Whine time!

So, you ask, what is it now??????

Well, let me tell you.....my car is now in the shop, AGAIN, for the same stupid problem that they can NOT seem to fix.....

On the way into work, every morning I stop at the local QT and pick up a cup of coffee and the paper....all goes well until I try to start the car....dead battery....so I had to wait for an hour to get towed and then spill the coffee all over my new cute Ann TAylor outfit that Im supposed to wear to a funeral later.....

My car is a 2006 Jetta TDI....it has 60,000 miles on it...I am not hard on the car...heck, I dont go anywhere....

In these last 6 yrs I have had 9 batteries, a new alternator, and new wiring.....something is shorting the battery and the dealer cant seem to find it....I have been really nice and patient up until now.....BUT, I want my car fixed....he told me he would have it back to me later today. I told him that I dont want the car back until they are 110% sure that this is fixed.

I also mentioned that Im sure that they would rather listen to my little potty mouth more than they want to incure the wrath of Brian.....I told them that if it wasnt fixed these nice pointy shoes are going to go straight up someones a..

They said that couldnt believe that someone so sweet looking had such a ''bad'' mouth.......all I said was "you aint heard anything yet!....fix my car" and with a flounce of my skirt and ponytail, I hopped up into the tow truck so he could give me a ride to the car rental place.......

does anyone other than Volkswagen have an idea of what is wrong with my car?????
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My sister would tell you that your problem is that you own a Volkswagon.
She had a Jetta and had an endless stream of problems with it.
She finally sold it, well traded it in and bought a Honda.

For years before she got the car, the only type of car she wanted was a Volkswagon. Now she will never buy one again.
Who is Ann Taylor?
Dudster wrote:
Who is Ann Taylor?

Ann Taylor is a lovely designer of clothing. There are two stores here in the states: Ann Taylor and Ann Taylor Loft (more casual). I find both to be way out of my budget, but I'm really cheap when it comes to clothes.

I'm sorry to here your day is so stinky, Darce :cry: I'd trade the car in for a Honda. That's what both are cars are and we've had no problems other than normal wear and tear.
LOL - I know nothing about cars - but I love your potty mouth! My son's call me Popeye because I have a mouth like a sailor! I would have liked to seen their faces when you mentioned where you were going to stick your "pointy shoes" LOL Sorry about your car problems but you gave me a laugh for today. :wink:
Darcy wrote:
My car is a 2006 Jetta TDI....it has 60,000 miles on it...I am not hard on the car...heck, I dont go anywhere....

In these last 6 yrs

Was that meant to be year 2000?

I'm sorry to hear about your car. Pretty funny what you said to them. Good thing though for your safety that it's stalling at least somewhere where you can wait and be safe. I had a car one time that died WHILE I was DRIVING on the freeway. I always trade my cars in when they need repairs because it's such a pain in the rear to have a car payment and a repair payment and a rental car. My new car is warrantied for 4 years by the manufacturer. WooHoo.

You have way more patience than I do if you've had NINE 8O batteries :!:

Ann Taylor = $$$$$$$$$$ But really classy beautiful clothes.
yes...car 2000....oops.....

Ann Taylor = whole outfit on sale rack...of course...who me pay full price??
Ahh...Ann Taylor is having a good sale right now! :D

Darcy, I thought your hot water was fixed--but you said with a flip of your ponytail...I thought you were back to wearing you hair down!

I would get a toyota! :lol:
wasnt in the mood this morning to do my hair....low pony's always look good and classic.......and easy......

my old car WAS a toyota and ran it into the ground....it was an awesome car.......i miss it right now more than you know!
I miss my Toyota too. :(
It was an amazing car, still drove like new when I sold it last year.
The Honda is good as far as being well built and no mechanical problems, so far... KNOCK ON WOOD!!
But it just isn't a Toyota.
Have them check all the switches...there's one that stays on even when in the off position...I believe it may be to the rear window defroster? It's been a long time, but had the same problem...constant dead battery, new alternator, etc.
Good luck!
Can you say "Brian sweety, I NEED a new car"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have my total and complete sympathy. NOTHING is worse than going out to start your car and having nothing happen. I'll even take a cold shower over that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh dear, things do happen in 3's, the airconditioner, the hot water and now the CAR!!! 8O
is there a "lemon" law in arizona?
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Can you say "Brian sweety, I NEED a new car"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

****SNORT*** hahahahahaha.....If it took me 9 weeks to get hot water, how long do you think it will take to get a new car....... :lmt:

I dont even think this would work :pupeyes:
Helen, there is a lemon law, but it is for cars that are still under manufacture warrenty....good ole Volkswagen only has a 2 yr warrenty........sigh......of course it worked THEN....
Darcy wrote:
****SNORT*** hahahahahaha.....If it took me 9 weeks to get hot water, how long do you think it will take to get a new car....... :lmt:
Depends on how long he can last without a good morning kiss...?
Darcy wrote:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Can you say "Brian sweety, I NEED a new car"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

****SNORT*** hahahahahaha.....If it took me 9 weeks to get hot water, how long do you think it will take to get a new car....... :lmt:

I dont even think this would work :pupeyes:

How about :kiss: :hearts: :kiss: :hearts: :kiss:

And if all else fails there is always: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead: :cry: :cry: :cry: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead:
It's a Volkswagon. Several other people report that around 55,000 miles things start going to Hello.

Darcy can wear a sack and look great, she doesn't need designer clothes, but I'm sure the folks at her office are pleased she feels she does. I'm sure the pointy shoes shoes are wonderful.........better on your feet than mine.
Darcy wrote:
you aint heard anything yet!....fix my car" and with a flounce of my skirt and ponytail, I hopped up into the tow truck so he could give me a ride to the car rental place.......

First of all, I think you should call the boys in Boston, Click & Clack (Tom & Ray) that host the NPR Radio show "Car Talk" and make sure you tell them about your flouncy Ann Taylor skirt & the flip of your pony tail! :lol: they will be able to get to the root of your problem right away!

Secondly, if you're replacing the batteries that often I hope they are looking for some type of drain on your electrical system. Not sure how they would find that but there is no way you should be replacing that many batteries. That's crazy!!
Here's a link to the Car Talk guys so maybe you can ask a question to them. These guys know EVERYTHING about cars

Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble with your car. I am wondering if I should relay this news to my BIL, who just bought a new Jetta last week. :? I hate to be a spoil sport, but geez...it sounds like everyone has problems with them.

Enjoyed the description of your tirade, though!!

Time to buy a Toyota. :D I've never had an ounce of trouble from my Camry or Highlander.
Hey Darcy!

Thought you might want some cheese with your whine?

Sorry for the lame humor - :roll:

I'm sorry to hear about your car troubles and it sounds like an electrical problem, which I think is the hardest to fix.

A few months ago my van would inexplicably turn the lights on inside ....ohhhh ghost like. After a couple of dead batteries in the morning...*^&*%$. I once got so tired of it I cut the wires to the overhead and interior lights..that stopped it! Although now I don't have interior lights..least no more dead battery in the mornings.

Okay admittedly it was 3 am when they turned on by themselves and unable to get them to turn off even tho pressing the buttons frantically..I went back inside and cut the stupid wires.

Marianne and the boys
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Can you say "Brian sweety, I NEED a new car"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do what I did: pick out a car, drive it home and say "honey, can I keep it?" :plead:

What could he say??? That's how I got my Saab convertible. :high5:
When I called my husband from the Toyota dealership, he knew we were buying a car. That and the fact that our only vehicle was a 16 year old Plymouth Voyager van that we had already replaced an engine, water pump, brakes, everything on.

My husband is a mechanic. He said it sounds like the grounding strap that goes from the engine to the body needs to be cleaned or replaced. Disconnect the positive terminal, purchase a test light, and put it between the terminal and the wiring if it lights up then something electrical in your car is still on and is not shutting off when you turn the car off. But he said based on what you wrote it sounds like the grounding strap.

Hope that helps.
tgir wrote:
When I called my husband from the Toyota dealership, he knew we were buying a car. That and the fact that our only vehicle was a 16 year old Plymouth Voyager van that we had already replaced an engine, water pump, brakes, everything on.

I think, as a rule, when they stop making your make of car, it may be time for a new one-- unless you're holding on to it for its classic value. ;)
BatonRougeSheepies wrote:

My husband is a mechanic. He said it sounds like the grounding strap that goes from the engine to the body needs to be cleaned or replaced. Disconnect the positive terminal, purchase a test light, and put it between the terminal and the wiring if it lights up then something electrical in your car is still on and is not shutting off when you turn the car off. But he said based on what you wrote it sounds like the grounding strap.

Hope that helps.

Wyn, you are speaking Greek to Darcy. :lol:
Just tell her to have the grounding strap checked.

Have them check the grounding wire strap. :roll: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
Wyn, you are speaking Greek to Darcy. :lol:
Just tell her to have the grounding strap checked.

I was going to say the same thing!! They don't make coveralls in madris and tools don't come decorated in plaid. :P

(Poor Darcy!)
just to let you all know......

1. I change my own tires when necessary

2. used to change my own oil, until i got this stupid diesel...its in a weird place and needs to really go up on rack....

3.I have my own jumper cables and when the battery is not completely fried, i do know how to use them..

4. when i wash my car, i actually also wash the engine. it keeps it from getting to gunked up....

So, I am not a complete moron when it comes to cars, however, what is a grounding wire strap?? 8O
Wow Darc, I am impressed!!
So am I! I don't even know where the jumper cables are in my car, let alone how to use them.
That is the last time I ask Joe to explain anything mechanical to me. :roll: 30 minutes later -


Just have the mechanic check it. It's the end all be all for everything electrical in your car.

hahaha...yup, thats why i dont ask brian anything technical....unless i REALLY want to know.....otherwise, you get the 30 minute bla bla bla....

car is running fine at the moment....at least until the next time :?
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