All of this info is available here on forum.oes.org | Hey! I have heavily researched the topic of Pet insurance for my two dogs, and have made the decision not to purchase. The premiums are high, the coverage complicated and it would be a better decision to put that same amount of money aisde in a savings account (where you get the interest) and have a rainy day fund for if your dog gets sick or injured. VPI quoted me 30.00/month per dog.... which can be good or bad. All of the comparison charts I have read seem to have shown me that it makes little difference, because of deductibles, limited or half coverage and things like that. I spent about a month deciding on this.... It wasnt easy, in the end we save money each month for pet care.
If it is really important for you to have this security feeling, go for it!! I am obsessed with making sure my pets are taken care of, and i finally learned how to keep money in the bank (before I would just blow it) so i works, but if you have a hard time keeping money in the bank without using it, defainetly look into all the different companies for pet insurance.... there are a lot of them!
Liz |
| Shelly,
I have also gone back & forth as to whether or not Pet Insurance is worth it. I haven't made up my mind - but I'm leaning towards not getting it. I'll probably be sorry - but it is expensive. If your dog has been to the Vet for a problem before getting insurance - they often don't cover that illness/problem.
My sister has it for her basset hound, Mosi. She bought it after she spent $4000+ on two surgeries to re-sect his intestines (he ate a toy and a rock when he was a puppy). Mosi's coverage won't cover anything that may be similar or related - but she thought she should go ahead and get it anyway. It seems to have paid off (for the first year anyway) - just on the preventative care - and on his neutering. She uses VPI.
I recently heard from another OES owner (who has insurance) that they won't cover surgery or treatment for hip dysplasia either - it's a "genetic defect" and isn't covered by alot of plans. I wondered what other things they may also put in that category. So, be sure to look at the fine print!!! | This is cross posted from sheepie@yahoogroups.com:
Subject: Fw: Financial Assistance for the Ánimal Welfare League - Charlotte County Florida
----- Original Message -----
From: Janet5104@aol.com
To: members@tidewaterkc.org
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 6:51 AM
Subject: (no subject)
This is from the executive director of the Animal Welfare League in Charlotte County, Florida. Please crosspost!
Thank you for your willingness to help. You can't image the devastation that has been done to our community. The staff and myself have been at the shelter numerous hours trying to clean up to re-open. Without power or water it is difficult to say when we will be back in full operation. Our roof is also of major concern, the areas exposed are of the front offices, puppy room and feed storage areas. The main kennel and cats areas are still usable. All our outside fenced in areas are totally destroyed except 3 small potable dog pens. We sustained much loss of office equipment.
We were well prepared and had evacuated all the animals to different sights on Thursday. All important paperwork and some equipment was removed from the building.
We are the County Animal Shelter and hold the county contact for all stray animals, cats being our most serious problem.
Currently we need to replace our roof, but still will be able to operate, repair all our fencing and clean-up of debris and trees.
Items in need;
Dry Dog Food,Dry Cat Food and Canned Cat Food
Blankets and Towels (we have no power to do laundry)
Funds (for what insurance will not cover)
2 computer systems,fax machine
local foster care
All communication systems (including cellular) are out, that's why I'm contacting now from my home. You can reach me at my home e-mail, otterbound@comcast.net
Suncoast Humane Society in Englewood http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/FL170.html is open and is helping to accept the strays until we are able to accept them. However, anyone showing up at our doors refusing to go there, we will accommodate the animal.
Thank you for your concern, it is greatly appreciated and needed.
Michael Courchaine
Executive Director
Animal Welfare League Charlotte County Florida
3519 Drance Street
Port Charlotte, Florida 33980 | Another thought is a ruptured or torn ligament in the "knee". The symptoms are lameness that resembles either a sticker in the foot or hip problems. We thought that with Sam and let it go for awhile. Even the vet said, "Let's rest it." Turned out to be a ruptured ligament and the time we delayed caused enought damage to the joint that arthritis set in....we are talking months. The vet didn't "feel" it in the exam for awhile, not until the damage was further along. Now the joint is stabilized from surgery, but the arthritis remains.
So while many vets avoid giving a complete workover since most people don't have pet insurance and the "full meal deal" is expensive, in the long run it could save a dog years of pain and suffereing. | FREY-EX-URGENT
Sheep Dog Mix
Size: Large
Age: Adult
Sex: Male
This pet is eligible for a gift of the first month of ShelterCare pet insurance paid for by Petfinder.com [Click]
E-mail this pet to a friend!
The Humane Society of Fulton County
Canton, IL
i would be happy to pay his boarding expenses until a home is found | You'd better talk to animal control and see if there are restrictions there. I always cringe when talking to the folks here as one hand never knows what the other is doing, so it's best to get names of those you have spoken to as well as time and dates. They will probably want to "inspect" your area, so we up and ready to go with waste disposal stations, sanitation stuff, first aid stations, perhaps even kennel and crate areas for dogs who need "timeout." Know how many dogs you can handle.......and don't exceed it. Run the program well so you don't offend Animal Control or the "pet police."
Zoning is another place to go to see if there's any ban against what you are doing.
As far as taxes, probably because it is a business. We don't have sales taxes, we have gross receipt which means they also tax services......maybe your state doesn't have its head buried somewhere.... As a result, we need to have state gross receipt number.
Finally, insurance. You'll need to cover your tail here. Talk to an insurance carrier to get well covered. I don't know if an umbrella policy will cover this or if you need a whole new plan. Nor do I know if you need to be bonded..................all things to talk about with someone knowledgeable in business insurance. | http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=3529094
Old English Sheepdog
Size: Medium
Age: Adult
Sex: Female
Notes: Sweet, gentle Pepper was given up as they were moving : (. Pepper would have loved to have gone with her family but instead she is homeless. Dogs can move folks, there is no excuse except in rare situations that a dog should be dumped due to moving! Pepper has a great personality, gets along with other pets and has been an indoor pet. Loving, Indoor Lifetime homes please contact us. If you are Robin Conner Davenport, IA or are associated with this woman do not attempt to adopt this dog. Conner has been in jail and will be on probation for quite a while for animal cruelty, many dogs died/suffered in her care when she lived in Delmar, Iowa, some were OES's which seems to be her favorite breed. (poor animals) She is a cruel scammer and has an OES puppy along with other pets she was allowed to keep, which shows a breakdown in the justice system. All adopters beware of who you are adopting to. Pepper will get a top notch home, very nice manners and very cute girl, more med-large size. Approx 4 years old. This dog is located near Waterloo, CONTACT only alterupet@aol.com
This pet is: up to date with routine shots, already house trained, altered
This pet is eligible for a gift of the first month of ShelterCare pet insurance paid for by Petfinder.com [Click] E-mail this pet to a friend!
Marion, IA
Check bio for contact per
Lora1962@aol.com | Does anybody carry pet insurance for their pets? I'm thinking of the kind that will pay some of the vet bills? Can anyone tell me what is going on with this, if they use it, and whether it is worth their money or not? I'm curious!
Karen  | I opted not to get pet insurance after doing some research. It was rather expensive ($30 per dog / month) and won't cover any previous conditions. There's also alot of stipulations with "genetic problems" and getting them to honor the coverage for those (someone else on the OES List had insurance for their dog and it didn't cover their illness because they said it was genetic).
My sister, Kyle, has it for her youngest basset hound, Mosi. However, she only got it after she spent $3500 on surgeries / vet care when he was about 10 months old (he ate a toy/rock and had a blockage and punctured intestines! ) She has it through Veterinary Pet Insurance.
Kyle has found it to be worthwhile - although they will NOT cover any additional gastrointestinal problems / issues. The insurance covers part of Mosi's routine physical and vaccines, some of the cost of meds (heartworm preventative) and neutering, etc. He has to have two tumors removed in a couple of weeks - and they should cover a portion of that as well. Hopefully, they will not be anything serious!
Knowing Mosi, she's bound to get her money's worth! He's been a nightmare - and has done my sister in!
Kristen, Presley & Sydney | Just talked to the Vet. Pooh did great--there were 3 peices of greenie. 1 small, 1 large and 1 extra large. I even got pictures of the surgery, which I will not post unless there is demand for them as they are not for those with a weak stomach.
So, he'll stay there 2 nights. For those of you that don't have it, get the pet insurance.
And a HUGE THANK YOU for all of your support. I miss himlike crazy already as the house is much quieter. | Josh, whenever you get a chance, can you pm me with info on the pet insurance you carry please? I'd like to check it out... No rush though. I'm so releived Pooh did well through his surgery! Keep us updated when you get a chance, and here's hoping for a speedy recovery!
Karen  | Hi everyone,
This is my first post here on the forum, I've been reading for about 2 months now and am preparing for my new pup to come home to me in February (he was just born on Christmas day, December 25). I am very interested to hear your opinions on the different pet insurance companies and which you might have yourself. I learned the hard way that I should have gotten pet insurance in the past when my darling kitty, Buckley, (only 5 years old), struggled with a terminal illness and eventually passed away in August. I spent thousands of dollars trying to help him and really put myself in debt because I couldn't bear not to try and help him. I would like to avoid this scenario in the future by preparing with pet insurance. Any helpful advice would be great. Thanks so much and I really enjoy the wealth of knowledge on this forum and look forward to being a more active participant once my puppy comes home.
~Erika | I believe there are some links on the oes.org main page in regards to pet insurance.... I think it's a great idea... but compare companies to see exactly what would or would not be covered. Also check with your vet to see what they recommend. | Hi,
I apologize for neglecting to post this information so here goes:
I found two flyers at my vets office to let the other members on this forum check them out regarding insurance.
24 hour operator at 1 877-838-7887
This one is determined by the age of your pet but claims kittens are 19.50 and pups 26.80
It covers 3 rd party property damage at 25,000
Holiday cancellation 1,000
Advertising for missing pets 500
Cremation or burial cost 100
I have not looked at the site as just picked up the flyer but this may be a Canadian company.
The other is Petplan
1 800 268 1169
This one claims there is no age limit, one detuctible and lifetime coverage
The fees depend on whether you get standard, ribbon, medallion or Champion coverage. The fees range from 31.45 for standard up to 71.95 for champion and the other fees range inbetween.
I suspect this too may also be a Canadian company.
Perhaps other members have more info regarding their insurance in the US.
One thing I want to mention is since I've had so many pets all my life I've never personally used insurance as the monthy fees for my 7 would far exceed what I could afford monthy..but I would probably do it if I had one pet.
I did read something interesting one time on MSN news and it had a small blurb which asked if pet insurance was worth it. The reply was, not necessarily as if you put the monthly payment away yourself ..you would also have the funds needed in case of emergency.
Hope this helps and I'd like to hear of anyone else's views that has coverage for their pets.
Marianne and the boys | Thanks Marianne for replying! I'm surprised that more people don't seem to have pet insurance. I think I'll do a better job of making sure I'm not going to run into trouble if I get some pet insurance rather than deplete all my savings as I did with the unexpected illness of my (now) late cat I've done a bit of comparison shopping online but was truly hoping to hear some first hand accounts off this board. If not, I'll take my chances and let you know how it works out for me. *knock on wood that I don't find out too quickly (I want a 100% healthy puppy, please!)* | We have PetCare Pet insurance, the basic plan. It covers up to $2K for each first time occurance of most "events". You should definately have it. Since September, Pooh has gone to the ER Vet for a GI issue ($400) a massive flea attack ($250) and then an intestinal blockage ($2300) For the first 2, we didn't have the insurance. For the blockage, thankfully, we did.
Called Quickcare. Its worth the $10/month! | Met (MetLife) also offers pet insurance. i haven't checked into their specifics, yet, as my husband's employer has just started offering insurance through Met.
1-800 GET-MET8 or www.metlife.com/mybenefits | Hey Brenda, Met is a partner with PetCare. They have a few different levels of coverage. You can go to www.metlifepets.com or www.petcareinsurance.com. It is a PETCO company.
Quick Care First is $10.75/month
Quick Care is $9.95/month
First covers $1k across the board while Care covers $2k for some things and only $500 for others. It's a tough call to figure out which to go with. In my personal opinion, go with care as surgery is expensive!!! | My sister has Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) for Mosi. It's quite a bit more expensive than the Pet Care costs indicated by Josh - but her plan covers preventative care as well (so maybe that's the difference). It would seem the Pet Care would be the way to go - only $10 month!
She got hers only after Mosi had two surgeries ($3500+) for an intestinal blockage and long hospitalization. It has covered his neutering as well as routine yearly appointments (not in full but quite a bit) and a recent surgery for cyst removals.
Usually, they will NOT cover anything relative to genetic problems (hip dysplasia, liver shunts, etc.) - from what I've been told. (Just keep that in mind)
Mosi's insurance will not cover anything relative to his abdomen / intestines due to his pre-existing condition / problem.
Kristen | susan,
I also did not know that raw hide was bad.....at 2.5 months my puppy had a blockage $540 later she is finally back on track!
mom of the wild morgan
does anyone get pet insurance..I wonder if it is worth it |