How to get gum out of clothing?

My son sat in some gum at school. His pants are dress pants. Need I say more? :cry:
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Can you put the pants in the freezer and pic it out when it is frozen? There is something that is supposed to dissolve gum, but I can't remember what.......

Here is what I found on Google:

Warm vinegar in the microwave them pour on the gum. Wait a minute or two then gently scrape the gum off with a butter knife. Repeat. The key here is that the vinegar must be warm to hot.
~Stick the article of clothing in the freezer for 4 to 8 hours. Take it out and chip off the gum.
Before trying the vinegar, I'd want to check to see if the pants are color safe to the vinegar.... Check on an inside hem somewhere first!!! :D

I'd also say try the freezing route, but it'll warm up too quickly; after taking out of the freezer, hold an ice cube on the reverse side while trying to pick off the gum; rub with another ice cube on top to keep it frozen.


(Does Goo Gone work with bubblegum or chewing gum?)
Goo Gone will work. Scrape off as much as you can, then
saturate the spot with goo gone and let it sit. After it has
softened cover the area with liquid detergent or dish soap
and work it in. The gum should be coming up at this point.
Wipe all that away with a towel and brush more soap in.
Hopefully you will be able to see now if the gum is all gone.
Then just launder as usual.
I have never had a problem with getting gum out with goo gone.
It's great for all kinds of stuff. I have taken out wax, car grease,
gum, shoe polish, even silly putty, just about anything sticky or oily.
Although the goo gone is oily, I have never had any remaining
marks from the goo gone itself.
This almost always works. Just make sure after you launder
the pants that the stain is gone before you dry them. If not,
start the process over and it will almost always be gone the
second time.

Tasker's Mom wrote:
Here is what I found on Google:
Warm vinegar in the microwave them pour on the gum. Wait a minute or two then gently scrape the gum off with a butter knife. Repeat. The key here is that the vinegar must be warm to hot. ~ Denise
~Stick the article of clothing in the freezer for 4 to 8 hours. Take it out and chip off the gum. ~ Denise

I forgot to post the outcome! I did this as soon as I saw this. It took only 2 treatments and it all came out. :clappurple: :clappurple:

I am totally impressed, and I had even already washed them so the gum was packed right into the threads. There was nothing to scrap off if I froze them.

The vinegar just sizzled and softened it all up, so I could scrap the gum off. I scrapped really hard, though, so if it was a thin thread, or cheap pants there might have been some damage.

I have never heard of Goo Gone so I don't think we get it here.. :( If I see it ever, I will definitely stock up!

Thanks so much, folks...! You guys are the best!
Good to know about the vinegar though! I never would
have guessed. I use vinegar a lot for cleaning though,
and it gets the greasy rangehood pretty clean. Makes
perfect sense now that I think of it.

I actually had never heard of using vinegar till I Googled it!!!! Glad to hear it worked.
Thank you for the vinegar idea... I somehow managed to sit in some gum today in my favorite pair of pants but two treatments with the hot vinegar and it took it all out! Can't even tell that there was any gum there. Thank you so much!
:wink: Imagine that, who wouldathunk I could come up with some good advice!!!
WD 40... works on silly putty and no staining... Also heard of peanut butter... but never tried it.
The vinegar worked perfect on some gum my daughter got on a t-shirt. It wasn't washed, but had been on the shirt about 24 hours. I used an old toothbrush, and the gum came off in seconds.
I stumbled on this post looking for something else. I had a favorite shirt that went through the wash about a month ago with a full pack of gum and came out with six gum spots that I couldn't get out. It worked wonders. Thank you so much.
The vinegar works excellent! In fear of ruining my fabric I used bandage tape after pouring hot vinegar on my shorts (of course the tape doesnt stick to wet surfaces, but it did stick to the gum) I just kept using a different peice of tape. no scrapping involved and it only took a few trys and removed ALL of the gum. :lol:
Thank you for the warm vinegar tip - it saved me a lot of driving and money this evening - my son sat in gum - it was all over his meshy nylon uniform gym shorts which are expensive and hard to find, but he is required to wear to PE. I saw that someone used an old toothbrush rather than a knife, and that worked perfectly. Hurray, and thank you for taking the time to put this information on the internet.
Thanks for the tape and vinegar tips. Amazing! Two tries like all the posts. First I poured the hot vinegar and let it soaked, most came off when scraped with a knife. Second time I soaked it for 2 minutes. Used some duct tape and exactly as described, gum stuck to the tape and came right off with couple dabs. Thank you!
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