URGENT!! must find Great home for my Cooper

I have been told recently by my doctor that do to my asthma & severe allergies I have no choice but to give up one of my best friends.....

I have two OES one is going on 9 years old and has been a great dog for many years. So good in fact my wife and I decided to find another almost 3 years ago. Unfortunatly the second dog has made my house un-liveble to me. I have found out that for health reasons I should have no dogs but can toerate one. Therefor I must find a very good home for my 3 year old male. Any help from people that love Old English sheepdogs as much as my family would be greatly appreciated.
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Where are you located? And have you tried allergy medication?
or allergy shots? What about shaving the 9 and 3 year old, so that there is less dust and dander that can get trapped in the hair. I am sorry that you are in this situation. I can't imagine having to give my furry family away.
Has the 3 year old been around children? Is he house trained?

I really hope everything works out and that something else will work for you, and if not I hope that you find a wonderful family for this guy.
Good Luck, Stormi and co.
First off, I'm very sorry for the difficulty you find yourself in. It must have been excruciatingly difficult for you to make this decision. You have a number of ways to handle this if you need to give up your dog.

You can turn your dog into a sheepdog rescue program. They will have screened homes and owners to ensure that your dog goes to a good home, and several (if not most) programs have enough people looking for sheepies that they can make the best match in terms of temperament of your dog with the owners needs and wants.

You can also find a placement yourself -- perhaps someone you know, perhaps someone you may meet. Placing your dog yourself will probably allow you to keep in touch to whatever degree you like, placing a dog through a rescue may mean giving up contact with your dog.

Whatever your decision, you should know that the people of the forum and I all stand behind you ready to help in any way we can, including giving you conflicting advice! Feel free to contact me privately if you'd like. webmaster @ oes.org

Yes I have tried and take allergey meds. & asthma meds daily. In fact I start shots next week. Ron any additional info you may have on rescue programs would be great. I live in the Chicago area but will do a road trip to find a good home. Or rescue program. Thanks again.


I know how heartbreaking this must be for you.

I'm in the northern burbs of Chicago and wish I could take your dog, but with 2 dogs and 2 cats of my own, it just "ain't" gonna happen, because I can't afford a divorce :roll:

But, I've recently spoken with a fellow in the southern burbs that lost his sheepie and is looking for new one. He is looking for a female, and I don't know what you have, and I don't know if he would be interested in an adult, but I think its worth a try.

Please email me privately, and I will put you in touch with him.

I sure hope I can help!!!
Your contacts in Chicago are:

Grace Fujikawa wynward2@aol.com 847-446-7381


Jeri Hoppe Fannykin@aol.com 847-426-5708

They work together, so if you can't get in touch with one, you can try the other. I've never directly worked with them before, but "my sources" tell me that they are great!
we will also take them in.

Where are you located?
Sorry, I didn't sign in as a member. We live in North Carolina we have a female OES that is 1 1/2 and we just love her so much and would love to take another one in. I am heart broken for you I have alergies also to many animals and I just feel your pain!! I really bet this was a hard agonizing chose to make. Too bad we live so far away!!
tuniam --

Did you get in touch with Grace Fujikawa or Jeir Hoppe? Please let me know.

I've worked with Grace and just love her! (even though Grace is her REAL name and my NICKNAME since I was a kid! 8O ) The last time I spoke with Grace F. was about a month ago. Grace might be a little more difficult to get in touch with these days as I know she had some things coming up this summer ~ but she is SO DEDICATED I can't see anything slowing her down too much!

You can e-mail me directly if you'd like.
Hey everbody here are some answers to all your questions:
I live in Roselle IL. Cooper is a 3 year old male and yes I have emailed Grace although I have not yet heard back from her as of yet. Thanks again for all of your input. I will register soon so that I can start emailing everybody directly.

Bustn... I would like to talk to you more..

email me so we can talk. myboys0107@yahoo.com
i live right by roselle.
does your boy have any behvaior problems?

can you email me specifics? gwarmaggot@yahoo.com
Would be willing to take on your boy, he'd have a great friend in Liz! She is about his age, will be 3 in December. We live in Manchester, IA, about 45 miles west of the IA- IL border by East Dubuque. Please let me know if you haven't already found a home. morrbie@hotmail.com

You can e-mail me @ PinkPuppyHiccups@aol.com

I can either get you in contact with Grace or discuss other options.
Hope to hear from you! :D

I have been in your shoes before. I HAD asthma and the nose allergies and told the doctor getting rid of my Dudley was not an option. This is what we did I groomed him so I kept doing so vacuum a lot keep the dog out of your bed room. Now you can put an air filter in every room along with one on your heat?AC system. Keep the dog in a puppy cut. I took shots and medication and inhalers and the allergy went away. The worse time was when I groomed him. I wise you good health and hope all works out.
I have severe allergies to all things furred as well as dusts, pollens etc.
I also have severe asthma, and have ended up in the hospital many times with it. I always refuse to get rid of my animals when they suggest it. And now, I am fine with my own animals and only have reactions to animals I am not familiar with. De-sensitization I guess. If I am around other people's animals allergies still act up, I get wheezy, hives, itchy watery eyes, sinuses you name it. So if I know I'm going to be around something that makes it act up I take a generic version of Chlor-Tripolon. That stuff works for every allergy I've come across. And since it has no other medications mixed into it there are no side effects.
\i was just wondering if you have found any solutions to your problem. My computer has crashed so I can't keep up with email like I usually would. I don't know how we would get Cooper down to NC but we would love to have him.
Look like there may be an impending adoption!!!


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D YAY! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Yes, Ron, you're right. I will be meeting Cooper and his family this weekend and bringing him home to Lizzie on Sunday. When I saw Bill's post, I couldn't resist to offer and I believe Cooper will love all the kids around here and that he'll be good for Liz! I'll post pics later.
I am in Skokie - would be interested too - although it looks like you are having loads of responses.

I have a 9 month female who would love a big brother, please let me know if others don't pan out.

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is so exciting! I can't wait to hear how it all turns out!!!!!!!!!

And you're all in my neighborhood!!!!

Brenda, good luck! Cooper, big hugs and huge good luck, darlin'! And Liz, you lucky gal!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Well as hard as it's been to give up part of my family. I don't believe I could have found a better family for my Cooper. Brenda drove out this weekend and took Cooper home. We have been emailing back and fourth and she even sent a video clip with the two dogs playing. This has been extremly difficult on my family and I but I take great comfort in knowing the wonder people Cooper is now with. Thanks to everbody who helped.
and a very special thank you to Brenda and family. Give Cooper a hug and I know we will continue to keep in touch.

You have my admiration for taking the time to find a GOOD home for Cooper! Many in your situation would just have dumped him at the local shelter - without a second thought! Cooper was obviously well loved and I'm glad you were able to find a home for him!

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