
I have a 3 1/3 month old OES named Leo, we got him at a breeder and when we first brought him home he was great, he learned to sit, lie down and give paw, but now he has become impossible to train I don't know what to do I feel like we're doing something wrong. He barks non stop and is very agressive, my 2 year old some is full of scars and so are my husband and I. We love the dog, how can you not he is beatiful. Our proble is the training he constantly has accidents in the house even though we take him for walks 4 time a day he does not go to the bathroom, but as soon as he gets inside the first thing he does is pee or poo. I need advise on how to handle him from someone who has been through the whole puppy stage or is going through it right now. We are running out of patience and don't what to do..... Please HELP!

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3-4 months old is still young to expect complete reliability from a puppy. They are just beginning to have control over the mucsles that control their ability to hold it. I went through the same thing with my pup Dancer, who is now almost 7 months old and finally doing better. My first advice would be to crate train, there are some great articles all over the net and in books on crate training. It almost always works, and has many other benefits as well.
Also, pay close attention to your pups habits and try to coincide the timing of your outings to the times your pup needs to go.
What I found is working well for Dancer and I is keeping her with me, on leash, at all times, and spending as much time outside as possible, since they will inevitably have to go, and if they are already outside eventually they will go. Thentons of praise, treats, playtime, whatever it takes to let your dog know that you approve. Punishments for a pup that young will do nothing. Maybe say "what is that? " in a disgusted tone of voice. But punishing the pup will confuse it, it may decide that peeing itself is bad and try to do it any time you are not looking.
As to the aggression, I think you'll find a lot of great people on this site to help you out there, I am not very experienced with that problem.
And of course, one more point regarding peeing in the house... has your pup been to the vet recently for shots etc? I would ask them to check for urinary or bladder infection just in case, as illness can cause aggression as well.
Good Luck! and welcome to the board! I am only about an hour north of you, feel free to contact me on msn messenging as well if you like at
Leo should be enrolled in obedience class (positive reinforcement) asap. He is testing the waters - which is typical of an OES puppy his age. He needs to learn manners and socialize with other puppies.

This behavior can get worse - if it is not "nipped in the bud". Especially with a young child - it could be dangerous. Leo will grow fast - and what may only be a nuisance now will soon be a real problem.

Children are the #1 reason for OES being put into rescue. They can be great with children - with the proper training - but this takes a great deal of time and patience. It can be difficult to spend this time training a dog when you are raising a young child. It certainly CAN be done - but it's not easy. With the training requirements, grooming requirements, and herding instincts - OES aren't the easiest of breeds to raise!

In terms of the house breaking - I would recommend crate training. Take him out for scheduled "potty breaks" - that the only reason he is out is to go to the bathroom (not to go for a walk, not for play, etc.). Then the play and walks can be for fun - not for business.

You should also discuss any training and/or behavior issues with Leo's breeder. A responsible breeder will be there for you - and help you get through this stage. Hopefully, they will offer some guidance.

Please email me privately if you have any questions or need a referral for a training program.

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