Update on my mom--she's out of the hospital

And in a rehab place by me. She was discharged from the hospital 10 days ago. Pneumonia was better but she needed to go somewhere for physical, occupational and speech therapy. The pneumonia weakened her throat muscles so she wasn't able to eat. A g tube was put in and the speech therapy is necessary to strengthen her throat muscles so she can get back onto solid foods. She was in a hell-hole place by her house for 3 days (don't even ask!) but I got her transferred to a lovely rehab facility that is down the road from my work and 10 miles from my house. We visit every day.

She's getting a lot stronger and is now walking all around (with a walker though cuz her balance isn't 100% without it). Unfortunately a chest x-ray showed some fluid in her lungs so she's antibiotics for 10 days.

I'm confident she'll overcome this but it might be along haul. She might not be back home by Christmas which makes me blue, but we'll get through it. I enjoy being able to see her every day but wish it were under better circumstances! We've been playing gin rummy lately and I try to get there to watch Jeopardy! with her.

Keep her in your thoughts. She's not out of the woods yet but is vastly improved.
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I hope she continues to improve Paula!!!!!
That's great! I hope she continues to get better.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I hope her rehab continues to go well.
Wishing your Mom a speedy recovery!
I'm glad she is close by so you can visit, she will heal in her
own time. Its great she is playing cards and watching TV with you.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you both........
I hope your Mom has a uncomplicated recovery. :plead:
Good news Paula, hope she continues to improve and is home in time for christmas, that would be a wonderful thing for your whole family. :D

Thinking of you all. :hearts:
What good news! I hope things continue to go up hill for all of you!!!!
Hope her progress continues going great.
Great news! I hope she continued to make good progress.
Sorry I missed this thread before!
I hope you can help her enjoy the holidays despite her going through so much. I can't imagine. We'll have our fingers cross that she regains all her strength and balance. Lately I've been hearing how stressful it can be going to the hospital every day since my nephews have been there over a month (twin preemies). I also hope that through seeing her recover, you can find some joy too.
Apologies from me as well for missing this post. :cry:

I'm so glad to hear your mother is doing better, Paula. And what a nice treat for her that you're able to see her so often. She sounds like a strong willed lady! I'll continue to keep her in my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.
Paula, so glad to hear that things are improving. Here's wishing her a speedy recovery & I hope you'll have her home before Christmas!
Hi Paula,

I was glad to hear the update on your mom and that while things are still a bit hard, the most difficult days are over. Your mom is so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter. Hugs to you and your mom!

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Great news. And may your news continue to get better and better. I'm sure your mom appreciates all that you are doing to help her. We will continue to keep your mom and you in our thoughts and prayers.
Paula, I'm very glad to hear your Mom is recouperating. I hope she'll continue to improve rapidly. I am sure her best medicine is the time you spend with her. :D
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