Memories of Halloween

I remember the very first time I went out for Halloween and exactly what I wore. The reason I remember is because my family had arrived from France the year previously , which doesn't celebrate that holiday.

My dad had worked at an American Army base and so he would tell me about the celebration and once terrified me by arriving home in a Devil mask. How I screamed and cried and unlike my brother and sister, whom were older didn't see any humor in it. The following year,we arrived in Canada right after Halloween. Finding candy on the ground, my very knowlegable older brother told me that "old people throw candy up in the air and kids catch it". So that's what I was led to believe Halloween was, and always pictured these old people standing in the street, throwing candy in the air. Ha Ha!

The first time I went trick or treating , I was the ripe ole age of 7 and decided to be a princess. I remember using my mom's lipstick and applying round circles to my cheeks, as afterall don't all princesses have nice rosy cheeks? Wearing her dress and a cape I knocked on doors and recieved candy! Whooo this is a neat holiday I remember thinking while filling up my pillow case with goodies.

Again my knowlegable brother decided we should pool all our candy together ...chocolate bars in one bowl, the rest of the candy in another. Apples were the least favorite - shows you the time frame as people don't even bother giving these out anymore. My brother was already 12 and so was kinda ripped off as he only went out that first year. He told me that chocolate was not that healthy and so he would take the brunt of that unhealthy food. Ahh what a nice and thoughtful older brother he was! The kind that would buy comic books and then charge my sister and I to read them..thereby doubling his profit. I remember eating a lot of apples that first year. :lmt:

Marianne and the boys
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Ha ha ha ha!
That was so funny Marianne! Thanks for sharing your story. :D
Very fun. I suppose looking at it as a bigger child new to the tradition was interesting!

I don't have memories from that age, I remember when I was older. We lived on a farm by Stillwater, MN, and our driveway curved down from the road and was shaded under big trees. My parents, sisters and I made a haunted hollow for the kids who came trick or treating. We had a bonfire with a cauldron brewing, we dressed in witch and scary monster costumes, played scary music outside, and had big bats and spiders on ropes and pulleys that we dropped down out of the trees! We had fun doing it and scaring all the younger kids - and their parents loved it! (We were rural - the parents had to drive the kids around to go trick or treating). I think we had as much fun as the kids!
I just love halloween....but my most memorable experience was when lisa and i were in 6th grade and todd was in 4th....Mom decided that we should go as a pair of dice and a deck of cards.....of course lisa and i were the dice.....she got two boxes identical in size, painted them and cut out holes for our head and arms.....she matched the paint color to our jackets of course( you wonder where I get all my weird ideas from??)

anyway, halloween comes around...lisa and i put our costumes on....the boxes were so big that only are elbows and forearms made it out of the box.....which made it really hard to hold a heavy bag of candy...but thats not the worst of it....because the box was so big...where our head came through was like a huge shelf....we couldnt see our feet, the curb, porch steps, potted plants, etc.....i fell off a lot of porches that the time we returned home, our dice were crushed and maimed....Thank God......
LOL - sounds like a miracle you made it home!

My twins are LeAnne and Lisa, and husband is Todd - that's pretty close, because my son is Travis. just need a Darcy :D
Ok, but it will have to be a granddaughter :lol: . I'll put in the request!
:excited: Darcy I couldn't stop laughing at your description of you and your sister dressed as dice!! LOL

Marianne and the boys
I have lots of good halloween memories... going as a my little pony in 1st grade, seperating out the "yucky" candy from the really AWESOME stuff. Trading favorite stashes with my sister. Being the first one to want to go home because despite my warm costumes and mittens, I was ALWAYS freezing!

My most clear halloween memory, however was a year I DIDN'T go trick or treating.

It was the year of the infamous halloween blizzard.

The snow started as a sweet fluffy dream. Light flakes falling lazily in the morning as I went between my 7th grade spanish and english classes. I looked out the window and though "Oh, what a PRETTY snow"

What started out as light and fluffy ended up being a MONSTER snow storm. They sent us home easrly to give the bus drivers time to get everyone home safely. By the time it started to get dark, the ground was covered, and you couldn't tell the difference between road and yard. There was no way I was going out in that, not Freeze baby me! In fact, there was NOTHING venturing outside that night. Except of course, Christina. Ever the stubborn child, she refused to be denied her halloween candy. So out she went, in full snow suit and boots, with fluffy bunny ears topped over her hood and bunny makeup. My mom went with her, more to make sure she didn't get lost in one of the massive snow drifts that were forming.

Sure enough, ebemn though she visited maybe 10 houses total, christina came back with an entire pillow case full of candy. Which just goes to show that those who are willing to be brave, get rewarded in the end!

And that people in MN during halloween snowstorms want to get rid of as much candy as possible before their own children find it and start bouncing off the walls.
I remember that. Our kids were little, so thankfully we started out early. The flakes were so big and fluffy - and so innocent. Then they just kept coming and coming :evil: . I have pictures of the kids in their costumes, covered in snow, and so many huge flakes coming down you can hardly see their faces. Wierd weather. :!:
Iriskmj wrote:
The snow started as a sweet fluffy dream. Light flakes falling lazily in the morning...

You could've stopped right there if you'd been in the south. Assuming a meteorlogical miracle happened and we got snow in October, a few flakes in the morning would've canceled school all day!! :lol: :lol:
Darcy, I thought my MIL was the only "bad" mom who dressed her kids up in boxes! Steve and his sister (18 months his junior) went as a pair of dice as kids. He remembers them falling backwards off of a porch an someone needing to help them up! 8O The story always cracks me up!

I was a weird kid who didn't like candy or chocolate (don't know what happened to that kid), but my Mom did. I'd go home and she'd pick out her goodies. The rest went to school with me as leftovers. :D
LOL. I can remember in Kindergaten I wore my Dad's first halloween costume. An Ornage and Black Pana Bear Costume and Ver went as a sack of Pototoes. By Mom got a piece of burlap, sewed it up and my Dad carried her around all night. The following year Mom made me a Black and White Panda costume. I still have those costumes in my hope chest. I'll have to see if I can find the pictures of us before we left to go trick or treating. My Brother was Luke Skywalker. LOL.

As for the candy, we would come home, dump the pillowcases in the livingroom, Mom would sort thru it and the chocolate bars alwast disappeared. My Dad would hide them in his room and leave us the crappy stuff like Molasses candies and Whoppers. I still cring when I see those.
ALthough this doesn't have anything to do with Halloween, it DOES involve being dressed up as a box...

In the 6th grade I was in the Girl Scouts and my troop was part of the Christmas parade. The parade route started at the top of this one hill and ended at the end of the street...basically maybe 2 miles of straight, flat road except for the beginning, which was this giant hill.

We all dressed up as Christmas presents (so basically each of us was a giant box) and we ROLLERBLADED down the hill. I suffered a sprained wrist and a dented box as did several of the other girls.

Seriously, how did the parents let us go down that hill?! 8O
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