All of this info is available here on forum.oes.org | My husband picked up dog wormer at Walmart and was just wondering if it is just as safe and potent as what a vet would do. We are also planning to deworm all the cats and kittens too. On the box is says to continue deworming once a month. I would like anyone's opinion. Thank you, Stormi and company.
Update Posted: 23 Mar 2004 05:36 pm
NEVERMIND, luckily I figured it out. The heartgard that the dogs are already on will take care of them, I have to find something for my cats to take. The reason I was asking is Marie my 6 months old kitten doesn't look like she is putting on weight like she should so my friend suggested that she might be wormy. I guess we will get her to the vet and try and get to the bottom of it. Stormi |
| i took walter to the vet today...
it cost me $90 for the vet visit, antibiotics, and a shot. i dont even know if the $30 shot was necessary, and on top of all that he gave me a prescription for a cough sepressant (which many people told me is usually in the antibiotics?). my dad just laughed at me and said 'sucks having your own dog doesnt it?' i guess it comes with the territory... but man thats half my paycheck!!
also, the vet kept calling him 'waller'. there are 3 vets there and walter has seen all three so i understand that he doesnt know walter that well but i dont think its that hard to get your patients name right!! walter was also afraid of the vet and instead of comforting him and trying to get him to go up to him he let walter cower into a corner and then listened to him breathe. all the vet techs/front desk girls are really nice and love seeing walter but it seems like the vets dont even like dogs... well at least not my dog.
im definitely changing vets. they give me unecessary things that cost a lot (they gave him a 50 dollar general dewormer last time which i later found out was totally unecessary because they did blood and feces tests that both turned out negative for worms) and they dont take the time to get to know my dog. argg!!!
does anyone have a really good relationship with their vet that they can tell me about so i can know what to look for when im searching for someone walter and i will both like?
ps- hes 71 lbs!!! | My 18 month old OES went into shock about 10 minutes after receiving her DHLPP, Corona, Rabies and ProHeart on June 22, 2004. They took blood for a heartworm test prior to the inoculations which came back negative. I chose to have them done at a weekly shot clinic held at a nationwide chain because the cost was about half of what my regular vet charges for the same shots. I had recently had a full check-up with my regular vet during a visit for an ear infection and she had checked out fine. I felt it was safe to go to the clinic and at the same time prudent to pay half the price. Luckily, the receptionist was slow at check out as I was still in the building when she went down. Otherwise, she could have died in my car on the ride home.
The first indication that something was terribly wrong was when I heard someone snicker in the waiting room. I looked down at my feet and discovered I was standing in a huge puddle of urine and my pup was sitting in it. Convincing her to move seemed difficult. I thought I was imagining this. Embarrassed, I quickly began cleaning up the puddle with the roll of paper towels the receptionist provided. As I finished up I noticed a single fresh poop on the floor next to my pup who was then laid out cold. No one in the packed waiting room said anything to me. My pup lay on her side, tongue hanging out, next to her feces while I cleaned up the urine puddle. My only hope is that she went down moments before I noticed and those watching were too engrossed with my inept cleaning abilities. I stand by my belief in the supremacy of dog over human and I will never understand human beings. As soon as I noticed the poop I knew their was a serious problem and I began screaming "My dog is in shock. My dog is in shock. Get someone out here now!!!" Finally, in what seemed like an eternity, three vet techs ran out, scooped her up, and ran back to their surgery. There, they shaved nearly half of her front leg for the saline I.V., gave her steroids and a Benydryl type product and then installed a catheter. I intensely watched the faces of the techs and vet through the window in the surgery door as I could not see my pup. Thank God they knew what to do and when to do it. I am grateful for their skills in this area. She slowly came out of the shock. I was numb at this point. Once my baby was safe at home, in my bed, I cried over the near loss of my sweet, innocent Sheepie. She received the shots at 2:30 p.m. and we walked out of the clinic at 7 p.m.
I cannot begin to express how guilty I have felt for not first investigating results other dogs had to ProHeart. The vet and her intern both professed it's safety as I questioned them before the injections were given. They began the inoculations by giving her an oral wormer, part of the ProHeart package. I had not been told about that part. As they poured it down her throat, I argued that there was no diagnostic reason for it. They said it could not hurt her. She immediately threw it up. My pup had had a fecal exam a short time ago and it was negative. I felt stupid for going along with it. I have subsequently learned that my usual vet does not believe in the safety of ProHeart or use it. The FDA's ruling appears to validate my vet's understanding of the situation. The day cost me nearly four times what it would have cost at my vet's office. The future cost to my babies health and psyche are still unknown. The following day I took her to my usual vet for a full exam to determine any damage not visually detectable. None was found at that time. My vet told me problems, though rare can show up a long time after the fact. I force myself to be optimistic about the future.
I am happy to hear of the FDA's action against ProHeart. This product was obviously not tested thoroughly enough since so many problems have been reported. The clinic vet concluded my pup probably had an allergic reaction to the Lepto. My regular vet and I thought otherwise but did not report the incident. I did not even think of it. I am angry at Fort Dodge for covertly taking advantage of my pup. I am angry at the clinic vet for not explaining all the risks associated with ProHeart. I am angry at myself for simple stupidity. I have learned to: no longer take the word of any vet as gospel, not cut corners where the health of my baby is concerned and to investigate everything that goes into, on, or around my puppy. | Yes, I live in Dover, DE.
Update: Jake got his last shots and dewormer Friday. I can't wait to bring him home. Of course then the real challenge starts.....getting Mack to understand that she's still a very special member of the family but Jake is going to live here also.
Found a great training "magazing". It was $10 but well worth it. It's called "Training your puppy". It's from the editors of Dog Fancy Magazine. I also picked up the "New Complete Dog Training Manual" by Bruce Fogle, DVM. This is also a great resource, not only for puppies, but also for older dogs.
On the countdown for Jake to come home! 10 days. | Sounds like worms....
there is a long and involved and disgusting explaination for the gagging.
Roundworms are active in the intestines of puppies, often causing a pot-bellied appearance and poor growth. The worms may be seen in vomit or stool; a severe infestation can cause death by intestinal blockage. This worm can grow to seven inches in length. Females can produce 200 thousand eggs in a day, eggs that are protected by a hard shell and can exist in the soil for years. Dogs become infected by ingesting worm eggs from contaminated soil. The eggs hatch in the intestine and the resulting larva are carried to the lungs by the bloodstream.
The larva then crawls up the windpipe and gets swallowed, often causing the pup to cough or gag. Once the larvae return to the intestine, they grow into adults. Roundworms do not typically infest adults. However, as mentioned above, the larvae can encyst in body tissue of adult bitches and activate during the last stages of pregnancy to infest puppies. Worming the bitch has no effect on the encysted larvae and cannot prevent the worms from infecting the puppies. Although roundworms can be treated with an over-the-counter wormer found in pet stores, a veterinarian is the best source of information and medication to deal with intestinal parasites. Dewormers are poisonous to the worms and can make the dog sick, especially if not used in proper dosage. | Kaopectate used to be bad for dogs but ok for cats, and pepto is and always has been bad for cats. Vets issued a warning last July about kaopectate because they changed their formula to reduce the lead content, and it is now toxic to cats. Just so you know.... if a cat needs a pain killer acetomenophin (tylenol) is usually given in very small doses, because aspirin is toxic to cats. However, anything containing the same ingredient as tylenol (acetomenophin) is toxic to dogs, which is why aspirin is reccomended for dogs.
Kaopectate is now safe for dogs, but not as safe as pepto bismol. Immodium is fast becoming the drug of choice for pets and people, I don't know why for people, but for pets, it is because it does not contain salycitates.
Immodium works fast, slightly sedates a pet, and has really no other side effects. BUT , and this is a BIG BUT..... the medication in immodium, and also ivermectin, a wormer, CAN be dangerous to collies and any other breed related to them. Here is why...
Collies with ivermectin sensitivity have been found to have a mutant gene for what is called the "P-glycoprotein." The P-glycoprotein has been studied largely because overexpression of this protein (i.e., having more of it than normal) results poor function of chemotherapy drugs in the treatment of cancer. The P-glycoprotein appears to be involved in keeping drugs out of certain body tissues. Having excess P-glycoprotein keeps chemotherapy drugs from reaching the tumor; having a mutant/non-functional protein fails to keep medications like ivermectin out of the central nervous system. In other words, Collies (and their cousins: Old English Sheepdogs, Shetland Sheepdogs, Australian Shepherds, etc.) have less P-glycoprotein than normal. Having less P-glycoprotein means certain drugs gain access to protected body tissues more readily. This phenomenon is responsible not only for ivermectin toxicity in sensitive breeds but also loperamide toxicity. Approximately 35% of Collies appear affected by this condition. It is probably best to avoid loperamide in Collies and their relatives.
Loperamide is the drug in immodium. So.... even though I used Immodium for Dancer, and there was no problem, it cleared it up immediately, I won't use it again now that I know this. Live and learn I guess... | Thanks, He is 8 years old and has not had any other wormer but heart worms for years. We lived in "the city" til late this fall and he had contact with a few dogs and never "ran". Now we live in the country and the vet is recommending a fecal check every 4 months....... There still aren't other dogs around (other than my new pup, due to arrive in 2 weeks ) but there are lots of animals through my land (deer, skunks, woodchucks etc) and the Vet thinks we now need to be more concerned about worms. In fact we just spent the last couple hours digging in a pile of topsoil to make flower beds and Tasker was "helping" so who knows what he's going to pick up now!!!!!
I could go on and on about the transition of an old "city" dog to the "country" but that's another post!!!!! Let's just say the city boy is having some adjustment problems!!  | Sheepdog puppies, the almost, most adorable thing on earth. At least until they howl all night, get sick, chew up everything within their reach, potty all over your house, scratch up your arms and legs, bite too hard with those razors they call teeth, etc........
Leaving out all the technical stuff like the xrays, tests and such, the first question one should ask is why they want to breed the dog. Cause they're cute, well all puppies are cute. For the money, what money. There is no profit in raising puppies.
You already have the expenses of the adult dogs. Plus, possible vet fees for the pregnancy and delivery. Then comes puppies. Add expenses for docking tails, shots, wormers, registration papers, supplies, possible vet trips for illness, food, etc.......There went the profit. If someone disagrees, check out the prices, figure it up for about 8 pups, 8 weeks plus, and see what you come up with. At what price would you have to sell those puppies for to make a real profit. One that would be worth all the time, emotional stress and work involved.
Say you don't have buyers waiting for the pups when they're born. If you plan to advertise, check with the newspaper companies for prices. Last time I advertised for anything it was about $50 a week. If one paper isn't enough, times that price by however many you would advertise in.
On top of all of that, add the expenses of the xrays and tests that should also be done. There is no money in raising puppies. The only thing you get out of it is self satisfaction, joy and heartache.
If one feels the need to raise a litter of pups, since they'll be sold anyway, perhaps one could foster a litter or part of a litter that has been uprooted due to Katrina and the upcoming Rita. Plan on fostering for a minimum of 8 weeks (unless they find a home, of course), that way you'll find out what you give up and the time involved to raise and sell a litter.
There are so many animals needing homes now that there is no need to breed. We should all focus on them rather than bringing another cute little puppy into the world to take the home they couldv'e had. After all, they started out with the cute little puppy face, and look where they're at now.
The right time to breed your bitch or any other, is never, at least until all those needing a home have one. JMPO | HI! You can tell if a breeder is a good breeder if they actually take the time to bring each one of their baby's to the vet. I am a breeder of Chihuahua's and before any of my baby's leave my home they are already vet checked. With a clean bill of health. Not just vet checked, shot's, wormer's. Heart, lung's,eye's, hair, teeth, are all checked. Way too many people do not take their pup's into the vet, They give their own shot's wormer's, I feel myself that if you sell a puppy for 500.00 you can well afford 58.00 for each pup, No matter how many pup's you have!!! I think most breeder's have really lost the meaning of breeding. Let me stress again every pup that leaves my home is in excellent condition. And I stand behind this 100%. Dog's are not to breed outside in cold kennel's. Mine are all raised inside my home like my family.
The best I can tell everyone is make sure your new pup has been checked throughly, By a trained proffesional. I have seen this way too many time's. Most breeder's buy their shot's from local feed dealers. How do you actually know that that shot that was given to your pup was any good at all. When shot's get warm they lose their value. With little or no effect for the poor baby's. THAT MEAN'S NO PROTECTION FOR YOUR BABY. PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL. Most breeder's give a 24 to 48 hour gaurantee, NOT ENOUGH TIME!!! A good breeder will give a lot more then that. They will stand behind their pup's. I want and every breeder should want a pup to leave my home knowing that I can rest easy at night. | When lifting Fez up into the car, under his elbows, had sores from a staph infection. They were on his stomach as well, and for a vet to overlook them, while the dog is already up on the table for surgery, is odd to me. I worked in a vet clinic in Arizona and am familiar with staph because of swimming pools and dogs laying in them.....
Also, we are treating Mynie homeopathically this time, because the prescription wormers are not working. We are attempting this approach since all the other prescription wormers didn't work.
This is her last go round with the wormers, as her last tests came back negative. It still leaves the other digestive problems that she has open, with no way of knowing a back ground, we will go in blindly and test for everything. | a solution called otoclean
you squirt it in each ear rub the ear then mop up with some cotton wool then mop up again 10 minutes later einy doen't like it but it makes the job easier
Otitis prevention: In breeds prone to otitis as a consequence of the anatomy of their ears it is indicated to apply it as a routine higiene practice. Ear hygiene, disagreeable odors, etc.: In animals showing accumulation of cerumen and dirt a disagreeable odour is often detected. Synergistic with otitis treatments: In animals suffering from otits, in order to improve the efficacy of the therapeutic treatment, it is indicated to clean the ear canal removing the dirt, cerumen and secretions
its at the bottom of the page
zoe and einy | Gads... I feel a rant coming so I'll apologize before hand.
Quote: I don't understand the approach some posters are taking... from the post I read, I see the neighbor as an *$$ who can't tolerate the most minor of accidental inconveniences.
Ummm... there is a brief bit of info here that you might be overlooking.
Since the poop was not from THIS dog, it belonged to someone else's dog. I don't blame this person for being peeved because all the neighborhood dogs are using her lawn as a bathroom. Her approach was sick though... she should have simply called animal control to handle the problem. Or a good camera will positively I.D. the offenders... she could head over to AC with the evidence so the owners can be ticketed.
See the little blurb at the bottom of my signature? Take FooFoo for a walk to cra* in someone else's yard or public place so you never have to clean up the mess in your own yard. I'm sick of it too. We were walking at a public park last week where signs are posted that you must clean up after your dogs. I actually told a lady walking the other way that the huge pile of poop on the paved path was not MINE and showed them the bags I carry. The next person that I see not cleaning up after their dog, I'm hollering, "Just a minute and I'll get you a bag so you can take that with you!" A brief walk out to the mailbox and you may have it all over your shoes... talk about a great thing to track through the house. Heaven forbid you go outside barefoot Are these dogs on a monthly wormer? Gross. How about the neighbor that cleaned out his dogs' kennel and threw it over the fence into our yard? I don't think he would like us throwing our even daily poo pickup over his way.
The point is it's her lawn/property so your dog should not be on it. If this was a once and only once occurrence, I'd take that note next door and apologize profusely explaining that the dog got away from you by accident and you will do everything you can so it doesn't happen again.
A leash dragging after a running dog is also an example of "well they're on a leash" mentality and a dog that is not in anyone's custody and control. It's a good example of a dog that is hit by a car and then someone cries about the injustice that their dog died but never once realized it was because of their own negligence. Yes, accidents will happen but the same accidents don't repeatedly happen.
There is nothing more irritating than people not controlling their dogs. WE have an obnoxious little barker... Kaytee gets over excited sometimes and starts barking her head off as soon as she's out the door. We use a citronella no-bark spray collar on her... if she barks through it she goes back in the house 'til she calms down. With 6 dogs you simply have GOT to think of the neighbors.
THAT was mean and uncalled for ... if it happens again, report it.
The saying, "good fences make good neighbors" is very true. Before this festers into something terrible, I'd go next door, finally introduce myself, apologize and take steps to prevent it from happening again... then go on with life. | Please just make sure your breeder has done all of the necessary health testing too on the parents of your pup. Eyes & Hip Certifications, make sure she's given her her first shots & de-wormers, just to ensure the health of your pup. Try to meet at least the dam too to see what her temperament is like.
There is plenty of information here about how to go about interviewing a breeder here on the forum if you just peruse the Getting a Puppy section. It just is very concerning that the breeder is willing to release the pups so early. There are a few Old English Sheepdog Club of America breeders in your area listed on their referral page and if you email Tarja Peters directly from that site she may be able to put you in contact with a few other people in your area.
I hope everything works out for you. | If you haven't already, you might start with another stool culture... send it out to a lab to have it tested. We ran into recurrent diarrhea in our pack a couple of years ago... Metronidazol and Immodium was used off and on for over a year and it would go through the entire pack. But it kept coming back. We originally called it the Spring Crud. Cultures always showed high levels of bacteria but never any parasites. A new vet recommended we put the entire pack on Panacur at the same time and it cleared up the problem once and for all. I am not saying this is what it is only sharing my own experience with recurrent diarrhea.
But you need to make sure you're cleaning up outdoors every time they poop. It doesn't do any good to keep giving antibiotics and dewormers if they keep recontaminating themselves. As soon as it hits the ground, pick it up and dispose of it properly. If it's too wet, wash it down with the hose and cover it with sand or dirt. We had to do this for over a year.
What does your vet say about the "specific gravity" of the urine and does he say something should be done to correct it? Is it increased and causing the diarrhea or decreased maybe from drinking too much water or is it something else? Ask WHAT this means. Could it indicate a specific condition? Does further testing need to be done? Have him/her explain it to you... you're paying him/her to educate you in how to make your dogs well.
If everything proves to be normal (peeing 3 times in 30 minutes is NOT normal), then you've got to remember that these pups are still very young... only 12 weeks so housetraining may not occur for a while yet. If you control what goes in you'll control what comes out. Do you free feed them (meaning leaving food out for them all day) or do they have 3 specific feeding times where you give them premeasured amounts of food? If you serve a dry food presoaked in water, they can get their food and some water at the same time so they may drink less. Just something to discuss with your vet to see if it's appropriate for you.
Hopefully something here will help. If you're ever given the option to bring home a pup before 8 weeks of age, turn it down unless the pup has been orphaned. They miss out on a lot of socializing skills including bite inhibition. I've got one that was orphaned at around 5 weeks and came to us at around 6 weeks... they do miss out on some important things.
Good luck. | [code]You mentioned that you put them dogs on Panacur. I assume this is an antibiotic, what is it used for? Did the vet say what the litter had? [/code]
Panacur is for parasites.
We had doctored the pack of of 4 for recurrent diarrhea by using the Metronidazol. As you mentioned, it cleared it up every time but it eventually came back once the meds were discontinued. All the fecal tests showed were high bacteria levels... never any parasites.
About a year later, we had switched vets and we went through another round of diarrhea in the now 5 member pack and had more "stuff" sent off to be cultured. Again, the same results... high levels of bacteria. I got so frustrated that I told the vet that this just was NOT normal and something had to be done.
He mentioned that he had been to a seminar about a month before and this had been one of the topics. He called and spoke with the internist who recommended that the entire pack be placed on Panacur at the same time even though there were no parasites present in the stool cultures.
That was the last time we had diarrhea in our pack and it's going on 2 years. Although they each got monthly Heartgard which protects them from heartworms and other worms, there was just something that it did not get rid of.
Please note that I am NOT saying this is what your pups have... only that it sounds rather similar to what we encountered. I don't see any harm in asking your vet if Panacur (fenbendazole) might be tried.
Please read the info at this address... it sounds kind of the same. The entire page talks about diarrhea and discusses other possibilities but also mentions Panacur as something to several of the answers by Dr. Mike Richards DVM.
Source: http://www.vetinfo4dogs.com/ddiarrhea.html
Question Title: Loose stools in Lab puppy
"..In almost can case of soft stools or diarrhea it is a good idea to examine a stool sample to make sure that there are no signs of intestinal parasites and to consider checking fecal smears for signs of bacteria associated with intestinal problems. If these tests are negative it is sometimes worthwhile to try one of the safer dewormers, such as fenbendazole (Panacur Rx) anyway, just to be cautious..."
Hope you find a solution soon! |
Quote: Unfortunatly Panacur was the dewormer that our vet had prescribed last month. The first part of his stool on the walk has gotten better, but second stool is mush. |
If the wormer helped some, is there any chance he's been reinfected? Maybe from eating something outdoors? They've got a nose for the dead and stinky!
I was reading some of your previous posts... did this all start when Zappa first came into the home or were there bouts of diarrhea prior to his arrival? I guess I wonder if Zappa could have this "thing" and simply not show any signs. Probably a stupid question but my pack passed the diarrhea-thing round-robin for months. We had to treat the entire pack at the same time with Panacur in order to be finished with it this wretched diarrhea once and for all.
Quote: I'm also concerned because my vet says she has a concern with Hendrix's hips being so boney. She said it's a sign he's putting a lot of effort into passing stool, heard anything like that? |
I've never heard that before. Some of mine have what I would consider bony hips so I don't know what she's feeling/seeing on Hendrix. If he's got loose poops it seems from a layman's point of view that it would be just the opposite... like it would take much less effort to go. However, they do strain when they have diarrhea especially if nothing "happens" (sorry to be gross... remember I live with 6 dogs wink: ) But I have not yet heard that bony hips were a "sign" of straining.
Just an idea-
You indicate that Hendrix has done well on this new food.
Since moving to Nature's Recipe the rashes and constant itching has ended. Perhaps this is still Hendrix showing some sort of allergy? |
Does Hendrix get any dog biscuits/treats or human foods? If he does, maybe try a no-treats approach for 1 1/2 months since you say it recurs every 30 days. But everyone has GOT to be on the same page and not feed Hendrix any extras unless it's the dry kibble he's being fed.
Note: Be sure he doesn't drink too much water after eating so the food can have some time to digest... I always worry about the bloat-factor.
Just some things to consider and possibly discuss with your vet if you feel any of it may help. I've been where you are and I understand your frustration. Remember, I was cleaning 5 poopy bottoms at the time and had 22 feet I had to make sure were clean ... that includes my two... (feet that is ). | I was lazy two nights ago and added a can of natures gift Lamb and Pasta to bries dry food instead of the usual cooking I do for her.
Well yesterday she had one of those loose jelly poops and today the same. Kelsey is OK and showing no signs of loose poopies at the moment.
I am thinking dietry upset for her as she has never had canned dog food in her diet before. I gave both of them an all wormer today as they were due for worming, just to be on the safe side.
I am feeding brie just rice with a bit of poached chicken fillet tonight and was wondering if I should add a probiotic capsule to her dinner, I have some here. How many should I use? Would it help to firm things up ? I tried to get some peptosyl today but can't find it in a pet shop close by. . So light diet tonight and see how we go and wondering if the probiotic capsules will help there.
I don't want to rush off to the vets, it is the weekend here, she is fine in her nature, still bubbly and interested in food, no accidents inside & no temperature, so I don't think it is a bug of some sort at the moment.
If no improvement well monday for the vets.
Gawd I hate hairy butts and sloppy poops , it's been awhile since I have had this happen.  | We keep our dogs on Heartworm prevention
year round for the same reason Tammy stated(too warm)
Plus, it also serves as a monthly intestinal dewormer!!
A mature heartworm will not show up on a
test until 6 mos after being infected....
Although Microfilaria(baby heartworms)
can be detected soon after.
Heartgard and Revolution are safe for
hearworm positive dogs but, Interceptor and
Sentinel are not.(not sure about Multi)
Of course the vet can advise you on what the best approach is
for your baby! | A partial prolapse occurs from the puppy straining due to worms which is usually the first reason why. You must get a stool exam to determine if so. Sometimes worms are undetectable you need a good stool sample to check it. If this does occur because of worms and you dont have money to take them to the vet, you should normaly deworm your dogs anyway at 4weeks and every 2wks in 4 sets. ( for example if you start at 4weeks you do it at 6wks then 8, then 10) YOU MUST TREAT THEM FOR ALL WORMS! that is the hard thing finding a good all in one dewormer. Drontal is the best and panacur but are prescription strengh.
But once you deworm, and also treating that red bump you must not feed them no more and lube it up and try to push it back in. If you dont keep it moist and treat it, it can become a full prolapse which has to be surgicaly put back in UNLESS you can lube it up and push it back in. NOW if you do that you must suture up the hole because it will come right back out! Its the rim of the butt hole that makes it more of a smaller hole and helps the rectum tube stay inside
1. Keep lubed dont let it dry!
2. Apply Sugar on it right away this helps drain out any fluids. You have to constantly do this every couple hrs..
3. Give your dog a finger full of vegitable shortning or vasiline this is useful for hair balls but also lubricates the insides so if there straining and its a hard stool it can come out
HOPE THIS HELPS BECAUSE I SURE NEEDED IT WHEN I DIDNT KNOW | When I was pregnant, my vet told me that both my dogs should have a dewormer every 6 months or else the dogs could give something to the baby. So, when I was 5 months pregnant I gave them a dewormer.
I've talked to a dozen other people who've had babies and dogs and no one has said their vet informed them of that. I had 5 of the dozen people call their vets and their vets had never heard of such a thing.
Anyone else? The vet just called and reminded me I should pick up the dewormer medication.
Let me know! |