Pirate gets neutered tomorrow (7/1)

My baby Pirate is going under the knife tomorrow. I know its the best thing, and very routine, but I can't help but be nervous.

What should I expect when he gets home on Friday? How will he feel? Will he still be able to play the piano? (just kidding, he can't play now!)

Please keep good thoughts that all goes smoothly for him.

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Everything will be fine! I'll be thinking of Pirate and hope for a quick recovery! He will be a little groggy Friday - and you will need to make sure he doesn't disturb the area - but other than that - you probably won't notice much of a difference in his behavior.

Good Luck!
When Truman was neutered, he didn't even seem like he had anything done when he came home. He was his usual goofy self. I'm sure everything will go fine. Please try not to worry (I know that's easier said than done). Happy thoughts!!
I had Max neutered about a month a go. Same as above, no difference, except the same day. he was groggy and had troubles walking because he was still numbed up in the back area. but the next day he was fine. He actually pulled out his own stitches 8 days later. He never licked the area too much, but one day before we were headed to the vet to have them taken out, I looked and they were gone! We still went to the vet, and they told me he did a good job removing all of them :lol:
Good luck to both of them -er, I mean, to both of you. :oops:
Good luck Pirate! You will be just fine, just make sure your Mommy pampers you and gives you lots of treats. Stormi and co.
Well, how is Pirate doing? I hope he is good and just getting some really good sleep. Give him gentle hugs from us, Stormi and co.
Thanks Stormi, thanks all....

Pirate is still at the vet. He will have a sleepover there. I spoke with them around 3pm cst. They said he did very well, and was still groggy, but had been sitting up.

He needs lots of rest for the next 48 hours. He will be coming home tomorrow afternoon.

Whew...its done, and my lovie is fine. Thank goodness!

Molly the Jack Russell is walking around the house like the Queen of the Universe. Boy will she be disappointed when Pirate comes home tomorrow!!!! But, I will be delighted.

Thank you all.....
Hi Deb,

I'm happy to hear that all went well with Pirate and please give him a hug for me. Reading your post and advice from others concerning neutering, I decided, for Merlin to be scheduled to undergo the same surgery this coming Tues. Please keep me informed what you've experienced if anything as a result of the surgery. (it's been so long since Blue was neutered I forget)

Take Care


I know that was a difficult decision for you, but I personally think you made the correct decision.

Pirate is home now. He's very happy! He's also very quiet and moving a bit slow, but really doesn't appear to be in any pain.

I so glad its behind us, I'm sure you will feel the same next Wednesday.

We will be keeping good thoughts for Merlin's surgery. He'll do just fine :P
debcram wrote:
He's also very quiet and moving a bit slow
Sure he is. Here's what he's thinking:
"What did I do to deserve THAT? How do I avoid doing it again?
Maybe if I'm a good boy and sneak around quietly....nobody will notice me"
So you'd better give him an extra hug or two. And one for me and my weak knees.
:lol: :roll: :lol:
I am so glad that Pirate is better! Any operation, not matter how routine, is less then pleasant. He is being a good boy, and you are such a good mommy for worrying! :)
ps good one, Ron. I liked your first comment :wink: , but the second one took the cake! :P :P :P
Message to Ron, from Pirate...

Hey man, thanks for the hug. I want you to know, one of them took the hit for my dad (who had a real tough time dealing with this), and the other took the hit for you.

You guys are cool now.

Thanks for the good wishes!

Pirate (aka Captain Whitehead Duval)
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