Mice in my Garage

OMG, Have a mouse in my garage. I hate anything like that. Needless to say, traps and poison everywhere one of those little suckers would be. I hate vermin. I thought I was drunk when I saw it move the first time yesterday then I told myself I on;y had 4 drinks on saturday so there is no way. Sure enough, mouse crap. YUCK!!!
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lol...its only a teeny tiny mouse....think how the poor thing feel when it sees you! just trap it and be done with it....those buggers can do a lot of damage for something so small.
I bought the traps that take thier heads off.
I would just die! 8O
now thats gross.....thats worse than just a regular mouse trap...you have to clean up mouse guts too....nasty!
We had RATS in the garage and attic of the house we rented before we bought this place. I'd take a mouse any day over a rat.
I remember when I walked into the garage to do laundry.
Billy had left the top drawer on his tool box open, which is probably chest high for me. I turn on the light switch and I am face to face with this Giant Rat. I scream, he jumps down from the shelf and headed right inside the house. Harley sees this and basically corners it. I came at it with the broom and got it out the backdoor.
We also lost 90% of our Christmas Decoration due to the Rats and tons of other stuff.

We just had three mice in the kitchen here last month. We got them with Glue traps. Billy was sounds asleep on the couch and I was sitting in the dining room on the computer. I start hearing this squeaking and I tell Billy he caught one. He said "I'll take care of it tomorrow." It squeaked all night. I was so mad at him for not taking care of it.
Please dont use the traps that cut their heads off or trap them in glue. The mice really suffer with these traps, and many times the traps that are supposed to kill them just injure them very badly so they lay there, in very much pain, until they die.

I really urge you to use a humane mouse trap:
Mouse House Humane Trap Sanitary & Safe, 3 Traps
Ketch-All Live Mouse Trap

Catch it, and set it free in a field. Killing a few mice is not going to do anything do alter the mouse/rat population so there is really no reason to do it.

I recently discovered that there is a rat living in my apartment. He usually hangs out in the walls, but occassionaly will come up from behind the oven to see if he can find any food. My roommate and I ordered a rat trap and were going to set him free in a field and close up whatever hole he came in through. No reason to kill the little guy, he's just looking for some food!
I'd just get a cat.
Willowsprite wrote:
I'd just get a cat.
:lol: :lol:
Willowsprite wrote:
I'd just get a cat.

No way. My cat sleeps on my chest and licks my face at night...I don't want mouse guts licking me! :!:
:lol: :lol: :lol: The visual picture of that one is horrible. OK, but I'm still laughing... sorry.
I love my cats for that reason! They're great mousers - they hunt mice in the field next door to us and bring "presents" home. :? Good luck getting the buggers out of your garage.
Well, every house I've moved into has had a mouse or two when I first moved in (older homes, rural area) and then we never see evidence of them again after a week or two. :lol:

Cats are awesome 8)
I'd just go with the traps and get rid of the poison. The poison is designed to attract animals, of any type and work with the liver to stop the blood from clotting. The animal just bleeds out which is another awful way to die. If you don't care about how the mouse dies, think that if your dog eats that poison, it will have the same effect on her, size doesn't matter. Also, the vitamin K needed to reverse the poison is expensive and some vets don't even have enough on hand to treat a sheepdog sized dog.

Meanwhile, you know that rats carry the plague, right? :twisted:
I agree with Heather to do the humane thing. It's not their fault that they are in your house, they are just looking for a place to keep warm. It is very common for them to find refuge in the fall. Once you catch them, find the hole that they are gaining entry and patch it up. They can really squish themselves in the tiniest places so really take inventory of cracks too.
Sorry guys but I hate mice and I cannot think about setting it free. I am a clean freak and I can't stand the mess they leave behind. Mike and I cleaned the garage last night really well and I bought one of those High pitch things thats supoose to scare them away but the traps and poison are still there. We put in places that fattie can't get at. I have a brand new house and the thought of them in my walls or any place else just freaks me out.
casearoo wrote:
Sorry guys but I hate mice and I cannot think about setting it free.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
just think of the little mice in the movie Babe who sing inbetween songs.... could you really kill those cute little mice???
Just take the very far if you do deside to let them go, they come back :twisted:
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