to tell me to stop or something. (By that I mean she tries to lick me hurridely.) I'm worried, it might be a wart. But can dogs get them on their bodies? :cry:
I think I found a Canine Papillomas on Luna's lip tonight. It looks like the pictures when I Google search it, and fits the description of looking a bit like cauliflower. I'm hoping its this and not a cancerous tumor. I'm going to call the vet first thing in the morning and have her seen right away. I'm really attentive to the girls, and can't believe I haven't seen this on her before. Does anyone have any experience with this, or know how quickly they develop?
No experience, just wishing Luna good luck with it.

Darth Snuggle wrote:
I think I found a Canine Papillomas on Luna's lip tonight. It looks like the pictures when I Google search it, and fits the description of looking a bit like cauliflower. I'm hoping its this and not a cancerous tumor. I'm going to call the vet first thing in the morning and have her seen right away. I'm really attentive to the girls, and can't believe I haven't seen this on her before. Does anyone have any experience with this, or know how quickly they develop?

If it showed up quickly it could be an allergic reaction to something. Don't worry until you have to :)
I called the vet and we have an appointment in about an hour and a half. Thinking about it, Luna had a pink spot on her lip last week, and I recall thinking that I hadn't noticed it before. So I'll bet that was the start of this.
Hoping for good news...:crossed:
Good news it is! Its exactly what I thought is was: Canine Papillomas. Essentially; a cluster of warts. The vet said the best way to treat it was to crush it, encouraging the immune system to kick in and tidy it up. But when she took Luna back to do it, she said Luna was so relaxed and good about the whole thing that she was able to crush it down, and then pull it right off! So Luna just has a little bloody spot where the wart was, and I'm to keep an eye out for any new growths or any on Tonks, as its highly contagious.

Yay!! Nothing serious, and nothing expensive! :wink:
Darth Snuggle wrote:
Good news it is! Its exactly what I thought is was: Canine Papillomas. Essentially; a cluster of warts. The vet said the best way to treat it was to crush it, encouraging the immune system to kick in and tidy it up. But when she took Luna back to do it, she said Luna was so relaxed and good about the whole thing that she was able to crush it down, and then pull it right off! So Luna just has a little bloody spot where the wart was, and I'm to keep an eye out for any new growths or any on Tonks, as its highly contagious.

Yay!! Nothing serious, and nothing expensive! :wink:

and it completes your quota of vet visits for the month?

Good news :D
You've got great diagnostic skills :D
That pesky papilloma virus is everywhere :evil:
cynmcreid wrote:
You've got great diagnostic skills :D
That pesky papilloma virus is everywhere :evil:

well it helps that Google has a search engine with pictures. I'm just relieved its not something cancerous. I'd never heard of this before, but it seems its highly contagious. So Luna could have gotten it from day care, the park, or the kennel. And Tonks will likely get it next. :roll:
well that is good news, although I'm sure Luna has a tender lip. :(
Glad to hear it's nothing more serious. :D
got sheep wrote:
well that is good news, although I'm sure Luna has a tender lip. :(
Glad to hear it's nothing more serious. :D

To be honest, it didn't seem to bother her one bit, even after the vet crunched it and then pulled it off. Afterward the vet sat with me for a minute, and Luna proceeded to get in HER lap and try to give her kisses. So I don't think she minded the procedure one bit! :lol:
Thanks this was really helpful! We are moving and my dog is not taking it well so i am guessing it is from stress. Thank you
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