All of this info is available here on forum.oes.org | My vet just diagnosed Abbi with AIHA and I am looking for a second opinion.
Her symptons:
1. Her nails are craking to the quick. Her pads and feet hurt and she licks them constantly. (I thought she had a fungal disease so I took her to the vet)
2. Her nose is breaking open, looks like she's been scratched, but she hasn't. Because of her nails, she hasn't been out of the house for days. Well, just to use the bathroom. (Another reason to go to the vet.)
3. She's been depressed and anxious. Either laying around "dreaming" or putting her head in our laps or begging to be petted constantly. She hasn't been feeling well.
4. Gave her a dose of Revolution, hoping to prevent mange, and she went into a shaking fit and wouldn't get up for hours. (Anyone want to buy some Revolution cheap? I have 5 vials left.).
5. She's had dermatitis before and lost all of her hair on her back leg back in 2001.
Now that I think about it, she's been heat intolerant for a while. She doesn't want to leave us even to use the bathroom. She pants like crazy, even inside the house where it is airconditioned and lays around like a cat. Given the chance, she will eat dirt and does vomit and have diarrhea occasionally. These things were all explained away as problems with heat or diet.
But she will play fetch and walk (2 - 3 miles/day) with me whenver I pick up a ball or ask her to get her leash? I thought she was depressed about the kids going back to school. She loves to walk with me to pick them up.
I guess I am in for a rough ride. I need to go ask my vet why he didn't do a RBC or PVC before prescribing her a boat-load of anitbiotics and predisone. I thought he would, but he didn't --just said start her as soon as possible and here's my home and cell phone.
What if she has that sand fly disease or its just a fungus or obstruction or ...
The nearest full fledge clinic is in Houston and I have to stay and pick up the girls, take 2 deliveries, and let a repairman in at 3 PM. So I guess I will try to go tomorrow or call my vet back ....
Wish me luck. |
| Joan and I are so distressed by this news.
autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is when the dog's immune system begins to see the dog's own tissue as foreign, and starts to mount an immune response. The Prednisone is designed to suppress the immune response and reduce inflammation.
There is some very readable info at http://www.petplace.com/articles/artShow.asp?artID=2195
Another page that has been around for a while is
Also, consider asking questions over at OES-L. They've dealt with this issue before, and members of that list have gone through AIHA with their dogs. A search of the OES-L archives turned up a limited amount of info. You will have to join the OES-L to be allowed to search their archives.
I am sending an email to someone to ask for permission to repost a letter about her experiences with AIHA.
We will pray for you and Abbi. | Went to a clinic in a city over. They said they could do the blood tests and have answers for me by Saturday.
Called up the original vet at lunch. He finally got back to me as I was holding Abbi for the blood tests in the other clinic at 4PM.
Said there wasn't any tests for the autoimmune disease he suspected, it was a skin involved one only. The other two vets standing there almost exploded. But they kept there cool, walk out, and then came back in to make sure I still wanted to do the tests.
Which I did.
Results of the RBC, PCV, and a whole bunch of others will be done. They said to give her the antibiotics and the topicals; but hold off on the predisone. They thought she may be having a reaction to all the vaccinations and meds she had been given in the past month and were going to do some checking up on it.
I, of all people should have known to go to the list. But a couple of years ago Grannie Annie sort of over-stepped my boundaries a few times. I was in Argentina and she kept giving advice that I could not follow because it wasn't done that way there and there are not that many dog foods available. I didn't live in BA, it was further south and more remote.
So I went to join today. I forgot about all the rigamarole it takes to join. I still might do it, because you are absolutely right about there being a lot of good, caring, and knowledgable people there.
I am just a bit upset right now. I feel I should have known better or something. We have been to the vet about 4 times in the past 2 months because I knew something was wrong. I should have thought about changing her diet before this. Should have looked for a new vet when she had siezures on the Revolution and he said it was something else.
So glad I went to this other vet clinic. At least they do not put you down or make you feel guilty. Both vets thought that she was in good shape, but just needed a better diet and maybe a fungacide and antibiotic. And a thyroid and blood work-up.
If she has AIHA, it is a mild presentation and they feel it can wait until Saturday before being treated.
Thanks Ron.
I needed to tell someone, and I thought... why not? My girls would just go to pieces if something happenned to Abbi. My husband is out-of-town and hard at work.. When he got back with me, he said, "You did get a second opinion, didn't you?"
Here's hoping it isn't anything I cannot fix!
Let you know Saturday.
Abbi wouldn't let me go for a walk by myself tonight, so I put baby booties on her feet and away we went. She is my walking buddie. The booties look a little worse for the walk, but she didn't stop to tear them off like I thought she would. It is hard to believe she may have a serious disease. I hope it is something curable, and not a maitenace type thing, with infections hanging over our head all the time.
Here's to hoping the combo topical I am using on her pads and nails works as well as it has on her nose! | I just received the following to my request to cross-post her email:
"I think I'm a bit overwhelmed at seeing this after so many years....... Yes, you may post the note to your list [... ]"
"After having I believe 8-9 OES through the years (adults) we have gone through a lot. I had forgotten about "Tiny Tot" as we called her. We lost another bitch about a year ago to liver disease, again a long story with lots of treatment...."
"My best to the dog and owner involved. "
"I'd appreciate the response of the individual involved"
Helen wrote: This was originally posted to OES-L on May 19, 2000:
In 1988 we had a 5-year-old bitch that suddenly one morning would not eat -- never had done this before. We took her temperature as she seemed a bit lethargic and we were due 60 miles away for a dog show at St. Joseph, Mo. With no other symptoms we decided to go ahead and go as otherwise we would break the points.
She was groomed, seemed okay, but just not quite herself, and when she went into the ring did not have her usual perky gait nor enthusiasm as was usual for her. It had snowed 4-5" that day and when we came home that eve and took her to the x-pen her urine was almost pure blood -- and lots of it, and each time afterwards it was the same. Of course called the vet immediately and we met him at the office. He drew blood for the Coombs' test and tentatively diagnosed AIHA. He also began her on Prednisolone -- the dosage according to her PCV (packed cell volume) -- He said to come back the next morning at 7 and again that evening at 7 for repeat blood draws to determine the PCV. The Coombs' was positive of course and she continued to have blood in her urine.
She was taken for 3 weeks straight to the vet at 7 and 7 for blood draws and an injection of Pred. according to the PCV values. This went on for 3 solid weeks. It almost broke our hearts to see her when we put her in the car for the trip to the vet's office. She was so weak and when we got there would literally shake with the anticipation of what was going to happen. During these 3 weeks she was very, very weak, and although it came on quite quickly (like overnight) the weakness progressed as well as her overall well-being.
I have ALL of her medical records from birth to 13 years -- she had had a urinary tract infection just prior and Dr. Davis said we should never give her the antibiotic she was on as it could have precipitated the episode of AIHA. After 3 weeks of injections, she was switched to oral Pred and was on this for a number of weeks. Her PCV went as low at 15 (normal around 30 to 40 as I remember) and we were given choices of blood transfusions or splenectomy when she was doing a little better. She rallied and neither of these were necessary, however, she was on medication (from daily to every other day and then later tapered off more) for quite sometime, lost every last hair on her body (we put a long sleeve sweat shirt on her of the heavy type) -- but within a year had grown back a lovely crisp coat -- went back into the ring and finished her championship. We felt we had been terribly lucky as she had been so close to death those early days. Over the years she had three subsequent episodes (all with the same symptoms, blood coming from the urethra, ) but was never quite as ill as the first time. She died at about 13 of another cause, but I am sure the AIHA played a part in her overall health through the years.
Needless to say, this was quite an expensive illness, but we would have paid anything to regain her health. Also, when the yearly shots became due about 3 months after she was ill, the vet would not give them to her for fear of precipitating another episode of AIHA......but eventually as she gained her healh she had them.
There were many drugs, etc. that we did not give for fear of starting an immune reaction in the subsequent years -- most of which I have forgotten.
I might add that her mother who had always been the picture of health came down at the age of 12 with an episode of AIHA -- it was caught in time since we were so familiar with the symptoms and was never to the terribly acute stages that her daughter faced.
Since so many people have asked about what it is like -- thought I would post the above -- it is heartbreaking and a day-by-day wonder if the dog will make it or not.
I am so glad that she did -- rather than be lost as LaVerne was.
I must say for those who do not know me, we would do and pay anything to save a dog's life -- but after this episode I had to ask myself many times if it were to ever happen again to this degree -- was I being fair to the dog to put her through so much. Only if you could have been next to her and looked into her eyes through all of this treatment would you know why I ask myself this question.
Hope this answers some of your questions.
Helen |
I will be sure to email her the URL for this thread.
Good luck, agingright | Actually all autoimmune diseases are related. Abbi probably does not have it as severely as other dogs. It can affect different systems.
So far Abbi has allergies and skin or exocrine invovlement. Her kidneys, liver,endocrine, and other systems seem to be fine. She is anemic and her white blood cell count is high, but she seems to have more of an allergic response than a full blown case of AIHA, which usually includes the dogs own red blood cells destroying their own. That was not noted in the blood test and her packed cell volume was 30, which is ok. Seems normal dogs can have them up to 55. 30 is at the lower edge of normal.
If she isn't responding to the prednisone by Thursday, another set of blood test will be taken. She will be going into the vets once a month at least for the next 4 - 6 months for monitoring.
Because of her anemia and her skin problems she has to go to a better diet. This is hard since she has allergies to eggs and milk products. I put her on Nutro (Natural Choice) Adult large breed, because it has the highest protein content, highest fiber, and lowest fat (it also has dried eggs in it, but I cannot afford the only brand without eggs--its $2.50/lb and doesn't look like the newest bag on the shelf). The vets want to try to raise her protein levels, even though this is sometimes not the right way to go. If this is just a dietary problem ... with allergies playing a factor, well I will be sooo happy.
But 2/5 of the vets she has seen in the past week feel she would benefit from a prednisone treatment even if it is just allergies. All 5 agree a diet change is needed, but what a difference in recomendations? You hear about too many cooks spoiling the soup, but when you see it in action ... it is mind boggling.
Her cracked and peeling nose and change in hair and skin pigmentaton along with the white gums are the reason I am going with the heavy prednisone treatments along with the antibiotics. I also changed out her bowls to stainless steel in case she is allergic to plastic as suggested by one vet.
She likes to go for walks still, but since the prednisone doses she is more lethargic, her coat looks worse, and she drinks a lot!
Hopefully she will recover and this will just be a mild episode that goes into remission with careful management. Like only one vaccination at a time, the vets say they will board her even if she doesn't have all her vaccinations from now on. They will do a blood titer test if it is needed.
And no more of the topical flea repellant. In fact, flea and tick repellant may need to go down to a minimum.
I am also adding flax or fish oil to her food if she looks the least bit constipated. That has worked out pretty well. Add pumkin and unsalted broth to some of her food.
She loves the attention and she isn't licking her paws constantly any more. I am still oiling them up and putting booties on her before walks.
My husband makes jokes, but he came home to go to the vets yesterday.
Since her coat looks so bad, and she sort of shedding anyways, I am thinking of brushing her out, bathing her, and givng her a good trim---leave behind an inch or two. I am getting pretty good at trimming her, so I could get it all done in less than 3 hours.
My girls are helping so it isn't like I do everything, but fo some reason Abbi will only take the medicine from me. And she has to take 5 pills in the morning and night, and two at lunch and a topical 3x a day. Then theres the gelatin capsules in her food, as well as the flax o fish oil. It does seem to take up more time than you would think.
Thanks for your concern. I hope your dog stays in remission for years to come. This is miserable. | So sorry to hear of your loss. It must be especially hard to lose a friend that is so young. Feel free to check out our Rainbow Bridge section to "talk" through it or for some comforting words.
What is IMHA? The only thing with similar initials that I'm familiar with is what I've been calling AIHA for Auto-Immune Hemolytic Anemia. Is IMHA similar?
Again, sorry for your loss. | 1
W. Jean Dodds, DVM
938 Stanford Street
Santa Monica, CA 90403
310-828-4804; Fax 310-828-8251
Viral disease and recent vaccination with single or combination modified live-virus (MLV)
vaccines, especially those containing distemper virus, adenovirus 1 or 2, and parvovirus are
increasingly recognized contributors to immune-mediated blood disease, bone marrow failure,
and organ dysfunction. 1-11 Potent adjuvanted killed vaccines like those for rabies virus also
can trigger immediate and delayed (vaccinosis) adverse vaccine reactions.7-10 Genetic
predisposition to these disorders in humans has been linked to the leucocyte antigen D-related
gene locus of the major histocompatibility complex, and is likely to have parallel associations in
domestic animals. 5, 7
Beyond immediate hypersensitivity reactions, other acute events tend to occur 24-72 hours
afterwards, or 7-45 days later in a delayed type immunological response. 1-4, 6-10 Even more
delayed adverse effects include mortality from high-titered measles vaccine in infants, canine
distemper antibodies in joint diseases of dogs, and feline injection-site fibrosarcomas. 5,7 The
increasing antigenic load presented to the host individual by modified-live virus (MLV) vaccines
during the period of viremia is presumed to be responsible for the immunological challenge that
can result in a delayed hypersensitivity reaction. 2, 3, 6, 7
The clinical signs associated with vaccine reactions typically include fever, stiffness, sore joints
and abdominal tenderness, susceptibility to infections, neurological disorders and encephalitis,
collapse with autoagglutinated red blood cells and icterus (autoimmune hemolytic anemia)
(AIHA), or generalized petechiae and ecchymotic hemorrhages (immune-mediated
thrombocytopenia)(ITP).1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12, 13 Hepatic enzymes may be markedly elevated, and liver or
kidney failure may occur by itself or accompany bone marrow suppression. Furthermore, MLV
vaccination has been associated with the development of transient seizures in puppies and
adult dogs of breeds or cross-breeds susceptible to immune-mediated diseases especially
those involving hematologic or endocrine tissues (e.g. AIHA, ITP, autoimmune thyroiditis). 1,7,10
Post-vaccinal polyneuropathy is a recognized entity associated occasionally with the use of
distemper, parvovirus, rabies and presumably other vaccines. 2, 3, 7 This can result in various
clinical signs including muscular atrophy, inhibition or interruption of neuronal control of tissue
and organ function, muscular excitation, incoordination and weakness, as well as seizures. 7
Certain breeds or families of dogs appear to be more susceptible to adverse vaccine reactions,
particularly post-vaccinal seizures, high fevers, and painful episodes of hypertrophic
osteodystrophy (HOD).7, 9 Therefore, we have the responsibility to advise companion animal
breeders and caregivers of the potential for genetically susceptible littermates and relatives to
be at increased risk for similar adverse vaccine reactions.1, 4, 6-9, 14-17 In popular (or rare) inbred
and linebred animals, the breed in general can be at increased risk as illustrated in the
examples below.
Commercial vaccines can on rare occasion be contaminated with other adventitious viral
agents, 3, 15 which can produce significant untoward effects such as occurred when a
commercial canine parvovirus vaccine was contaminated by blue tongue virus. It produced
abortion and death when given to pregnant dogs,15 and was linked causally to the ill-advised but
all too common practice of vaccinating pregnant animals. The potential for side-effects such as
promotion of chronic disease states in male and non-pregnant female dogs receiving this lot of
vaccine remains in question, although there have been anecdotal reports of reduced stamina
and renal dysfunction in performance sled dogs. 17 Recently, a vaccine manufacturer had to
recall all biologic products containing a distemper component, because they were associated
with a higher than expected rate of central nervous system postvaccinal reactions 1-2 weeks
following administration. 17 Vaccination of pet and research dogs with polyvalent vaccines
containing rabies virus or rabies vaccine alone was recently shown to induce production of
antithyroglobulin autoantibodies, a provocative and important finding with implications for the
subsequent development of hypothyroidism. 10
Other issues arise from overvaccination, as the increased cost in time and dollars spent needs
to be considered, despite the well-intentioned solicitation of clients to encourage annual booster
vaccinations so that pets also can receive a wellness examination.6 Giving annual boosters
when they are not necessary has the client paying for a service which is likely to be of little
benefit to the pet’s existing level of protection against these infectious diseases. It also
increases the risk of adverse reactions from the repeated exposure to foreign substances.
Polyvalent MLV vaccines which multiply in the host elicit a stronger antigenic challenge to the
animal and should mount a more effective and sustained immune response. 2, 3, 6 However, this
can overwhelm the immunocompromised or even a healthy host that has ongoing exposure to
other environmental stimuli as well as a genetic predisposition that promotes adverse response
to viral challenge. 1, 2, 7, 14, 16, 17 The recently weaned young puppy or kitten being placed in a new
environment may be at particular risk. Furthermore, while the frequency of vaccinations is
usually spaced 2-3 weeks apart, some veterinarians have advocated vaccination once a week
in stressful situations, a practice makes little sense scientifically or medically.6
An augmented immune response to vaccination is seen in dogs with pre-existing inhalant
allergies (atopy) to pollens. 7 Furthermore, the increasing current problems with allergic and
immunological diseases has been linked to the introduction of MLV vaccines more than 20
years ago. 3 While other environmental factors no doubt have a contributing role, the
introduction of these vaccine antigens and their environmental shedding may provide the final
insult that exceeds the immunological tolerance threshold of some individuals in the pet
population. The accumulated evidence indicates that vaccination protocols should no longer be
considered as a “one size fits all” program. 9
For these special cases, appropriate alternatives to current vaccine practices include:
measuring serum antibody titers; avoidance of unnecessary vaccines or overvaccinating;
caution in vaccinating sick or febrile individuals; and tailoring a specific minimal vaccination
protocol for dogs of breeds or families known to be at increased risk for adverse reactions.6,7,18-21
Considerations include starting the vaccination series later, such as at nine or ten weeks of age
when the immune system is more able to handle antigenic challenge; alerting the caregiver to
pay particular attention to the puppy’s behavior and overall health after the second or
subsequent boosters; and avoiding revaccination of individuals already experiencing a
significant adverse event. Littermates of affected puppies should be closely monitored after
receiving additional vaccines in a puppy series, as they too are at higher risk.
1. Dodds WJ. Immune-mediated diseases of the blood. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med 1983; 27:163-196.
2. Phillips TR, Jensen JL, Rubino MJ, Yang WC, Schultz RD. Effects on vaccines on the canine
immune system. Can J Vet Res 1989; 53: 154-160.
3. Tizard I. Risks associated with use of live vaccines. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1990; 196:1851-1858.
4. Duval D, Giger U. Vaccine-associated immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in the dog. J Vet Int Med
1996;10: 290-295.
5. Cohen AD, Shoenfeld Y. Vaccine-induced autoimmunity. J Autoimmunity 1996; 9: 699-703.
6. Schultz R. Current and future canine and feline vaccination programs. Vet Med 1998; 93:233-254.
7. Dodds WJ. More bumps on the vaccine road. Adv Vet Med 1999; 41: 715-732.
8. HogenEsch H, Azcona-Olivera J, Scott-Moncrieff C, Snyder PW, Glickman LT. Vaccine-induced
autoimmunity in the dog. Adv Vet Med 1999; 41:733-744.
9. Dodds WJ. Vaccination protocols for dogs predisposed to vaccine reactions. J Am An Hosp Assoc
2001; 38: 1-4.
10. Scott-Moncrieff JC, Azcona-Olivera J, Glickman NW, Glickman LT, HogenEsch H. Evaluation of
antithyroglobulin antibodies after routine vaccination in pet and research dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc
2002; 221: 515-521.
11. Paul MA (chair) et al. Report of the AAHA Canine Vaccine Task Force: 2003 canine vaccine
guidelines, recommendations, and supporting literature. AAHA, April 2003, 28 pp.
12. May C, Hammill J, Bennett, D. Chinese shar pei fever syndrome: A preliminary report. Vet Rec
1992;131: 586-587.
13. Scott-Moncrieff JC, Snyder PW, Glickman LT, Davis EL, Felsburg PJ. Systemic necrotizing vasculitis
in nine young beagles. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1992; 201: 1553-1558.
14. Dodds WJ. Estimating disease prevalence with health surveys and genetic screening. Adv Vet Sci
Comp Med 1995; 39: 29-96.
15. Wilbur LA, Evermann JF, Levings RL, Stoll LR, Starling DE, Spillers CA, Gustafson GA, McKeirnan
AJ. Abortion and death in pregnant bitches associated with a canine vaccine contaminated with blue
tongue virus. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1994; 204:1762-1765.
16. Day MJ, Penhale WJ. Immune-mediated disease in the old English sheepdog. Res Vet Sci 1992; 53:
17. Dougherty SA, Center SA. Juvenile onset polyarthritis in Akitas. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1991; 198: 849-
18. Twark L, Dodds WJ. Clinical use of serum parvovirus and distemper virus antibody titers for
determining revaccination strategies in healthy dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2000; 217:1021-1024.
19. Flemming DD, Scott JF. The informed consent doctrine: what veterinarians should tell their clients.
OJ Am Vet Med Assoc 224: 1436-1439, 2004.
20. Klingborg DJ, Hustead DR, Curry-Galvin E, et al. AVMA Council on Biologic and Therapeutic Agents’
report on cat and dog vaccines. J Am Vet Med Assoc 221: 1401-1407, 2002.
21. Schultz RD, Ford RB, Olsen J, Scott F. Titer testing and vaccination: a new look at traditional
practices. Vet Med, 97: 1-13, 2002 (insert). | Let me first say hello and weclcome,I have never heard of this before but I have just done some research, This is what I came up with. Hope it helps. We all need to learn about this. What kind of dogs it effects, some more than others?
so sorry that you are going through this.
http://www.geocities.com/aihadogs/ | I'm so sorry to hear this... it is very common in OES unfortunately.
There is treatment though, a course of prednisone is usually the first step.
Platelets need to be restored somehow, the prednisone will help with that.
The dogs own immune system is destroying it's own red blood cells, prednisone suppresses the immune system, and gives the dogs bone marrow a chance to replenish.
The disease is believed to first be genetic, or at least the predisposition to it is genetic, and then triggered by vaccines.
I don't know why your vet wants you to change foods, and I'm not sure why they want to remove the spleen. That doesn't make sense unless there is a tumor in the spleen or something which would not have anything to do with the AIHA.
To keep your dog healthy you need to watch closely for lethargy or any other unwell symptom, because it can and almost always will, reoccur. It can be kept in check, with occasional courses of prednisone, which should be at least 2 weeks in duration.
If you don't feel comfortable with the recommendations your vet is making, by all means, get another opinion. This is your baby.
Good luck, and please let us know how it goes  | I am so sorry to hear about your boy. Must be such an awful time for you at the moment.
Your vet recommends removal of the spleen due to AIHA affecting the Spleen and also can affect the liver. So that is maybe an option down the track. You have only just started on prednisone so wait and see if that settles his antibodies down in the system. Responses to corticosteroids are often good although some individuals have periodic relapses and a few fail to respond at all. There is some evidence that failure to respond to treatment is related to the characteristics of the anitbody involved.
Having a pup that had irretable bowel syndrome, I can understand your reluctance to change the diet. BUT if your vet wants to try him on something else there must be a reason for it. You can start very very slowly the transition in the kibble, doing it over a period of a few weeks.
Start with just a handful of the new kibble, adding it to what he is use too.
If no reactions after 3 days, gradually increase the amount again, so on and so on till he is on the new food. If this does not work and it is affecting his bowel then speak to the vet again and also ask does he need this different kibble as part of his treatment?
I hope all goes well for you and hugs to you and your boy at this stressful time. AHIA is common in many breeds although more common in bitches then dogs and is often not seen till they are young adults. | Hi Aspen.
I lost my rescue oes last may with AIHA .His illness came on that fast i had lost him within 3 days.He is posted on the rainbow bridge under My little Dylan.
I used
to read up on the disease .It is a very good website that has stories about dogs with the disease .It shows dogs with AIHA can lead a long and very happy life they just need a bit more looking after than most.
Julianne & Mitch | He had a couple of lumps, which were just fatty cysts, but one changed... and he scratched it off and almost bled to death. That wasn't why his platelet levels went so low, but it was how they found out about it.
He has auto immune hemolytic anemia, which is most likely vaccine related, but we don't know why it happened at 9 years old rather than the normal 1-5 years. He may have had it a lot longer, mildly, and it has just progressed because the lump above his eye may have been infected setting off a strong immune response. We really don't know. He was also on Kirkland brand food, made by Diamond, so even though we have been told it didn't have the alfa toxin in it, I still wonder....
AIHA will most likely end his life someday, but we're hoping it isn't anytime soon. No more vaccines for Blackie. | What you are describing is auto immune hemolytic anemia, or AIHA.
I'm so sorry you are going through this, I don't have any advice to offer as it seems you are already doing everything medically.
I would suggest speaking with your vet about pain medications for arthtritis as well as a food that may help her digestion system.
There are many members with senior oes who will post soon I'm sure, hopefully they will have something else to offer. | Hi Peter,
So sorry to hear about Molly, my boys are sending sloppy sheepie kisses to your beautiful girl.
I hope I'm not going to alarm you needlessly, but something about your post reminded me of something written by a member in Jan 2006. It may be nothing but nagged me enough so I did a search and found the post ..didn't read the whole thing but skimmed over it so I may be totally off the mark. Still there was something I remember reading way back then that sounded slightly familar to your situation.
I guess it may be worth going over and possibily asking your vet if those things can be ruled out in Molly perhaps? Again I may be way off base and for that I apologize. Sometimes in a million in one chance it may be the thing that the vet had not considered, but may lead them on the right track. Please ask your vet if he/she has ruled out an Immune Deficiency Problem like AIHA or Thrombocytopenia.
Will be sending positive thoughts Molly's way.
Marianne and the boys | Each time you vaccinate your dog you risk setting up Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA). It's for this reason my vet and I disagree about vaxing older dogs. I prefer Jean Dodd DVM protocol......anyway,
there hasn't been good scientific research on the snake vaccination. And if your dog is bitten, he will still need the antivenom regime ASAP. Since neither Davis or CSU is supporting this, I would avoid it. I understand your concern and would keep ice packs and your vet and emergency vet's number handy at all times. You can also go to trainers who specialize in training dogs to avoid snakes. It's a biggie here.
Also this apparently is Red Rocks labs first entry into immunization and their record keeping is sloppy at best. The fact dogs have died after the vax or came down with AIHA and they deny it is worrisome. | I'd like to see a pic, I wonder how different your RAV4s are to ours?
I had a Daihatsu Terios which is similar, but a little smaller. Mine was black too, I called him Tatsu which is Japanese for dragon- it honestly looked like one somehow!!
I like keeping the initial of the car make. How about Tommy? Or Tav like the letter? Or Resh come to think of it. | "Does Anyone Know Anything On AIHA?"
I can tell you that AIHA can either be an individual disorder or can be combined with an autoimmune disorder. The syptoms for AIHA would be weight loss, lack of energy, shortness of breathe, your dog wouldn't be able to lift his/her head of the floor to eat, most less to move.
Warning signs/symptoms of Auto Immune disorder:
Muscle Weakness
Sudden Collapse/Shock
Kidney Failure
Blood Spots
Lack of appetite
Abdominal Pain
Increased Thirst
Increased Urine Production
Slow Heart Rate
Warning Signs of AIHA:
Sudden Collapse
Muscle Weakness
Abdominal Pain
Lack of Oxygen/Increased Heart Rate
Gums become white and discolored
May experience a fever
Spleen Enlargement
My dog had dealt with both autoimmune disorder and AIHA for the past five years. He seems to have a relapse twice a year and is placed on chemo doses of pred., which seems to help. His case is severe in the fact that both of my vets have never been able to get his meds regulated in that if I give him a steriod every two days, it isn't enough, however, if I give him one every day or every other day it's too much and he od's. It's a very complex disorder, but one that can be maintained if the pet owner watches the animal and their warning signs. I consider this disorder a learn as you go process due to the complications that my son has been through.
I have written a book on both of his disorders: autoimmune/AIHA in that people who are new to both disorders will learn the warning signs and help in saving their pets. The book, also, answers all questions that a pet owner would have in concerning this disorder. It's called "My Little Miracle Man" and is listed on my website at: www.novelistajspencer.com
If anyone has any questions in dealing with this disorder, please feel free to ask me as I've dealt with this for a very long time.
AJ |