
My Old English Sheepdog, Tramp will be 14 years old on November 20th but is in bad shape. His legs are gone and can barely walk, having accidents and not eating much but drinking a lot of water. Family and friends have told me for months to put him down but I just can't seem to do it. He doesn't seem to be in pain or it would've been done already. When do you know? How do you know if it's the right thing to do? The thought of losing him, breaks my heart, even tho I know it's a matter of time. I lay with him and beg him to just fall asleep. My husband and I have talked about doing it tomorrow but I'm so torn. His spirit is so alive but the body is gone. Should I wait?
I Love My Trampy,
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This is so hard. . . I have alot of sympathy.

When you say his spirit is alive, it might be helpful to identify what are the things you think he is currently enjoying in his life. Perhaps if you think about it from his perspective, it might help clarify things . . . . I am so sorry you are going through this. Having dealt with similar issues recently with my 2 dear cats, I can only say that, in retrospect, I probably waited a bit too long.
I understand completely what you are going through. My first OES, Merlin, who was truly my dog, in every sense of the word, died last January, just 2 months short of his 14th birthday. His last year was very, very difficult. He began to have more and more trouble walking, due to some compression in his vertebrae. At the time, I was desperate to help him and there were no real medical options available. I did find something that was helpful for a time: a doggie wheel chair/cart, with a kind of reverse saddle with handles that allowed Merlin to continue walking for a few months, and gave us a tool to help him move when he became too weak to enjoy that.

To put things in context, Merlin began to fail at the same time my mother was becoming more and more ill. We knew that we would lose my mother very soon. In addition, my father's health was bad. Our vet helped us monitor Merlin's health and in April, she felt he would last only another month or two. He wasn't in pain, was eating and drinking. We had to keep him on waterproof mattress pads to protect our floors. He was bathed nightly. It was apparent that he loved being around us. He slept a lot but visibly glowed when he was given attention and love.

Mom passed away in May, after several horrendous crises. The week after her funeral, we learned that in addition to the COPD my father had struggled with for years, he also had leukemia. He died in July. 3 days later, a friend passed away from cancer. As you can imagine, all of this was so horrible and overwhelming to me. I hated the idea of losing Merlin, too. I live over 500 miles from my parents and my job required long hours. We need my income, so quitting wasn't an option, which meant that Merlin's increasing care needs fell to my husband.

For a long time, I thought that my husband was being very good and generous because he knew how hard it was for me to think about losing one more being that I loved. But as the months after my parents' deaths passed, I began to feel better and wanted to reconsider Merlin's situation. My first concern was that he not suffer. It always was, and the vet assured us that Merlin did not seem to be suffering. We chose to believe her when she assured us all along that he wasn't in pain, and indeed, he did not seem to be. My husband insisted on letting Merlin have every day we could, until and unless he seemed to be in pain. The vet told him that if he quit eating, that wasn't such a problem, but expected. He wouldn't be in pain. But if he quit drinking, then we needed to consider putting him down as he would suffer.

Merlin died while I was petting him January 3 of this year. He was laying in the family room, obviously happy to be with his mom and dad. His eyes watched me move around the kitchen as I cleaned up before coming to sit with him. The kids had been with him earlier in the evening. Even though I was stroking him, telling him how much we loved him when he died, it was hard to beleive he was really gone.

After all of these months, I can say that I am not sure we did the right thing to keep him alive--how much of it was for him, how much of it was for us. They say you know when it's time. I still don't know.

Talk with your vet. Your vet seems to be saying what ours did: not eating isn't so bad and not a surprise. It does mean that it won't be very much longer. Not drinking is more serious. If Tramp stops drinking, he may need some help crossing over.

I will keep you and Tramp in my thoughts today. I do know how hard it is.
My heart is breaking too! I have my boy Winston, he is at least 14 years old. I adopted him when he was full grown in December 1993.
Today at 2:45pm I am going to the vet to send Winston over to Rainbow Bridge.
He has been on Deramaxx for years, his back legs barely move. Winston has not been able to get up for a year, by himself.
On Sept 19th I took him to the vet because of his back legs, the last ditch effort was prednisone. It's been 2 weeks, it helped a tiny bit. But, now he has a terrible bladder infection, he is urinating blood and puss from the pred.
Winston eats, drinks, tries to play, but his body has failed. He is a puppy in an old dogs body.
The sheepie spirit never leaves no matter how old or sick they get.
The vet says he isnt in pain, but the pain, not physical, I see is in his eyes, he has lost his dignity by having accidents in the house.
This is the hardest thing I have to do in my whole life.
Winston is my best friend, companion, and the only thing I come home to.
Today is the worst day of my life....but Winston knows he can count on me as his best friend to make a decison that he cant make.
Good Luck to you and me to make it through this very difficult time!
I will add another reply that has helped me! "The Last Battle"
The Last Battle

If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my stub its last has shaked,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.

-- Author Unknown
I'm so sorry for you both to have to face this agonizing decision. Sometimes it is the kindest thing you can do for them though :cry:
I am SO sorry for both of you. Just reading these posts made me cry. I understand how very much these precious dogs mean to you... I have finally had the honor to experience this love and devotion myself, and I can't imagine losing my baby girl!
I wish you all the best with your decision on what to do. I have no advice to give, because, were I in your shoes, I don't know what I would do either.
It so sad to be going through this, I had the same thing with my sheepie girl last year, 2 weeks short of turning 14, but finally after a lot of convincing by friends and family I took her to the vets and she fell asleep forever in my arms. So peaceful it was,but hard to finally make that decision, but looking back now, the kindest loving thing I could do for her and be there for her in the end giving her one last cuddle and hug.

Backend completely gone, loosing control of everything, not eating and drinking like there was no tomorrow.

You both will know when the time is right, just look into the eyes, they are the gateway to the soul. I had that look from my girl telling me "MOM IT'S TIME TO LET ME GO" :cry:

Thinking of you both with the decisions you have to make. :(
I am so sorry and having been in this position myself, there is just a look in their eyes that says, look I've really had enough now - you'll know when the time is right - listen to your heart.

Thinking of you and your family :cry:
Today at 1:15, the vet will come to my home and help Tramp crossover. I want to thank each and everyone one of you from the bottom of my heart for helping me thru this. You will never know what it's meant to me. I feel like I'm dying right now but going to enjoy the last few hours I have with him.
I've been on this site, looking up things for him but never dreamed I need it to help me thru this. I know each one of you, are very caring, loving, special people. I don't know what I would've done with you.
Thank You So Much,
John & Sherry Conley
Tramp's parents
It is a heart wrenching decision, but the final act of kindness you can show Tramp. Please accept my most heartfelt condolances. :cry:

Spend every last minute giving him the hugs & kisses & belly rubs he's come to love and expect from you over the years.

(((Hugs))) to you & your family.
If you get a chance, please give Tramp one rub for me, too. Behind the right ear.
You can rub his left ear for me, then. Please find comfort in knowing that you are doing what is best for him. We will be keeping your family in our thoughts and prayer.
Sherry, my thoughts are with you today. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is the kindest thing to do. Remember all the loving years you had with Tramp.
Please add me to the list of those who share your sorrow. Tramp sounds like a very wonderful dog. You are all lucky to have had each other.
I know how hard this is for you, but take comfort in the years you've had with Tramp and the joy and love he's brought you and your family. His memories will live within your heart forever and you'll take a little part of him wherever you go. Big hugs being sent to you and Tramp in his final hours. I'll keep your family in my prayers to help you through the grief.
How fortunate Tramp was to have wonderful parents to love him so dearly.

My thoughts and prayers are with you as you struggle through this time of mourning.
I am so very sorry for you! I too faced the difficult decision and was told by the vet that if there were trouble with bowel movements then that was the final stage. It is such an overwhelming grief stricken time that it's virtually impossible to think straight. I think down the road when your head is more clear you will know you did the right thing. Regardless of what that may be. It will have been the right thing. There are many posts and more info in this section regarding when it's time. You obviously make good Sheepie decisions or your sheepie wouldn't have been with you for so long! God Bless.
sheep mckenzi wrote:
My heart is breaking too! I have my boy Winston, he is at least 14 years old. I adopted him when he was full grown in December 1993.
Today at 2:45pm I am going to the vet to send Winston over to Rainbow Bridge.
, I see is in his eyes, he has lost his dignity by having accidents in the house.
This is the hardest thing I have to do in my whole life.
Winston is my best friend, companion, and the only thing I come home to.
Today is the worst day of my life....but Winston knows he can count on me as his best friend to make a decison that he cant make.
Good Luck to you and me to make it through this very difficult time!

I am so sorry for you. My prayers and thoughts are with you.
I am very sorry for both of your losses.

You don't know how many times I read and reread the poem,the Last Battle, which was posted here to give me strength in deciding what the right thing to do in my Shaggy's case. Like yourself, I waivered if the decision I would be making was really the right one. I cried many tears and didn't want to lose my beloved girl whom had been with me for so many years.

Some days I thought it was time ...only to have her recover within a day or two and then I'd question my judgement all over again. Would I really know? Like yourself all the emotions and memories of our years together would make me wish I didn't have to do this. Then I found strength in that poem...I loved her and would do this for her.

Please don't second guess as Tramps beloved friend will know. Be brave , be strong and know that Tramp couldn't ask for a better place to have spent his days with you. It's obvious he was so well loved and well cared for in your home. Hugs to you and I'm sorry you are having to go through this.

I am SO sorry for both of you. :cry:
I am so sorry to learn about the loss of Tramp.
I am sorry about Tramp. My heart is with you during this difficult time. Eventually those wonderful memories will sustain you. Take care.
I am so sorry about your Tramp. Knowing it is time sometimes helps, but the pain is still there. :hearts:
Friday, at 1:25 Tramp crossed the Rainbow Bridge with his Mom & Dad holding him. Our wonderful Vet came to our home. We picked Tramp's favorite spot, which was the front porch because he loved to watch the world go by, there. I thought I had prepared myself but was sadly mistaken. When he crossed, I thought I would die. Like the life had been sucked out of me. Tramp taught me, that dogs have souls and are real beings, not just so called "animals". I named him Tramp after "My Three Sons" TV show cause I have 3 grown sons. I wasn't counting on having 4 sons but he was my 4th son.
After reading these forums, I realize Tramp wasn't the only special dog in the world. OES are truly special. The love I have felt with all of you and your OES, has been such a comfort to me and husband. I don't feel weird about my Tramp anymore. All of you are very special to us. I hope you know, you really are helping people thru bad times. Thank You!
Please keep Debra and Winston in your thoughts and prayers too.
I'm so sorry for your loss. May Tramp be running free over the Rainbow Bridge.

Marianne and the boys
I hope Tramp and my beautiful Katrina are having a time of it! My thoughts are with you.
Hi I have only just joined the forum. I have just read your heartbreaking story, it reminded me of my situation.I have just lost my Blaze in the same way but he was only 10 and a half. Unexpectadly i woke up one morning and he had left us it is unbearable at the moment but i didnt want to have him put down either. It was like he knew and saved me the hurt of making such a decision. Thinking about you xxx
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