panting puppy

I have a 14 week old OES and I love him to death already. He is so sweet and cuddly, however when he goes to sleep he seems to breath really heavy as if he is panting. I am paranoid because I just lost my other dog 2 weeks ago. I always have water for him and I don't think my house is overly warm. I'm just wondering if this is normal for the breed. I got him a doggy bed but I am wondering if he would be better off sleeping on the wood floors. Does this breed pant a lot because he always seems to be.. I love this guy so much I don't want anything to be wrong with him.. Help. :?:
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Well Edgar seems to pant a lot everywhere he goes. If its not normal then I guess I have the same problem as you. :wink: Sometimes it will worry me when he seems extra panty. But I think that it is normal.
Panda is now 3 yrs old....Her dog bed is next to ours on my side...She pants loudly at night...also with several large sighs...she does get up and move around during the night. Wood floors, back to the bed, rug, wood floors, back to the get the idea. If he likes the bed, great...if not, no big deal either.
Dogs pant instead of sweating. They pant when they are excited, they pant when they are happy, they pant when they have been playing. In other words dogs pant!!! I wouldn't worry unless you notice other problems.
Thank you all so much for your reply.. I am new to the forum. I have had Wenston for only a week now. My last dog never really seemed to pant unless he had been running around like crazy. Yes at night this little guy moves around a lot it makes me nervous because again my last dog was just out when he went to bed.

Thanks again, you all are so nice.
Wenston's Mom :)
Pictures!!! We need pictures :D

Welcome, you will learn LOTS here!
Welcome to the forum!

I wouldn't worry about the panting, unless your dog really appears to be in distress, which doesn't sound like what's happening.

I find that Barkley's heart rate and breathing rate is much faster than a human's - even when he's sleeping. Sometimes it's worrysome, I know.

Given the opportunity, Barkley will always lie on the cool ceramic tile to have a nap. If your pup is choosing the dog bed, but still has the opportunity to sleep on the wood floor, then he's fine. If he's sleeping in his crate and has the dog bed, try removing the bedding. He might like the cool crate floor better.

Can't wait to see pictures of Wenston and hear about his antics! :D
Certainly they can pant when they are hot but if it's excessive panting, I think I would ask about it at the vet when you are due for your next immunization. You should be gettting a rabies for him btw 4-6 months.
Elliot is a panter also, he is 9 wks. he pants just like the other 2. I think they are perfectly fine, but if your uneasy about it, call your vet.
Charlie is only 9 weeks old, when he sleeps he pants so hard, his little belly is going crazy! Also, he twitches alot in his sleep, sometimes it looks like he's running. He moves around alot when he's sleeping. Charlie is the first puppy I've had, I've been freaking out constantly. His first night here, I had him sleeping in my bed and woke up thinking he was having a fit and he was sleeping on my arm and panting heaps. I love him so much, I just don't wanna lose my baby.
Charlies mum, I thought the same about Obe when he first arrived at 9 wks. He panted very heavily and I to thought something maybe wrong. I would not worry about it as they just pant. Obe still pants and twitches which is him dreaming about herding those sheep. I laugh so hard at night when I am watching TV or on the computer and I look over and Obe's feet/legs are just going crazy with the occasional whimper. He is just dreaming would not worry about unless you think there is something wrong. It doesn't sound like it by your post. Just be glad he is sleeping. Yes almost forgot, welcome to the forum and we do like pictures here.
We have 3 dogs 2 mixes, one looks to be a rott mix, the other a boarder collie (all though he is totally golden) and one that is an OES.

When sleeping or just resting right next to the other dogs they will be breathing normally, everyone but Chewy (the OES) who will be panting like crazy. It can be very worrisome. I checked around on it when he was a puppy (he is a year now) and was told that because of there massive metabolism they are constantly burning energy and panting helps. Then think how big they are, I know that big people are sensitive to heat changes (they get hot quicker) in addition they have their lovely coat, its hot even when cut shorter. I tend to agree panting is run of the mill with these guys. :wink:

... he twitches alot in his sleep, sometimes it looks like he's running.

I love Puppy DREAMS!!! what is funny is when you have more than one sleeping in the same room and they both start to dream. :lol:
Welcome! My Rufus is 15 weeks and pants when he sleeps too. And fidgets in his sleep, actually he can't stay still ever :roll:
Morgan has started sleeping in the kitchen on the tile floor rather than in the bedroom with us and the other two dogs. Mainly its because he pants so loudly all night long - and because I usually have to drag him to bed at night because he appears to prefer the kitchen.

The other dogs (one OES one Irish Setter) don't hardly make a sound at night. Morgan has been like this since we got him.
Pirate pants when he sleeps. In fact, sometimes he pants so loudly, he wakes me up.

Now my Siamese does he snore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been mildly worried about my 6 month old sheppard/lab mix male puppy Duke. He is a panter for sure. I've also got a 1 1/2 year old lab/beagle mix male Scooter. He does not pant. That was why I was concerned. However, we've recently had Duke neutered & the vet told me not to worry. But sometimes he pants heavily. We've noticed that when we get his attention on something else he stops panting. It's good to know that my puppy is not the only one that experiences this. :D
Both of mine panted like crazy at night while sleeping. So much so, my hubby would sleep in another room! :roll: I had alot of blankets in their crates and a covering over their crate. It was just too darn warm and cozy for them. Do you ahve the crate under a blanket? If so, take it off...Do you have lots and lots of comfy blankets in the crate? If so, leave just one...and leave a crate cup with water inside for him to drink if he needs...

However, if you see any other symptoms, the heavy panting could be from a fever, or pain, or something else wrong. Sounds like its just warmth...Pups breathe more rapidly than adults and their little hearts seem to pound more beats as well! But if you see any other symptoms...not wanting to eat, or play, poop troulbe, etc, then a visit to the vet would be in order...
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