What would the Whitehouse look like.....

If our sheepies lived there? I have a mental picture, put let's "paint" it out here. I will start. Have you seen my new shoes, the angel from the top of the tree or the President? I think the sheepie got them all.
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The body guards would all be smiling.. :lol:
and bottoms would be wiggling everywhere :D
Toilet paper strewn halls; dogs sleeping on their backs with their feet up against the wall; lots of chases, feet slipping on the highly polished wood floors; State dinners with dogs nudging people's elbows for treats.....
When they did the photo opp with visiting heads of state, with the president and the foreign dignitary sitting in chairs in front of the fireplace, two sheepdogs fresh from the water bowl would appear and force their heads onto the two laps.

George W Bush and Vladimir Putin by Limestone fireplace at Texas White House in Crawford Texas

While sitting in front of the fireplace in the Oval Office February 7, 1977, President Jimmy Carter hosts a lunch for Vice President Mondale and energy adviser James Schlesinger. Hanging above the mantel is Charles Willson Peale’s portrait of George Washington, which President Carter acquired for the White House’s permanent art collection.

President Bush talks with President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of the Philippines at the White House.

Both world leaders would at first be surprised, but then would laugh and laugh, and decide to make peace. :plead:
No one would be yelling for "Boots" unless they were looking for the real thing..nope the halls would be filled with calls for Shaggy, Panda's, Merlin's, (mentioned those names of course as they are popular sheepie names). :wink:

Lets not forget the Sheepdog photos hanging around!

Marianne and the boys
FDR had an OES named Tiny. We need a pic of that. This may be the internet search of the day.
Don't forget the dish towels all over kitchen floor!
There would be a sheepie on every sofa 8)
Maxmm wrote:
FDR had an OES named Tiny. We need a pic of that. This may be the internet search of the day.

Mandy, I've already spent half an hour on this (as a professional librarian). Lots of stuff saying FDR had an OES but no pics so far. I might have to visit FDR's presidential library which I assume is in Hyde Park. Road trip anyone?
Lets not forget chewed wall corners from when they were pups!!!

I think the world would be a much more peaceful place if a sheepie lived in the white house!
Every presidental picture would have a sheepdog in the background since they're shadows and follow you around everywhere.
Ron wrote:
When they did the photo opp with visiting heads of state, with the president and the foreign dignitary sitting in chairs in front of the fireplace, two sheepdogs fresh from the water bowl would appear and force their heads onto the two laps.

LOL! It would be unavoidable!! :lol:
There would be water spots on those nice hardwood floors, clumps of "dust bunny sheepie hair" under and on every chair and couch. :lol:

Hmmm Sheepies sleeping on comfie places or on couches, dust bunnies underneath, ripped wallpaper...YUP..I knew it!! I live at the Whitehouse!

Marianne and the boys
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