hole problem


my dog gismo like's to dig holes in the garden what can i do to stop him?

what is the best way of getting al the sand out of his hear?

thank u,

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we go through this every fall and spring with the dogs. if you catch them in the act tell them "no" and make them move away from the spot. fill the hole in and put sod on as soon as possible. putting the sod down is the only thing that has really stopped them. good luck
Dogs dig because they truly enjoy it, or because they are bored. The bored part you can work with! Give Gismo toys or play together outside. Or maybe she is just out too long and bored. Can you find a neighbor or nearby friend with a dog she likes? - if they can run and play together and let off some steam, she may be less likely to dig also.
Aw come on now that problem has been solved years ago. Read "The Pokey Little Puppy." Puppies that dig holes don't get any desert. :D

(Opps, sorry, I couldn't resist.)
LOL! Forgot about that.

Dogs dig, terriers are the worst but generally all dogs dig. They are bored, curious, making a den, seeking cooler soil, etc.

I wish the sod would work for me, mine dig up the sod. Granted, digging through a tough sod is harder than bare dirt and will slow the progress.

As disgusting as it sounds, put dog poop in the holes. Most dogs won't dig where there's dog poop......they may go somewhere else, but not in that one spot.

Most outgrow the need to dog.........almost.
SheepieBoss wrote:
Most outgrow the need to dog.........almost.

I'm waiting for that day. Bear gave up all of his digging except for his special hole in the back of the yard. I can't remember if I posted this already somewhere else but we hadn't realized how deep it was until Lucy fell in it and all that we could see was her head. I'm trying to time the fill in right as the ground freezes so the dirt will stay there.
LOL! Bear needs a bear size hole. Maybe he's working on a den.

We watched Harry scratch out a hole the other day. He seemed to know exactly how deep and wide it needed to be for his butt and arthritic hip. Once done, he plopped down and was content.
Every dog I have owned "has at one time or another" dug holes in the yard. I tend to think that in FL they are digging for cooler soil (as this behavior slacks off in the winter). My Sheepie has dug two holes (well he started on a second and I stopped him) in my backyard. My method for stopping him was rather simple. First, I physically intervened and made him get out of the hole he was digging. Then, I filled in the hole in front of him and made sure that when he went in that area again I reminded him that it was unacceptable to be there.

Dogs will be dogs however, and I keep a close watch on him when he is in the fenced in backyard. It was amazing to watch a Sheepie dig however, they can really dig so much faster than the other dogs (Irish Setters, Beagles, July's and Walker Dogs) I have had in the past. Guess those big paws, powerful legs and fast growing nails make these good "diggers" when they want a hole. Funny how mine wants to do this after being groomed....guess they want to get the smell of shampoo masked with dirt...etc My other dogs would find something obnoxious to roll in after being washed and my Dad always said that dogs instinctively did that to mask their odor. I have also had to chase my sheepdog off of my bed when he jumped up on it and started a digging motion 8O ....guess he wanted a hole in the covers and mattress..

Guess he wants the bed and was making me a hole outside to sleep in ....how kind of him! :D
7skydive wrote:
I have also had to chase my sheepdog off of my bed when he jumped up on it and started a digging motion 8O ....guess he wanted a hole in the covers and mattress..

Guess he wants the bed and was making me a hole outside to sleep in ....how kind of him! :D

I've had to mend the sheets several times after coming home to find Walter had made himself a "nest" in my bed...

Has anyone given their dogs a special place where he/she is allowed to dig? Maybe if you taught them to dig only in certain place, the wouldn't do it elsewhere. Just a thought. Good Luck!
oh great ater reading this post derby is now digging holes with his webbed feet he will hit china real fast
Rags has been digging holes in the backyard.
Only is the sandy areas, thank goodness or her Daddy would have a fit. lol She usually just digs up some sand to lie in. :lmt: The new hole that she dug where Billy is building his bar is exactly the perfect size for Chili 8O I'll have to keep on eye on Chili. LOL :lol:
Walterthedog wrote:
Has anyone given their dogs a special place where he/she is allowed to dig? Maybe if you taught them to dig only in certain place, the wouldn't do it elsewhere. Just a thought. Good Luck!

That's exactly what I had to do with my first oes Mickey. She was awful for digging. I ended up trying to teach her to only dig in the sandbox. She sure was messy when she came in, but we made her sit on a mat at the door til she was dried off if it was wet and brushed out the sand. Better than mud and grass... and better than dog sized holes all over the yard.
Dixie and Bosley have a special place dug out under the bushes for those hot days. It must be the cool earth they are after, because it keeps getting bigger and bigger, as the dirt dries. :?

Fortunately it is under bushes that are agasit my house, so not really visable.

Those who were are the Michigan Picnic might remember how they kept digging a hole under the bushes that were in the middle of the yard.. :oops: :oops: :oops:
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