Help me help my puppys eyes

I need advice on lower eyelids in a 6 month old pup,been to the vet 2 times, 2 different docs seem to think maybe its allergies,but could be something else,not getting better with eye drops,was reading about lower lid problems and wondered if this could be what she has?She's getting nervous like shes not seeing well,her eyelids are showing on the bottom,Any Ideas if this is an OES problem?Thanks for any advice!
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Can you describe in more detail what her eyelids are looking like?
or better yet, post a picture??
There is two conditions in relation to the Lower eye lid,

the first one, Entropian

It is due to an excess of eyelid tissue so the hair covered eye lid can droop and turn in to rub directly against the cornea. Dogs with this condition are showing signs of it by 6 months old, symptons start with excessive blinking and wet face at around 1 month onwards. Sugery is usually required to correct the defect. It is an inhereted eye problem and OES are listed as having this eye problem. Dogs with Entropian, it can send them blind if not corrected with surgery.

The other is Ectropion

Again an inherited conditon, in which the lower eye lid droops away from the eye ball. Exposure of the delicate mucous membrane causes cronic conjunctivitis. Not usually found in OES. Management with drops to help this defect and in extreme cases, delicate corrective surgery.

There two conditions affecting the Lower eye lid. So maybe ask your vet to look for these 2 problems if you think it is more then allergy related.

Hope all goes well and you get an answer to your puppies problems with the eyes. If you are really not happy with what the vets said and the problem seems to be getting worse, then best to make an appointment and go and see a Vetinary Eye Specialist to assess what exactly is going on, especially as you mentioned you think the pups sight is getting affected.
No advice, just wanted to wish you well.
OK,read your replies don't think it's either of the one listed,no wet face around eyes ,it doesn't seem to even bother her,it's worse sometimes than others,I can't figure out what triggers it, seems worse when shes tired, always bad when she first wakes up from sleeping.No discharge or redness in the eyes,when its bad she uses her paw like she's trying to clear her eye.Will take pic today and post on here,the eye drops don't seem to make a difference,but very fun to put in :roll: :roll: She does stop trying to rub her eyes when I tell her to,so it must not be bothering her too badly,she doesn't listen that well otherwis :lol:
Here's a little picture I put together from the web...

These are drawings of a human's lower eyelids, with representation of Normal (Left), Entropion (Center) and Ectropion (Right). The inside corner of the eyelid has been "cut away" to show the detail of the conditions.


What is not shown is that in Entropion (inward rolling), the lashes (and in the case of a sheepdog, the hair) from the bottom lid is of course still attached to what SHOULD be the outside of the eyelid. That means that there's lots of hair scratching up against the eye, and that hair gets all gunky with eye secretions, and of course the eye can be quite irritated and red.

A sheepdog's hair from around the eye will also find it's way into your pooch's eye. The eye's natural defenses will coat the hair with gunk.

I find the absolute best way to remove this is with your fingers, but it is done with your fingers NEVER touching your dog's eyeball at all.

The hair almost always tends to migrate to the corners of the eyes. So, with one hand, hold open your dogs eye, and with your other hand drag the pad of your finger from the corner of the eye, away from the eye. What that means is that on the "inside corner" of the eye, you are "dragging" from that inside corner of the eye towards the bridge of the nose, on the outside corner of the eye, you are "dragging" from that outside corner of the eye towards the ear. BE VERY CAREFUL if you have long nails... DO NOT touch your dog's eye with your nail.

It doesn't usually all come out, or come out all the way on the first pass. The hair will slide right out of the eye by the second, third or fourth pass.
OK,saw your pics,it's not the outer lid it's the inner white guard lid,not sure of proper term but the inner lining,it looks like her eyes are rolling back, was scared of sezures at first because it looks like her eyes are rolling back in her head,the vet said it was the protective inner lid??? They thought it was comming up due to something irritating the eye,thus allergies,they said it was a protective mechanism???
OK, now I understand.

Since it's both of the eyes at the same time, that makes me a bit more concerned. Hmmm. I don't know if they always work together like that or if they typically move independently. If they do move together then an irritant in one could cause both of them to come up, I suppose. Perhaps that's why your vet is "hoping" or "treating" for something, allergies, taht could cause both eyes to be irritated. Like you, I'd also be concerned that it was a neurological problem.

I'm sure that you and your vet have checked her eyes for some irritants and then the vet prescribed the eyedrops. Has the vet suggested a specialist?
My golden retriever had the was only one eye and was a quick little surgery....Im not sure what it would be if it is both eyes though??!!
If it's the inner eyelid, it could be allergies, or it could also be a sign of something not right internally. If a dog is not feeling well, whether it is because of parasites, or a virus,etc... the inner eyelids often come up.
I'm sure your vet has checked for those things though, so that is why they are probably treating for allergies for now...
My Fergus has the Entropion in one eye. My vet doesn't recommend surgery. It looks so uncomfortable to me. Anyone have experience with this. thx, sue
shelby,corky,&fergus' wrote:
My Fergus has the Entropion in one eye. My vet doesn't recommend surgery. It looks so uncomfortable to me. Anyone have experience with this. thx, sue

I'm really surprised the vet doesn't recommend surgery. I'd get a second opinion.
Get a 2nd Opinion Sue, the fact is it can send them blind, constant irritation and ulceration on the cornea because of the hair lined eyelid turning in can lead to permanent sight damage. Imagine a bit of grit in your eye or a hair and that 24/7 stuck annoying the eye, irritating & inflamming the eye. I am really surprised your vet has not opted for minor surgery if he has already made the diagnosis of Entropian, to make it more comfortable for Fergus. See a Vetinary Eye Specialist or see another vet. :wink:
When Bosley had corneal surgury in June there was a urgency put on it as if germs got into the ulceration it could get infected. If there is any chance of scratching it has to stop.
My eight month Bernese Mountain dog just had surgery on Tuesday. It was out patient and he came home that night. He did look pretty rough with many stiches in both lower lids. My vet said that his eyes should look normal within two weeks, that's when the stiches come out. I wish you well and I do think I would get a second opinion. Kathy
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