More on Lambriar Kennels and Puppy Mills

Bosley's mom wrote:
Gemini wrote:
Lambriars is very responsible with the dogs that they recieve. The dog breeders that they buy the puppies from, may not be the best in the world, but the fact of the matter is that Lambriars is atleast buying the puppies, and selling then to pet stores, so that they might be able to find a good home.

If it wasn't for Lambriars, alot of people out there, wouldn't have the dogs that they love so much right now.

Lambriars is NOT a puppy mill. They people who run the place, are caring and loving, and would do everything they can, to make sure that these puppies, are well taken care of, and go to a good pet store.

This is a total contradiction. They know the breeders are not great, but they continue to support them by keeping them in business by purchaisng thier pups...Why? To continue to make money or cource.

They sell them to pet stores to ensure they get a good home? They have no idea who buys the pups, so they cannot care at all where they end up. The pet stores sell pups to the person who wallks in with the dollars. Lambriars doens't care who that is.

And if it wasn't for puppy brokers then there would be so many dogs in rescue. Thanks to brokers like Lambriars who continue to saturate the market with helpless puppies with many health problems, and to the pet stores who make money off the backs for the mill dogs.

Give me a break.

Do you know what. People have to make a living. Its the cold hard truth. Especially out in [explicit description deleted] Mahaska, Kansas.

So what would you rather do? Have a job that makes enough money to feed your family. Or quit the only good job around, because of your morals?

I am against puppy mills, don't get me wrong.

But if Lambriars were to just up and close their business, not only would tons of people be out of a job there, but the breeders that they get their dogs from would just go find someone else to sell thier puppies to, maybe even selling them to science, and product testing.

You can't stop the individual breeders. You can't, unless you go to every one of their houses and shoot them dead.
And if you have a problem with pet stores making money, then don't shop at pet stores. Ok? Tell every person in the world, to not buy puppies at pet stores. And to boycott them all together.
Yeah, does that sound stupid? Thats becuase it is! You can't stop every single person in the world from somehow being a part of all of this.

So anyways, at least with Lambriars, many people are able to survive, and support their familys by being employed there, and at least the puppies that they buy are given a chance at having a good home.

Thats it.
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That's the worst argument ever. If the only job available was professional hit man, would you take that too? If you can rely on your morals, what kind of code do you live by? With a good education, there's always jobs available.
I can't believe the ignorant*******who wrote positive things about Puppy Brokers. These brokers get these dogs from mills that have gas chambers to kill what is too old or too sick. Or they shoot or beat to death the dogs. I am in the process of meeting with my congressman in DC on 2/16 to stop these "breeders". I have also contacted the FBI because these people who need to "feed their families" are commiting wire fraud, mail fraud, enterprise corruption and forgery to name a few things. If you are someone who is partaking in these crimes, My name is Lorianne and I have only just begun to ruin your livelihood.
"You can't stop every single person in the world from somehow being a part of all of this. "

What a ridiculous statement to make. I have never purchased a puppy from a pet store or a puppy mill - how am I part of all this?

So by your reasoning, we should have far less people in our prison systems - because many of them are "just trying to make a living" by robbing, or stealing, or murdering other people.

How about taking responsibility for your own life? As far as these people being out of a job - no one forced them to work there to begin with, and I'm sure they are quite capable of finding an alternate method for making a living. Fast food places are always hiring....and you don't have to do anything so morally and ethically reprehensible to work there - and I don't think it would be quite so hard to explain to others what you do for a living.
These people do a wonderful job of screening their animals, they do not kill them if they are not perfect when recieved, they find them good homes locally with children and families who will love them. I also take offense to the reference that becasue a person breads dogs that they are lower than scum on the pond. Many people bread dogs and take great care of their animals. There are only a few places that can be deemed (PUPPY MILLS) that use gas chambers and do the deplorable things that were mentioned. You are using a stereotype that does not reflect the majority of people who breed dogs. Many are small familys with only a few dogs that are loved and cared for and the puppies are played with and use to the human touch. Get your facts straight!
Right! All breeders are WONDERFUL! Especially the ones that don't do any of the necessary health testing before breeding, don't breed for the correct physical and temperament attributes, release puppies into the world before 8 weeks of age, don't provide proper vaccinations and medical care, and could care less if their puppies end up in shelters. THEY ARE THE BEST!
VerveUp wrote:
Right! All breeders are WONDERFUL! Especially the ones that don't do any of the necessary health testing before breeding, don't breed for the correct physical and temperament attributes, release puppies into the world before 8 weeks of age, don't provide proper vaccinations and medical care, and could care less if their puppies end up in shelters. THEY ARE THE BEST!

Well said....

I don't know why lambriar people keep coming here and posting, touting the "virtues" of something most, if not all, of us deplore. My guess is they are just trying to run damage control to protect their own behinds.
The great thing is that we CAN stop individual breeders. I work for a non-profit that reviews animal legislation and this year I have seen MANY bills being introduced to regulate puppy brokers and to stop their bad practices.

Bug your representatives and get them to support/introduce this kind of legislation!
Verified complaints against any breeder in the western US can be sent to;
USDA Animal Care Office .
2150 Center Ave. Bldg. B
Ft. Collins, Co 80526.
970- 494-7478
They will gladly assist or direct you on any issue with a breeder registerd with USDA.
daeste wrote:
There are only a few places that can be deemed (PUPPY MILLS) that use gas chambers and do the deplorable things that were mentioned.

There are FAR more than "a few", just ask people in PA and MO. Ever heard of a brood bitch having her head stuck in a bucket and being drowned because she got too old to make money for these cretins? Or the auctions where unsold dogs meet the same fate because it's cheaper than feeding them? I seriously doubt you'll find manny allies here.
Right! All breeders are WONDERFUL! Especially the ones that don't do any of the necessary health testing before breeding, don't breed for the correct physical and temperament attributes, release puppies into the world before 8 weeks of age, don't provide proper vaccinations and medical care, and could care less if their puppies end up in shelters. THEY ARE THE BEST!

I'm certainly not approving "puppy mill breeders"........but when we humans "breed" we run tests on each other before we mate?
Anonymous wrote:
Right! All breeders are WONDERFUL! Especially the ones that don't do any of the necessary health testing before breeding, don't breed for the correct physical and temperament attributes, release puppies into the world before 8 weeks of age, don't provide proper vaccinations and medical care, and could care less if their puppies end up in shelters. THEY ARE THE BEST!

I'm responsding this comment.....I'm certainly not approving "puppy mill breeders"........but when we humans "breed" we run tests on each other before we mate?

God knows we should. There should be vigorous testing. Maybe we'd live in a better society if people stopped breeding so much.
I know people who breed dogs and they are good people if a dog is sick it goes to the vet if it is old it is found a good home and a usda inspector comes three times a year to check on the conditions of the dogs i have met hundreds of dog breeders and have never met one with a gas chamber in the kennel or anywhere in the area get your facts straight before you rail on good people
keirannia wrote:
I know people who breed dogs and they are good people if a dog is sick it goes to the vet if it is old it is found a good home and a usda inspector comes three times a year to check on the conditions of the dogs i have met hundreds of dog breeders and have never met one with a gas chamber in the kennel or anywhere in the area get your facts straight before you rail on good people

There's a lot more to be being a good breeder than taking a dog to the vet when it's sick. That's the bare minimum of what anyone should do for their animals. I'm glad all the hundreds of dogs breeders that you know at least do that.
I don't understand the people who come on here and try to validate puppy mills. Seriously, if they would just read a few of the threads, they would know that they will NEVER change our morals.

Makes me sick.
You may think that it's ok to do what you're defending - the dogs get good homes and people wouldn't have pets otherwise, etc. It's not. I adopted a four year old Bichon after her owner passed away. The elderly woman bought the dog from a pet shop with out doing any research. You're right, she (and later I) gave Becky a great home, for all 6 years of her life. This is a breed that routinely lives to be 15 or older and has very few genetic problems, when bred properly. Instead, Becky was ill for the last summer of her life, riddled with cancer, and was put down on my wedding day.

Because someone didn't take the time to be a responsible breeder the memory of my wedding includes the death of my beloved dog. The fact that she had a happy 6 years does not make up for the 9 or 10 that she did not get.

If you really think this is ok, look around There are dogs in shelters and rescues around this country that were once puppymill breeding dogs. These dogs look miserable, and the notes about them often say things like "at 6 she/he has not been potty trained, but we are working on it!" or "one day I'm sure I'll like people". No living thing should have notes like this attached to them.
This is very interesting the pro's and con's regarding puppy mills, who are Lambriars trying to convince themselves or us. A puppy mill is no answer to a responsable breeder, of coarse our puppies are more expensive but then again breeders provide the necessary documentation when you buy a puppy. They have been checked health wise and have been shown and evaluated by a judge regarding the breed standards. Most breeders take a lot of care before choosing a sire and they also take the responcability for their pups up until they die, do Lambriars do this or do they just buy from puppy creators and resell to PETSHOPS who of coarse choose the puppy buyers carefully like a breeder, DO NOT MAKE ME LAUGH.
We do not have to shoot these people, although the sugestion is worth considering, no we have to educate the puppy buyers about this practice.

My feelings are these people do not belong in a serious forum.
:!: :!:
Gemini wrote:
Bosley's mom wrote:
Gemini wrote:
Lambriars is very responsible with the dogs that they recieve. The dog breeders that they buy the puppies from, may not be the best in the world, but the fact of the matter is that Lambriars is atleast buying the puppies, and selling then to pet stores, so that they might be able to find a good home.

If it wasn't for Lambriars, alot of people out there, wouldn't have the dogs that they love so much right now.

Lambriars is NOT a puppy mill. They people who run the place, are caring and loving, and would do everything they can, to make sure that these puppies, are well taken care of, and go to a good pet store.

This is a total contradiction. They know the breeders are not great, but they continue to support them by keeping them in business by purchaisng thier pups...Why? To continue to make money or cource.

They sell them to pet stores to ensure they get a good home? They have no idea who buys the pups, so they cannot care at all where they end up. The pet stores sell pups to the person who wallks in with the dollars. Lambriars doens't care who that is.

And if it wasn't for puppy brokers then there would be so many dogs in rescue. Thanks to brokers like Lambriars who continue to saturate the market with helpless puppies with many health problems, and to the pet stores who make money off the backs for the mill dogs.

Give me a break.

Do you know what. People have to make a living. Its the cold hard truth. Especially out in [explicit description deleted] Mahaska, Kansas.

So what would you rather do? Have a job that makes enough money to feed your family. Or quit the only good job around, because of your morals?

I am against puppy mills, don't get me wrong.

But if Lambriars were to just up and close their business, not only would tons of people be out of a job there, but the breeders that they get their dogs from would just go find someone else to sell thier puppies to, maybe even selling them to science, and product testing.

You can't stop the individual breeders. You can't, unless you go to every one of their houses and shoot them dead.
And if you have a problem with pet stores making money, then don't shop at pet stores. Ok? Tell every person in the world, to not buy puppies at pet stores. And to boycott them all together.
Yeah, does that sound stupid? Thats becuase it is! You can't stop every single person in the world from somehow being a part of all of this.

So anyways, at least with Lambriars, many people are able to survive, and support their familys by being employed there, and at least the puppies that they buy are given a chance at having a good home.

Thats it.

I don't know who you are, and at this point that is a very good thing. Tell all your BULLONEY to Stella... I only wish there were laws to prevent people like your parents from breeding.
My hate and disgust for you, the breeders, and the likes of Lambriar kennels is indescribable and infinite.
I hope you burn. :evil:
I recently bought a sick puppy that came from Lambriar Kennals by way of some low life backyard breeder my pup ended up in some disgusting mall pet store ,this was a pity buy and very costly.I think they all should be shut down. Thank G-d I rescued her beacvause she for sure would have died,she's on her way to making a full recovery and is loved by all.Lambriar should never be allowed to have anything to do with animals but i believe in Karma and i no they got there's coming
lolah wrote:
I recently bought a sick puppy that came from Lambriar Kennals by way of some low life backyard breeder my pup ended up in some disgusting mall pet store ,this was a pity buy and very costly.

Sorry. You did not save her. You just paid Lambriar for continuing to hold her mother in a life of misery.
I just got done reading all the back and forth responces about Lambriar puppies. I knew nothing of this company. I bought a little lhassa apso from Petland. I got a certificate of pedigree, which has the Lambriar stamp on the bottom. I have three children, who have fallen in love with this little puppy. I feel sick to think that I may have bought a puppy mill dog. Does this mean that I have done just that? What does one do? We will love this dog. I can't just take her back, she does deserve a good home. Right? :(
Yes, of course she deserves a good home.

Just love your dog and pray that she will be healthy, just like you got her from a "respected breeder." Please don't breed her - have her spayed.
And don't forget: Never buy from a pet store again!!!
So what are we talking about when it comes to inherited diseases? Not too many of them you say? See below. I doubt very seriously any backyard or for profit breeder has even heard of these, let along would recognize the problems. If they found their dam or bitch had a problem, the dog would be destroyed, but there'd be no recall on the puppies. So the OES genetic pool would be further contaminated.

We forget one bad breeding has consequences for generations.

Old English sheepdog

The disorders listed in the first 3 categories below are believed to have an inherited basis, or are known to have a predilection for this breed ("breed predisposition"). This means the disorder occurs more commonly in this breed compared to other breeds, or to the general dog population. Common sense suggests that these are inherited disorders, but for many breeds and many disorders, the studies to determine the mode of inheritance or the frequency in the breed have not been carried out, or are inconclusive.

We have listed disorders for which there is a general consensus among those investigating in this field and among veterinary practitioners, that the condition is significant in this breed. Where the mode of inheritance is known, this information is included on the linked disease page. The most popular breeds tend to have the most disorders listed because there is a larger number of dogs affected, and therefore more opportunity to recognize a breed predisposition to a particular disorder. As well, there is likely to be more indiscriminate breeding of these breeds, leading to a higher occurrence of inherited disorders. In less common or newer breeds, there may be no disorders listed or the list of disorders may be quite short, because it can take some time before enough dogs are affected to recognize an inherited condition.

The last category lists conditions that have been reported sporadically, and may be inherited in this breed.

Most important
These disorders are relatively common in this breed, and where possible, efforts are being made to eradicate them. Ask your breeder about these conditions in his or her dogs. These disorders seriously affect the health of your pet and may require medical or surgical intervention.

Hip dysplasia

Other disorders which have an increased incidence in this breed

These disorders occur less commonly or are less devastating than those mentioned above.

Atrial septal defect

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia


Cervical vertebral instability



Diabetes mellitus


Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia


Progressive retinal atrophy

Retinal dysplasia

Tricuspid dysplasia

Disorders associated with conformation

These disorders are directly related to the conformation or standards for the breed. Although these conditions have in many cases become so common that they are accepted as normal for the breed, they can still cause serious physical problems and discomfort for the dog. One component of responsible breeding is to breed away from the extremes of conformation that cause these physical problems.

Entropion Note:The Vizsla Club of America has recognized entropion as an unacceptable problem in their breed, and advises breeders not to breed affected animals. Such leadership by breed clubs is important in discouraging this and other undesirable traits.

Other disorders which may be inherited in this breed

These disorders have been reported sporadically, and may be inherited in this breed.


Hemophilia (factor IX deficiency)


Sebaceous adenitis

von Willebrand's disease

Thanks for the comforting notes. I have made her an appt., and do plan on getting her fixed. My only plans for her are to be a very loved and slightly spoiled family member. She already has me carrying her to the shorter grass to pee, so she doesn't get her feet as wet. Maybe I need to make an appt. for myself. :)
Imajean, spoken like a true dog lover. :) Many folks have dogs that were bred under less than perfect circumstances, and we have to move on and learn from our mistakes. Next time, you'll do things differently.

Best of luck to you.

Laurie and Oscar
Imajean, why slightly spoiled....go for the gusto. :wink:
I have come into contact with many pups that come from Lambriar, Inc. and to be honest, there haven't been any issues with the pups to speak of. Granted, there are going to be issues with some pups here and there when breeding, but the same thing happens in humans. Think about it for a minute - Not everyone has a perfect child. Some are born with autism or CP or one (maybe more) of the endless inherited diseases. Pups can be born with genetic health issues to any breeder - responsible or not. I wouldn't blame Lambriar for issues that you know nothing about. I know that they keep the place very clean and healthy, and the staff are all concerned for the welfare of all of the pups that go through them. Why ruin someone's name when you don't have all the facts? If people want to stop puppy mills, why not require that everyone in the country who wants to be a breeder, whether it be a one time thing or as a kennel, to acquire a breeders license and be subject to any and all state inspections? Why not make the laws regarding dog breeding more strict and increase the amount of state visits from 2 a year to more, like 6 times a year - every 2 months - and make them ALL unannounced. I'm sure many people who own mills clean things up just right when they are called and told "The state is going to come and do a check sometime next month." That is enough time to get a dog looking better, to clean the facilities from stem to stern, and do whatever else it takes to get it and the animals to pass inspection. To stop puppy mills, there needs to be better legislation and control over the kennels and breeders. It is the backyard breeders with no knowledge about animals who are just out to make a quick buck who are the real people to blame. So, if you haven't had any problems with your Lambriar pup, let the subject go. Like I said before, I have dealt with several hundred pups that went through Lambriar and out of those hundreds, there were only 2 pups that actually had any kind of genetic issue. I think that is a pretty good history.
hmm... wrote:
I have dealt with several hundred pups that went through Lambriar and out of those hundreds, there were only 2 pups that actually had any kind of genetic issue. I think that is a pretty good history.

I guess my question to hmm would be, in what circumstances have you dealt with several hundred pups? Are you a reseller? If so, how do you keep track of the pups and for how long? Do you have an agreement to have the pups returned if they aren't in good health? You are making some broad stroke statements without justification.
I worked for many years for someone who got their dogs through Lambriar, so yes, this person was a reseller. Most of the people who bought the dogs while I worked there called, wrote, or stopped in to tell or show us what great pups they had and that they couldn't have been happier. When I was there there was a lengthy contract that covered any health problems with the dog should they arise, and if the dog did actually present a disorder that would cause it's life to be shortened we had no problem with the idea of working with the customer, either by refunding the entire purchase price of the pup, even if state law didn't mandate it, or allowing them to choose another pup free of any cost, even if it was a different breed or was one that was priced higher than the pup initially purchased. We also had a guarantee from our vet on the dog and the vet offered services at the cost of the kennel the dog was sold from in conjunction with the terms listed in the buyers contract. All of the pups that came to us from Lambriar were always in perfect health with no signs of anything. Maybe instead of blaming Lambriar for those kinds of issues people should take a look at how the pet stores are taken care of and the records that should be being kept by the store on any actions taken by the store's vet concerning the pups.
I worked for many years for someone who got their dogs through Lambriar, so yes, this person was a reseller. Most of the people who bought the dogs while I worked there called, wrote, or stopped in to tell or show us what great pups they had and that they couldn't have been happier. When I was there there was a lengthy contract that covered any health problems with the dog should they arise, and if the dog did actually present a disorder that would cause it's life to be shortened we had no problem with the idea of working with the customer, either by refunding the entire purchase price of the pup, even if state law didn't mandate it, or allowing them to choose another pup free of any cost, even if it was a different breed or was one that was priced higher than the pup initially purchased. We also had a guarantee from our vet on the dog and the vet offered services at the cost of the kennel the dog was sold from in conjunction with the terms listed in the buyers contract. All of the pups that came to us from Lambriar were always in perfect health with no signs of anything. Maybe instead of blaming Lambriar for those kinds of issues people should take a look at how the pet stores are taken care of and the records that should be being kept by the store on any actions taken by the store's vet concerning the pups.
Anonymous wrote:
Maybe instead of blaming Lambriar for those kinds of issues people should take a look at how the pet stores are taken care of and the records that should be being kept by the store on any actions taken by the store's vet concerning the pups.

Or maybe Lambriar should be a little more selective about who they sell their dogs to if that's a big concern for them.
ButtersStotch wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Maybe instead of blaming Lambriar for those kinds of issues people should take a look at how the pet stores are taken care of and the records that should be being kept by the store on any actions taken by the store's vet concerning the pups.

Or maybe Lambriar should be a little more selective about who they sell their dogs to if that's a big concern for them.
...and from whom they buy their dogs, and the humanitarian conditions of the kennels.

Look, I realize that Lambriar is "just" a middle man (even though they alone nearly made and make the market possible). Transporting puppies isn't like transporting milk from a farm to a cheese processor, I feel there is a higher level of ethical duty required of the middlemen in this trade.
What Lambriar and its agents don't seem to realize is that the issue is about far more than money: poorly bred dogs tend to have serious health conditions that adversely affect the dog's health and well being as well as have a large impact on the dog's family--an impact that goes far beyond the money spent. Puppies who are raised in crowded, unsanitary conditions without the opportunity to bond with mother and littermates and to have positive human interaction from the beginning have serious social problems later on. Puppies who are bred from parents who have behavior problems and negative personality traits often inherit those unsound temperments--and cause great heartache to their adoptive families and to the dogs themselves, who often end up in shelters and/or put down because of their inherited dispositions.

Which is all good for Lambriars and its agents: if a dog who could have a lifespan of 12 to 14 years is instead put down at two or three or 5 years because of bad health or bad temperment, then Lambriars has a a repeat customer in that heartbroken family.

I don't have a lot of sympathy for families who continue to get dogs from bad sources, but I have an infinite amount of sympathy for puppies who get a bad start in life because of the greed and lack of care of the humans who decided to create it in the first place.
tgir wrote:
What Lambriar and its agents don't seem to realize is that the issue is about far more than money: poorly bred dogs tend to have serious health conditions that adversely affect the dog's health and well being as well as have a large impact on the dog's family--an impact that goes far beyond the money spent.
Which is all good for Lambriars and its agents: if a dog who could have a lifespan of 12 to 14 years is instead put down at two or three or 5 years because of bad health or bad temperment, then Lambriars has a a repeat customer in that heartbroken family.

I don't have a lot of sympathy for families who continue to get dogs from bad sources, but I have an infinite amount of sympathy for puppies who get a bad start in life because of the greed and lack of care of the humans who decided to create it in the first place.

tgir ....thanks for putting into words what I have been feeling ever since I read this thread....Everyone is talking about Lambriars and the puppy mills that they buy from...and the money...and the pet stores..but what happens days, weeks months and years after that puppy is bought is what the main issue should be.

Many, many years ago...walking into a pet shop here is MISSOURI...I bought a caged Cocker...Aanie..from the time we took her home until she died at the age of 5 from multiple seizures... she was our first baby...we loved her and spent money we really didn't have ...her allergies were so bad I had to give her daily injections!!! She suffered so...and so did we. She came from Lambriar...I hate them and the people who inter bred this poor animal.

Anytime I see a thread about Lambriar I remember my Aanie and how we all suffered through her short life. BUT they got their money and all was well with them.....
I´m sorry, English is not my language. What is a Lambriar anyway?
Im sorry i worked for labrair kennels and they are not a puppy mill. They take care of there animals very well. They dont breed there dogs or shove them in cages that are too small. Lambrair Kennels dogs are healthy and stay in a safe and clean enviroment.
I was born at night but not LAST NIGHT!!!!! :evil:
i know they buy from puppy mills I know of one that they buy from. Ive known the lady for over 20 years and she was always against puppy mills and the way the animals were treated. Not anymore, it became a money issue. to pay for things like her new truck, car and motor home and much more. I dont think that is fair for the dogs she is breeding over, and over , and over just to make money and Lambriar is buying these puppies and selling them to people. I wittness a breeding at her house i went to visit and she has these two chihuahuas that were brother and sister that had bred with each other and then she put the female into the cage with this other chihuaha male and said lambriar will never know the difference. i dont think this was the first or will be the last time it will happen. I dont talk to this person anymore but i do know that lambriar is still buying her puppies and selling them as registered pups to pet stores and thats kindof like fraud because she is registering the puppies to different moms and dad that really aint the registered or parents of the pups and selling them to lambriar just to make a profit. And if lambriar does this how do you know for sure what you are really buying in a pet store. I would recommend a local breeder where yuou can visit the place where your puppy was born , meet the parents and there owners and get the information you really need and try to stay away from purchasing a pet through a pet store unless its a local pet store and they know the breeders personally.

Thank You. disturbed by lambriar buying from PUPPY MILLS that we try so hard to close down because of the neglect and inbreeding of the dogs. you must not be a big animal lover if you are siding with lambriar they are just as bad as the puppy mill they are buying puppies from!!!!!!!
Why come all of the people supporting this pace are guests and not registered users who make consistent posts???
These are just people doing searches and stumbling across this thread. Us regular posters have either said our piece or respond only to some of the crazy ideas that get presented from Lambriar supporters.
i am NOT in support of Lambriar. But the question from my view is not whether the puppies are healthy or not, it's the inhumane treatment and torture of the breeding parents. Of course the puppies are only in those mills for 8 weeks or so. Chances are they will be okay and look good when they reach the new owner/buyer. But that in no way reflects the poor conditinos that the breeding parents have to live in their whole lives! So even if I see many healthy puppies from Lambriar, that doesn't make them okay. WHy have they not been exposed? SOmebody call Dept of Ag and get this place investigated. Lisa Ling and Oprah an Cesar are on the right track.
Business Information
This company profile is for the private company Lambriar's Inc , located in Mahaska, KS. Lambriar Kennels's line of business is whol nondurable goods.

Company Name: Lambriar's IncIs This Your Company?
Address: 100 S Pine St, Mahaska, KS 66955-9206 (Map)

Alt Business Name: Lambriar Kennels
Location Type: Single Location
Est. Annual Sales: $5,500,000
Est. # of Employees: 70
Est. Empl. at Loc.: 70
Year Started: 1969
State of Incorp: KS
SIC #Code: 5199
Contact's Name: Roger E Lambert
Contact's Title: President
NAICS: Other Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers
I bought my dog a yorkie who has now been in our familhy for 6 years. she has been very healthy and we have never had any issues. I paid 3,000! for her from a pet store in north jersey. i had no idea about puppy mills until a co worker mentioned something to me. I went home that night and researched "lambriar" because it was on her certifcate of pedigree. I came across many things that stated that they were a puppy mill or bought from puppy mills. I did not know what to do. i was sad so sad to know this. I was in a way mad because it meant that i had supported them, i gave them THREE thousand dollars! but then i just looked at her and thought to myself, now she has good home. she has been my loyal companion for six years now and i just pray that these puppy mills stop and that no more dogs will be treated the way they are just because they need to breed more an dmore to make their business money. i bought my second yorkie from a breeder and we are now looking into getting a third dog but this time we will be adopting. I do not regret buying my bella from that pet store. she has been the best dog ever but who know how many other dogs have been sold and been sick or hwo many that they have treated badly.
Sounds to me like that pet store is likely the one who "ripped you off" for big bux, but I don't know the whole story. I can only hope your pup came from a better breeder than most.
I bought my dog Daisy, a pug who came from Lambriar kennels. She came down with an incurable and deadly disease called PDE which is genetic and hereditary. We lost her at age 3. I learned a harsh, harsh lesson about puppy mills. Know I am educated about purchasing a pet without full know
I actually own a mill dog and while I love Chopin more than anything and would never want any other dog, he came with a lot of issues. There is a reason a lot of these dogs are returned. I didn't know when I got him that he was a mill dog and I was VERY inexperienced and just wanted a sheepy, but his anxiety, fear of people and other issues that continue even after all of the corrective training we have been through (he's MUCH better of course) are a definate affirmation of the problems with mill dogs. I recieved him at 4 months--past the socialization stage-- and while loving and good natured, he certainly has permanent damage from his first four months of neglect. I in fact refered to him as an abused dog when I recieved him because he was so anxious and afraid--he still harbors fears of men.
I love my dog, but i would not sugget others to get a mill dog and the defense being used that families get them--a lot of families can't handle the damage that the mill dogs have thus they end up homeless.
They are not well treated, and it is a sad reminder every time I see the tattoo stuck in my pups ear of where he came from and what he must have gone through to come to me in the way that he did.
Stop defending the damage done to these dogs, good intent or not--the dogs are not better off from this and its cruel.
Next time I will just look for one of the dogs in the shelter to save one of these sweeties, or look on the save a sheepie site here in order to not give money to such people.
My dexie came from a puppy mill. He has major health issues and is afraid of his own shadow most of the time. I love him with all my heart and would not have changed a thing I did. I did get him when he was 16 weeks old. He was the last of the litter. They were going to kill him. KILL him because they didnt sell him. I just had to have him. He's now 4 years old. Skin issues and all I love him with all my heart and would never give him up. He's been fixed. He's got all his shots and a good home. I dont understand how these people work and why they do such things. well the money thats obviious. Dexter may not be the perfect example of an oes but he is the perfect companion.
I would like to say alot of mean & hateful things about you who speak of lies about Lambriars, but I'm not going too because unlike some of you I have respect. These puppies are well beyond taking care of & they are surrounded by great people who show a HUGE amount of love to them & for them. We are NOT a puppy mill!! So where ever you may have recieved your information, please recheck it!! Its obvious that you don't have your facts right. Until the day you walk through our doors & experience our everydays you shouldn't bad mouth things you have no idea what your talking about, but since everyone is entitled to their own opinion we know that you drama infested liars will never understand.. #jussayin.. Have a nice day!!
ButtersStotch wrote:
That's the worst argument ever. If the only job available was professional hit man, would you take that too? If you can rely on your morals, what kind of code do you live by? With a good education, there's always jobs available.

yeah to get rid of all u haters!!! plus u dont live round here sooo u have not a damn clue!!!
Willowsprite wrote:
VerveUp wrote:
Right! All breeders are WONDERFUL! Especially the ones that don't do any of the necessary health testing before breeding, don't breed for the correct physical and temperament attributes, release puppies into the world before 8 weeks of age, don't provide proper vaccinations and medical care, and could care less if their puppies end up in shelters. THEY ARE THE BEST!

Well said....

I don't know why lambriar people keep coming here and posting, touting the "virtues" of something most, if not all, of us deplore. My guess is they are just trying to run damage control to protect their own behinds.

cause we can.. n we have just the same rights of freedom of expression, atleast when we post, we post of honesty, not hateful hater lies unlike yourself!!
keirannia wrote:
I know people who breed dogs and they are good people if a dog is sick it goes to the vet if it is old it is found a good home and a usda inspector comes three times a year to check on the conditions of the dogs i have met hundreds of dog breeders and have never met one with a gas chamber in the kennel or anywhere in the area get your facts straight before you rail on good people

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

I might point out that this thread was started 6 years ago, and that the guest who
resurrected it only draws negative attention to Lambriars. But then we expected that...

So... to those "guests" coming on and defending Lambriar...

what do you imagine is the motivation for the members here spreading "hateful lies"?

I know nothing except what is written on this thread BUT what I do know is that any breeders that sell puppies to a pet shop are irresponsible. Anyone involved in that process is irresponsible, it is as simple as that.

Towards the beginning of the thread, the main argument seems to be that Lambriar doesn't use gas chambers, therefore they MUST BE RESPONSIBLE!!! Please.

People who breed dogs with the primary intention of making money with no health testing, surely, are backyard breeders and if done on a larger scale, a puppy mill.

breeding puppies and selling them to a pet shop excludes you from any kind of credibility.
I came upon this message board while I was looking up info on Lambriar. I am not a message board type person, however after reading all this weird vigilante stuff I felt I should tell you the truth as I have seen first hand. I started off saying, most of you people want to be right so badly what's the point but then I said, ok I'm safe, at least you can't burn my house down. Here goes. I have personally rescued many a child running down the street. Found a few left in boxes in parking lots to die etc. etc. you get the picture. Well, I found out from a friend of a friend that I could volunteer at a local pet store, so I did. Long story short, this particular store purchased puppies from this entity called Lambriar. This is my observation take it or leave it. These puppies were fat, healthy and beautiful. The owner of the store has a rotating staff 24/7 taking incredible care of these kids. It's absolutely nuts the lengths they go to and still every morning some jerk abandons a dog, a cat, a bun in a box at the back door. Guess what, everyone starts networking and finds them a great home. Lambriar and companies like them have a job because wonderful people can't get puppies from what you call real breeders. I'm getting more upset as I write. These so called carefully approved homes are some of the worst offenders. Their yuppy larvae lives look great and they have the money and these people are the ones dropping off the babies at the doorstep. The excuses a boundless. Then there is the normal people that love their babies but the ego breeders don't approve them because during the home visit the carpet was the wrong colour. Trust me, I'm not kidding. These people come to the pet store to get their beautiful child and are so happy, coming back for years and I see them growing up. They are so loved it's unreal. We have a local shelter in our area that has such rigid rules they would rather put the animals down than find them a home. A lot of these people come to the store too. They wanted a rescue but couldn't meet the unreasonable criteria. I own 3 Lambriar/pet store babies. Best children in the world. They are the loves of my life. They get before I get. I guess what I'm trying to say is there is good and bad in everything on this earth. Good shoes bad shoes, that doesn't mean you put Payless shoes out of business. GMO food that will kill you and organic food. People still shop and Ralphs and smile when they buy GMO. Even if you think Lambriar and companies like them are rapacious, how can you be so short sided by saying their sick and have disease. If they were they wouldn't make money so it's in their best interest to have healthy babies. Lambriar babies go straight to the vet for complete checkups. I'm rambling. You people are ignorant and have a Hittler mentality. There's good and bad in everything.
Oh, I forgot. I have an incredible love of my life English Springer Spaniel that I purchased from one of your so called Well Known Great Rep careful perfect "Im better than everyone else" breeders. This is my child that I payed a kings ransom for and he has hip dysphasia, has developed cysts and tumors and is always at the doctor for something. Like I said, good and bad. I wouldn't trade him for a million dollars and I would do it all over again just to be honored to have him in my life. Gee, who can we blame when a human child is born less than perfect. I'm sure you people will find someone or something the complain about. By the way, I have absolutely nothing to do with Lambriar or anything like that. What's with the damage control comment. People come on, do your best and move on.
Guest wrote:
Oh, I forgot. I have an incredible love of my life English Springer Spaniel that I purchased from one of your so called Well Known Great Rep careful perfect "Im better than everyone else" breeders. This is my child that I payed a kings ransom for and he has hip dysphasia, has developed cysts and tumors and is always at the doctor for something. Like I said, good and bad. I wouldn't trade him for a million dollars and I would do it all over again just to be honored to have him in my life. Gee, who can we blame when a human child is born less than perfect. I'm sure you people will find someone or something the complain about. By the way, I have absolutely nothing to do with Lambriar or anything like that. What's with the damage control comment. People come on, do your best and move on.

sorry...GUEST.....unless you are going to put a name with a post, you are opinionless here.

Cowards come into this forum, post their views and you can see from the last forum post from June 2012, we HAVE moved on....obviously, you just want to stir the pot.....with nonsensical jargon.... :potstir: :potstir:
I have two dogs that were from lambriers. The pet stores claimed they were from " breeders". So after I bought them I went on line and discovered what they really were. After schnauzer had terrible skin problems. If that was not schools became fear aggressive. He will not tolerate new people...children....other new dogs. He shakes horribly when he hears noise and tries to bite everyone on this planet but me. He trusts me and is affectionate to me but he suffers every minute almost of the day with fear...I am his only comfort. His teeth started rotting when he was two. He grew dew claws on his back legs. He is very fortunate to have me...because I got it...he was bred out of greed and was in unimaginable conditions. I would never ever trade him in. He is now 5 and nothing has changed except he loves to play catch.

Also someone should hold the FDA accountable for allowing the inhumane practices and I don't know what happened to my dog before I got him..My dogs only retribution is that Lambriers went out of business and I will personally see to it that you never open again.
Sorry I meant Schnoodle puppy
Being honest you should not buy a dog from a pet store as I would think most of them are from farms. Val maybe they are getting bad press and if you do a search on the net you will find good post about said puppy farms. Thats why they post
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