Hand biting puppy

I have a 3 mos. oes...she loves to play with my hand which is now full of scratches...even if i say no...she still loves to chew on it. Does anyone know any technique to stop a puppy from chewing or nipping my hands?

Also, i'm having a problem show her teeth to a show judge..she just resist when a handler opens her mouth.
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Do a search for nipping or biting in the search bar at the top and you should come up with tons of good suggestions.

Welcome to the forum!
Welcome to the forum :)

There are lots of topics on nipping, since they are a herding breed this is something that nearly every puppy goes through....

As far as showing tips, I'd suggest you join your local kennel club and take part in their handling classes :)

Good luck! :)
my vet told me a trick that may work. when you play put on oven mits and then you have protection on your hands. If you are not playing then you say firmly no if your pup strts to nip. Eventually she will learn to only bite at your hands when it is play time and the gloves are on. It took my Olive a few weeks to get it but now she is really good about being kind to may hands.
i feel for you i am going through this right now ouch!!
Thank you very much guys!!! :D :D
OK everyone will hate me, but here is what my trainer taught me for stella and it worked in 5 minutes.
When she bites.... make a fist with the hand that is not being bitten and come up hard under her chin, and follow through to above the head..like an undercut type of knock (not hurting the dog, but startling)
The dog will not be able to see that you did this and will associate the startling pop with biting. I had to do this 3 times in total..now when she goes to bite, I give her a look, like you know what will happen... and she stops immediately.
cinemarco wrote:
OK everyone will hate me, but here is what my trainer taught me for stella and it worked in 5 minutes.
When she bites.... make a fist with the hand that is not being bitten and come up hard under her chin, and follow through to above the head..like an undercut type of knock (not hurting the dog, but startling)
The dog will not be able to see that you did this and will associate the startling pop with biting. I had to do this 3 times in total..now when she goes to bite, I give her a look, like you know what will happen... and she stops immediately.

OMG! I can't even respond to this.,...except to say this is awful. Sorry...
Replace your hand with something your pup CAN bite on and then shower with praise! The consistent chewing will keep up for a while, especially as your puppy begins to teeth. Ours has lost most of his puppy teeth now at nearly 5 months of age.
It really isn't awful..It doesn't hurt and it worked fast.
My dogs are treated better than some people treat their children, so trust me, if I thought there was even the slightest negative possible reaction, I would have never tried it.
I actually only had to do it once, the trainer did it twice and that was enough.
I knew this would get negative reactions, in fact, if I read it, without seeing it demonstrated, I would have felt the same way.
Being that my Mom has a serious bleeding disorder, I couldn't take the chance of another accidental but serious bite, so I took control and this worked for me.
:? They are a herding breed and this is something that nearly every puppy goes through, and you have to tell them not to do it!

Welcome to the forum from Norway :lol:
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