Our little Gus

It was just over a week ago that my husband and I made a 5 hour journey to OakRidge Acres in Grantsburg, WI to pick up our newest addition to the family. I immediately fell in love with Gus and in about 30 minutes we were on our way back home. The first night with Gus was typical; I was up every hour and then indefinitely as soon as 4 o'clock rolled around--it's a good thing he was so cute... The next afternoon Gus was acting lethargic and around 5pm he threw up a worm. I rushed him to an emergency vet clinic where he was admitted after not responding to sub-que (sp?) fluids. He was put on an IV and observed all night. In the morning he was not getting any better despite the parvo test coming back negative. He was passing more worms than the 5 vets who examined him had ever before seen. My little 6-week old baby was kept in an isolation room and I was allowed to visit but I had to wear a gown, foot booties and rubber gloves--to hold my own baby!!! A slew of blood work, x-rays and nearly 50 hours of around-the-clock observation yeilded no clues. An ultrasound detected something abnormal in his abdomen and surgery was the only way to find out. Saturday night, the 23rd of December around 10:00 our little Gus went into surgery. We got a call from the vet around 11:00 telling us that the parasites had penetrated his tissues and that there was nothing else they could do. We rushed to the clinic and were escorted into the operating room where we kissed, caressed and said our last good-byes to our puppy as he humanely passed in front of our very eyes. We are devastated. How could something like this happen? The worst part is that it was 100% preventable had the breeder been de-worming the parents and puppies starting at 2-weeks of age. There were more puppies--6 more and another litter from another mama OES due on Christmas day. We are so scared for those puppies and don't want another family to have to go through what we did.

Gus was in our lives for only 84 hours but he will forever be in our hearts.

Our hearts are broken,

Gina & Marty
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I'm so very sorry for your loss :cry:
That poor baby... and you're right, preventable...
Have you notified the breeder so they can make the other families aware?
I am so sorry that you had to go through this. I know how easy it is to bond with a sheepie. My heart goes out to you at this very sad time.
I am so sorry for you and for your family.
I'm so sorry to hear of your sad loss of little Gus
OMG. I'm so sorry :(
So very sad and so very preventable. I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry about your loss of Gus :(
I am so sorry and sad for your loss of little Gus. The breeder should definitely be told and, IMHO, should reimburse you for his cost and medical bills.
I am so sorry for your loss of Gus. :cry:
i'm so sorry ,poor gus.
I'm so sorry. It is awfully sad to lose one so young and innocent.
That's so sad. I'm so sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry that you lost your precious pup. How heartbreaking :cry: It's tragic if the cause of his death was so easily prevented. 6 weeks is awful young to leave for a new home... if they had stayed 'til 8 weeks they would have gained a lot of knowledge from their mother and littermates like bite inhibition but I wonder if all the pups would have died. I hope you'll try to recoup the money spent in both purchasing and trying to save your pup and that you'll notify the AKC and include a copy of the vet's report. It may be the only way to prevent future puppies from suffering this same fate. Any breeder that doesn't have the common sense to at least worm their dogs is, in my opinion, reckless and irresponsible.
I read the posts, and I'm sorry you got a sick puppy and you all - family and puppy - went through all this.
Hi Gina and Marty,

That sweet little baby was only in your home for 84 hours and yet the impact he made on your heart will be forever. To hold him, love him and then lose him is such a tragic loss. I'm very sorry you had to go through this. You tried everything you could to save him and despite it wasn't successful I hope you find solice in that.

Rest in peace baby Gus and may you be taken care of at the Rainbow Bridge by all the sheepies whom have passed before you.
http://www.la-spca.org/pet_loss/comfort ... bridge.htm

Hugs to you both

Marianne and the boys
What horrible horrible breeders, and how heartbreaking for you to go through that.

I hope everyone reads your post and can learn from your experience, it is just tragic.

Hi everyone,

Wow, this is so sad. I'm not sure what to think. Did Molly or the vet accidently give worm med to another pup twice? It could easily happen. Did this pup eat something in the yard so infested that it exploded in population within this pup? This shows pretty straight why pups should be wormed twice. The pics of their family and the pups look pretty responsible and normal to me. They appear to be trying to do the right things that they are aware of with most all family members involved in caring for and raising the pups. Is anyone aware of other stories of neglect with this breeder? I'm not aware of any.

We all wish that all breeders have the practical wisdom and knowledge in all areas of reproduction to do all of the correct steps each and every time, breeding our future generations of furry friends but the truth is that even with so called professional many don't. We all have learned the hard way and each time something new could show its ugly head. And with prices of OES pups bred by professional show breeders now reaching up to $3,000, educating these bachyard breeders becomes even more critical.

If what Molly states about the rest of her litters are true, that they are healthy and correctly treated. And she is willing to work with Gus' family, I wouldn't be so quick to dis-credit her. It appears she is doing more than many other as best she knows how. I'm sure more attention will be given to proper care and testing in the future or at least I hope it will.

I am so sorry to hear about your little puppy Gus.

I am glad that your breeder is feeling much regret & remorse about the puppy they sold you. (In most of these kind of sick puppy posts on the forum, the breeder ends up accusing the puppy purchaser.) I truly hope she refunds your money & pays your vet expenses. I do also hope you will let another sheepdog into your life again some day.

There are many ethical breeders in the Old English Sheepdog Club of America that have to sign a code of ethics to be able to be a part of the breeder referral program. The OES of A is very strict and if any of the breeders released puppies before 8 Weeks of age like Oak Ridge did, they could easily get kicked out. I am glad Oak Ridge has learned from this experience. I'm curious about the worm situation. I am sure the poor Gus' immune system could not handle being so sick.

I just also wanted to add, no matter how tempting it is to want to have your puppy home as soon as possible, they really need to be with their litter mates until 8 weeks just for bonding issues too. They learn a lot about socialization between 6-8 weeks which could really matter how they socialize with your family.
:cry: :cry: :cry:
I'm so sorry!
:cry: I am so sorry. :cry:
Unbelievable! I am so sorry.
Thank you all for your lovely posts. They mean the world to us and have helped comfort us both over these rough past few weeks.

Gus is home now and we plan to bury him under a tree this spring that we will plant in his memory. His little paw print sits atop our mantle beside one of the many pictures we took of him in our short time together.

We have contacted the breeder and given her the chance to offer restitution. We have not yet received a response.

Members of the AKC, OES Rescue and our state's Dog Rescue have truly been a blessing. We plan to get another puppy sometime this year and we now have a long list of reputable breeders from which to choose. However, we will most likely rescue a sheepie and give it a home it well deserves.

You are all so wonderful; thank you!

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