Talked briefly with Parker's teacher

I went and picked up the kids inside today. And went to discuss that I needed to pick him up early tommorrow (My dr appt to follow up from surgery)...anyways just to have his homework ready.

So then I asked how things were today. He did not want to do his journal writing...he is hating the writing, but the grip is helping him. He was not finished by the time recess bell went, so had to finish before he got recess...which she says was not long...but I am sure by the time he got his boots on, jacket on and outside the bell rang for them to come back in.???

So I mentioned that if he is missing recess, he won't be able to sit for much energy. That's when she said he wasn't long.

The other thing I mentioned is that he is still separated from the others. She said yes, because she does not want to nag him all day to do his work. Some kids work well around their peers, and some don't. However if it is a group project, such as a science experiment...he is in a group. It's just for his writing, and focus he needs to be in his space.

I said I was concerned about how this is affecting him, with his peers...being labled bad. But she hasn't noticed his peers treating him differently they are all friendly to him...YET she also said he is often alone outside. Parker made the comment about one of the other boys who's desk faces the wall...he said "he's bad".

Anyways I said I liked it when the desks were all apart, at least then no one was different. She said she has 10 years of experience, and knows what she's doing, if I want to come and volunteer I am welcome too...and see what goes on in a day.

Talking with another mom...a previous elementary teacher herself. Said that this teacher (parker's), was teaching in Japan where apparantly the expectations is HUGE. She (my friend) has 2 boys, twins one in this class and another in Madelyn's old class. Now her one son is doing well, plugging along...he needed the aid last year to help his speech. And her son in Parker's class who is usually very easy going, and nothing bothers him...has him coming home crying about doing his work, and is very stressed by redoing work as well. Apparantly the teacher made him erase something 5 times...and he has better printing then Parker. His answers were also right...and work was legible. Anyways she made an appt to discuss things with her.

She also informed a few other parents are having problems with this teacher..and the way things are happening to their children as well.

But she will be leaving anyways because of the pregnancy...probably during the Christmas break.

But after talking to Parker today, he was so proud of his 3 smiley faces and only 1 frown today. He likes his teacher, and he likes grade 1. Last year he made friends with madelyn's classmates brother...who is now in Kindergarten, so at least for morning recess he has a friend. He also says he likes 1 of the boys in his I don't know yet, so I will arrange a maybe we can work on the social gaps.

I also borrowed books from the library to get some ideas to encourage, and assist him to do better and all that. Also reading about ADD...I still don't think he has this, but it has helpful advice in it. Apparantly Parker can sit and focus when he enjoys what he's doing. It when he doesn't like it he is fidgety, and disruptive instead.
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Personally, I think handwriting is extremely over-rated. In grade three I had the best cursive writing in the class. Now, I can hardly read my own writing. Honestly, it is all scribbles.

My mother has beautiful, graceful writing. My father writes like a doctor write prescriptions. Totally illigible. He was a school teacher himself, by the way.

They had 8 children...Being military we went to many different schools, and collectively we had many, many different teachers. We ALL write like my dad...We are 5 girls and 3 boys and none of us have nice writing...none of us....And we all took home the books where we had to practice writing on the lines, up and down, etc. etc.

Now there is little need to write. The kids all do their homework and reports on the computer. It is not like it was before...Just like long division, you need to know how to do it, but probably never will use it..

So why have a small child stress over it? To prove a point? Is it worth turning a child off of school?

And I totally disagree with making Parker miss ANY recess. The kids are young, and need the breaks in a big way. That is far more importatn than a straight line..

Spencer was a busy boy at school, always making jokes, making the kids laugh etc. In kindergarden he was so proud of his special place "right beside the teacher" during circle time :lol: :lol: She used him to run and turn the lights on, get the book, straighten up the chairs etc. to keep him occupied. Made him feel very important indeed! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, he got special little things to do, but it kept him busy and sometime the things were not a student clean up a mess, put the puzzle pieces away etc. But he didn't know any different.

I did volunteer a lot at the school, as being a working mom I insisted on doing my part. That was always an eye-opener, to see what the teachers have to deal with every day....I have the utmost respect for them...Maybe that is why I had no problem getting cooperation from them on handling my busy bee. I had it suggested to me several times to have him tested for ADD, but 50 % of his friends were on Ridalin, and I was not even going to entertain the thought.

I don't know about British Columbia, or Alberta, but here you just had to go to the family doctor, say your kid was too active at school and you walked out with a prescription. When Spencer had kids sleeping over I had all their meds lined up on the counter...I was so turned of by the whole scenerio about the "drug of choice" for parents of the 90"s.

I am sure that there are kids out there with a real need for meds, and I don't mean to offend those families that struggle with ADD and ADHD. In my personal opinion I have found many parents used it for a quick fix to replace some real parenting.

Anyway, I got a bit off track...but go girl! You are your child's biggest advocate. Get involved, and work with his teacher until you are BOTH happy with the situation.

Good luck.

Never use it?

As I look at my desk, with all of my scribbles and notes in my handwriting, I glance to my left where today I did a series of (quick) math calculations including a long division on one of the notes....

...and I'm a computer geek, sitting at a desk with my computer on and a calculator program on the quick launch bar, just a click away, and several excellent writing programs available.

There can someday be a technology trap where we can't function at all without some piece of technology; will calculators and word processors be included on the list of necessities for basic life?
They get to use the computer too...he really enjoys that, because he has one at home.

Grade 2, part of the school list was a caculator. That would make my grandfather outraged. I didn't have a caculator until grade 7, and even then he was faster at figuring out the problem before I could put the #'s in. LOL.

Knowing other parents have issues with this teacher, and that she will be leaving to have a baby...I am hoping she realises something, and takes some pressure off these little guys.

I am 100% for having them meet some higher expectations, and having the behaviour in check. But she needs to try something else, maybe if the other parents continue to speak up...we can be united in a voice for change.

I wouldn't mind at all if Parker became her assistant, if that is what will help him...if he's too active, give him more things to do. They take turns taking attendance down to the office. Which the assistant said Parker has never been there for behaviour problems.

I know they (teachers) have a huge task of keeping everything organised and the kids sucessfully working. I just hope they don't lose sight of them as individuals, and their little self esteems are easily crushed.

The K teacher my kids had received an award for her teaching...she was truly amazing. Then last year Madelyn's teacher was a recipient of an award as well...I enjoyed being apart of that classroom. She made learning alot of fun...and the kids did alot of extra activities to make it fun...she has grandchildren, and raised 4 kids.

Maybe in time, Parker's teacher with this baby on the way will come around to enjoying them as children...and learn to have fun.
Sounds like you're on the right track. Definitely sounds like you should volunteer as soon as possible to really know what's going on. I would think he would need his recess too to help him sit still for the rest of the time. I think you should try to volunteer ASAP then you'll be in a better position to know the whole picture. He's lucky to have a mom that cares so much. Good luck.
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