
Hello. I am new to the forum and perhaps this topic has been address many times and if so I apologize for being redundant.

My problem is jumping. When I get home from work I will go outside and play for 30 minutes or so, ball, frisbee whatever she wants at the time. The other evening I was walking through the yard and she started jumping, hitting me in the back and then biting and pulling on my jacket. I told her NO, made her sit and then started off again. We had a repeat of the jumping, biting...this continued until we got back to the house. I've been told to ignore the bad behavior but that is pretty darn hard when it hurts. :cry: She doesn't do this to my husband but will do it to our 11 year old grandson when he is over. Any suggestions?
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Izzie still does this every once in awhile :twisted:

When you make her sit I would make her hold it for awhile so she calms down. Then when you release her if she jumps and bites again...make her sit again. Eventually she should stop the jumping/biting.

Izzie only does it when she is very excited...therefore the sitting distracts her and gives her a chance to calm down.
Barkley used to get this way every evening for an hour or so. It was as if he just went wild, running around the house, pouncing on us and biting us. Psycho-puppy!

When that happens some other options that worked for us are: a timeout to calm down in the crate or we would pick him up and hold him on our lap - hold him close and gently pet him until he'd calm down and lie quietly.

As he's gotten older he's already maturing to the point where we don't see psycho puppy very often anymore. It seems to be a completely normal puppy thing though - don't worry.
Well Laika was doing so well. The past few weeks she is making me nuts. She turns 10 months at the end of the month. I am covered in bruises! I put her in timeouts also in the crate. But before we get to that point my cloths are in shreds and I am bruised. Patience.
Chauncey also goes through a psychotic period in the evening, he's 14mos. I swear he has sundowners. He gets running through the house as fast as he can, hopping, even gets down with butt in air and growl/bark. Then when he settles he decides it's time to bark at the image from the TV or our windows. The rest of the day he's wonderful or at least tolerable. I too went through the bruised period, if I would have had to go to the Dr. Bobby would have probably been arrested. I looked abused, part of it was my meds, most of it was wrestling with Chauncey.
Yes, I went through the bruised phase also. I even have a scar on my lip from the puppy years (long story, complete accident...) Jon was always so worried that people would think he was doing it to me.
Generally, I have found it to be true that they start to calm down around age 2... Hopefully, some other members will offer more suggestions on how to deal with the puppy phase, but I just wanted to tell you there is a light at the end of the tunnel :-)
Our charlotte is by times like a kangaroo....especially my husband is having a hard time with her jumping up and down.

She is not doing it to me, because i ignore her, do other things, till she realize that jumping up and down doesn't get her what she wants. When she finally cools down, i go thru my knees, and then we have a big cuddle sessions. And it really works for charlotte.

My other little one "cassy", bit me last week while walking outside in my back.
For her it was just playing, but i told het firmly off with my voice, and so far she has not done it anymore.
Cassy is easier to handle then charlotte, because she stops right away when i tell her off.

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