Weird to know (about Alaska)

They just said on the news that Alaska is estimated to have about 100 earthquakes a week. 100!!!!!!! Most people don't know that Alaska had the largest earthquake in the U.S. too.

I guess it's all over the news because this morning everyone panicked because we had a 5.4

There's damage to several buildings, but that's it. I guess it was far enough away to not effect much, but it was still felt in Anchorage (area we live). With what happened in Hawaii, I'm sure that's why people were scared.

I worry about where I'll be when one hits. Will I be on the stairs holding lil J or on the highway? They scare the crap out of me each time I feel one in the middle of the night.

Anyway.. just sharing.
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I grew up in Earthquake country, California, and lived through many earthquakes and are still here to annoy you on the forum. :P

So, my advice would be not to think about it. Put the proper emergency things in place such as extra bottled water, flashlight, first aid kit, etc. Then the rest is not up to you.
Well did not know that, I just saw on the news yesterday about Hawaii, they were all shook up too. Did you feel the earth move in Alaska?

We get tremours, only very rarely earth quakes, long time ago, NSW in the Newcastle area, had a doosey. 8O
I've only felt one in our area, about 4 years ago. I think it was only a 3.2 and we thought it was just really loud thunder at first. The way the windows rattled though, and the fact that it was winter, made it harder to believe it was thunder.

I don't like the thought of earthuakes, I don't think I'd want to live somewhere that has them so often....
Jo- don't worry about it too much. You'd be much more likely to be in a tornado than a bad earthquake, statistically-speaking. Just make sure you're prepared with the emergency supplies. Make sure you don't have anything heavy hanging over your bed (or Lil J's). You can do things like secure cabinets with latches so if a quake hits, they won't swing open and have everything crash out. Keep a pair of sturdy soled shoes or slippers (or even flip flops) beside your bed so if one hits in the night you can put on your shoes and get to Lil J and the doorway and won't hurt your feet on broken glass.

Doorways and heavy desks are the best places to be in an earthquake.

My worst fear (well, A fear, maybe not my worst...) was to be *ahem* indisposed when an earthquake hit, and it actually happened when I was in 8th grade...there was a 6 something earthquake. Ever since then, though, I haven't been afraid of being caught there when it happened.
Yeah um... I have nothing comforting to add regarding earthquakes. Living in the upper midwest all of my life, the idea of living in an area where the ground moves on its own is frankly terrifying, irregardless of how dangerous it is or isn't. I'll take a tornado over that any day... I can hide from those in the basement!

Good luck up there. Hope all is going ok with Mr. J!!!
Another interesting fact. Did you know that in a recent poll that only 1 out of 8 American citizens knew that Alaska was a state? :oops:
I heard that on tv. :lol: Isn't that crazy?!! I understand them not knowing that only 5% of Alaska is covered with snow/ice year around (people thought MOST of the year MOST of alaska was...), but I can't believe they thought Alaska was a separate country. When do you learn about states in school? Good grief.

Then again, we have people like Brittney Spears who "wouldn't visit Japan because she doesn't like Seafood, so she sees no reason to go to Africa." (something she said)

Alaska is also #1 in domestic violence and sexual assault for the last two decades. YES!!!! :roll:
Probably both because of the large number of military stationed there... 8)
There are a lot of weird military folks. Being away from home + deployments + being STUCK in this state + the added stress of being in a state where people get depressed easily ...does not equal anything good. Then again, I think I've met weirder "Alaskan" men than military guys. :lol:
Another interesting thing about Alaska.


I heard on the news that money should start depositing in our accounts today. This year, everyone in alaska was paid $1,100 (around that...forgot exactly) JUST FOR LIVING IN ALASKA!! This makes Christmas Shopping easier :lol:

This is our first year getting it, so I don't know the specifics. I think Mr. J and I both get money. There was a rumor for a little while that people born here (lil J) get money, but I don't think so.
Another reason to support drilling in ANWR?
(random) Ron, I still think I voted correctly in guessing you stand politically. ;)
Really? I don't know how you voted, but did you consider this post before you voted?

My BIL who was staioned there for 4 yrs got the money - and wife and all 4 of their daughters. Unless they changed it, you ALL should get money!
WOOHOO!!! What a nice chunk of change!
Joahaeyo wrote:
WOOHOO!!! What a nice chunk of change!

Think of all the things you can buy on ebay! :lol:
There was an earthquake here on the 7th?! Geeze, I must be getting too used to them! Wasn't it the '67 earthquake that wa the "big one"?
Oh, yeah, I am new to this site and I thought you gus all sounded so nice and frendly! I am going to be getting my first sheepie around thanksgiving and I have been reading all that I can and you are all so helpful to each other!!! I can't wait to keep up!
Where in AK are you? Also, where (what state) are you getting your sheepie from? I know a breeder here in AK, which is why I'm asking. :)

Welcome to the board!!! You should go to the Introduction board and tell us more about yourself/family! :)

Is this your first sheepie?
I'm here in anchorage boring though it is! :wink: I haven't quite gotten my sheepie taken care of yet,i couldn't find any breeders here in AK! But i am looking in TN My hubby would have to go get him.
This would be my first sheepie and I think he 's beautiful in the picture I have of him, but it WOULD be cheaper to get one from AK I think. Do they have pups right now? And what is their site?

Thanks for the help!!
I am in ANCHORAGE! Well, ER. We'll have to get together for a playdate if you get one. This is a great place to learn more about sheepies esp since IMHO ...puppy training these dogs can be tiring and difficult esp. if you've never had one (??) ...and everyone always needs help with grooming!

I can PM you the address. She does not have a website, and I think she may have said she would have a litter around Christmas.

Here is a picture of Anika (breeder's dog) meeting my dog. My dog is the one with short-hair. They go sheep herding together in Wasilla ...or errr.. Palmer. I can't remember. My husband does the driving.

Her dogs have the best personality. I met her while she was showing one of them in Anchorage. She's very passionate about the breed, and I believe is part of the oes-L. I would be so jealous if you got one from her. They're perfect in every way! Not to mention the perfect build/shape I like!


Please tell me if you have trouble with the email I gave you. She is a very nice lady.

Are you or your husband military? My husband is Army.
Oh, her dogs were gentle with my baby (10mo) too when I let him pet them! Not sure if you have children.

I hope she can help you.
Thanks so much!!
I will check with her after I find out if getting Batman is a no go. (I really do want him. :D ) We'll see! keep your fingers crossed!!

No, we aren't military. My hubby is a car salesman and I am a homemaker!! I love spending time with my family and I think Batman will give all my kids, 2 and furry kids 2 kitties a run for it!!

We've been car shopping a lot the past few months. Test driving everything. That would be funny if he was our salesman. :lol: We also just sold one of our cars at a Parn N Sell in Anchorage. We won't be getting another until March or Oct (weird months, I know but there's a reason behind it).

You should post a picture of Batman if you are getting him. I love the name!

Anyway, if you ever need any help, I'm just 15-20 minutes away! I'm a homemaker too.
My hubby is in transition... he was at AKS&S then he moved over to Cal's , and now i think he is moving over to BMW. Oi Vay!!!

I would post the pic of him, but I can't figure out how!!! LOL :x
Here's how:

If you need more help, just ask us!

That would be a good way to introduce yourself too ...with a new thread and a picture of your soon-to-be furkid!
I was raised in Anchorage......I came Stateside for a visit about 1 week before the Big One Hit..... Lived there when Alaska became the 49th State. Boy has it all changed. I can remember when only 4th avenue was oaved. Thats how old I am...... Went up ther the 1st time in 1950............. Holy Moly!!!!!!!!!!!! Eskimo's Don't Live In Igloos.......They Live in Tar Paper Shakes......... Sheepie Hugs, Kaye
This is too wierd. Todd's got relatives in AK - near Anchorage. Did you mean Eagle River by ER?? His favorite uncle and aunt live there, and some of the cousins. Uncle Louis is the one always trying to get us to move up there - saying how much nurses get paid. :D . Todd says cool, then he could just hunt and fish 8O . His grandma lived near Wasilla/Palmer and is buried up there. Small world! :D :D
Yes, it is. I was shocked to find out (through pms) Shug was from there, but now living in TX. Funny because I'm from TX, but now living...

And yes to ER :)

You should come up here. Just plan on staying here for awhile because paying to move anywhere after you're here is a FORTUNE!
Todd's dad is the oldest of 10 kids. He moved to So MN as a teen and stayed here. The rest of the family was up in northern MN. When Todd's grandpa died, there were still 5 or 6 kids at home. 2 of the older ones had gone up to AK to work on the pipeline and make more money. They were from northern MN, and it was pretty grim economy-wise in No. MN at the time. They told their mom that there was no future for the younger kids back home, and she should come to Alaska. So grandma sold the home in MN. She packed all the kids and possessions into the stationwagon and a trailer and DROVE to Alaska. 8O She was the gutsy-est lady!! I met her a few times - and she was great. That's how Todd comes to have half of his relatives in Alaska.
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